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Standards Indicators

Report: 8
Date: 21 June 2007
By: Chief Executive


The quarterly Standards Indicators are presented for the Committee’s information and comment.

A. Recommendation

That the Committee notes the Standards Indicators

B. Supporting information

1. One of the recommendations of the Audit Commission’s review of the MPA ‘Setting High Ethical Standards’ was that the Authority ‘undertake an assessment of standards of conduct at the MPA so that an appropriate programme of activity can be developed’.

2. The Standards Committee approved the development of a set of indicators that give some measure of what can broadly be described as ethical / good practice standards in the MPA. These proposals were subsequently endorsed by the full Authority.

3. Some of these relate specifically to member conduct and others to the organisation as a whole. These indicators will be reported to each meeting of the Standards Committee, with the information presented on a quarterly basis. Particularly over time as trends can be established, the Committee will be able to identify any areas of concern and explore how these might be addressed. Some issues will be for the Standards Committee to take forward, others could be referred to the appropriate committee, such as the Corporate Governance Committee, Human Resources Committee or the Equal Opportunities and Diversity Board.

4. Attached are the figures for the first two quarters of 2007. For reference, the figures for 2005 and 2006 are also attached.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no issues related directly to the contents of this report. Some of the indicators may have equalities implications (for example disciplinary or whistle blowing cases); if the Standards Committee has concerns about these in the future it can refer the matter to the relevant committee for further exploration.

D. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Standards indicators 2005

Indicator Jan to Mar 05 Apr to Jun 05 Jul to Sep 05 Oct to Dec 05
1. Number of complaints made to Standards Board of which the Authority has been notified. None None 1 Self referral No subsequent action 1
2. Number of members who have recorded changes to the Register of Interests 3 2 1 13
3. Number of declarations of interest made at Authority / committee meetings 2 3 0 1
4. Number of hospitality declarations made 6 (from 4 members) 3 (from 3 members) 3 (from 2 members) 2 (from 2 members)
5. Percentage member attendance at MPA committee meetings 73% 82% 79% 72%
6. Number of complaints dealt with under the MPA procedure:
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
2 at stage 1substantially upheld (relating to the same incident) 2 at stage 2: (resolved) None 1 at stage 1 (not upheld)1 at stage 2 (not upheld) 2 at stage 1 (1 withdrawn; 1 resolved)
7. Number of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman 1 (not investigated) None None 1 (not upheld)
1 (referred to IPCC)
8. Number of complaints to the Information Commissioner None notified to the MPA None notified to the MPA None notified to the MPA None notified to the MPA
9. Number of upheld objections to the Audit Commission in relation to the Authority’s accounts None None None None
10. Number of staff grievances initiated under the grievance procedure 1 Two resolved (1@ stage 1 and the other @ stage 2) 1 – not part of the formal grievance procedure as made by a secondee None
11. Number of Employment Tribunals initiated 0 0 0 1
12. The number of whistle blowing cases initiated 0 0 0 0
13. The number of disciplinary proceedings initiated against officers for misconduct 0 0 0 0
14. Industrial action taken or notified by MPA staff 0 0 0 0
15. Internal or External Audit reports finalised during the period relating to matters of probity. 0 0 0 0

Appendix 2

Standards Indicators 2006

Indicator Jan to Mar 06 Apr to Jun 06 Jul to Sep 06 Oct to Dec 06
1. Number of complaints made to Standards Board of which the Authority has been notified. 1 (against 4 Members) by 1 Member 0 0 0
2. Number of members who have recorded changes to the Register of Interests 1 3 0 1
3. Number of declarations of interest made at Authority / committee meetings 3 0 1 8
4. Number of hospitality declarations made 0 0 0 3
5. Percentage member attendance at MPA committee meetings 80% 77% 71% (to 21 September) To follow
6. Number of complaints dealt with under the MPA procedure:
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
1 (resolved) 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
7. Number of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman 1 (not upheld) 0 0 0
8. Number of complaints to the Information Commissioner 0 1 (not decision yet) 0 0
9. Number of upheld objections to the Audit Commission in relation to the Authority’s accounts 0 0 0 0
10. Number of staff grievances initiated under the grievance procedure 0 0 1 1
11. Number of Employment Tribunals initiated 0 0 1 0
12. The number of whistle blowing cases initiated 0 0 0 0
13. The number of disciplinary proceedings initiated against officers for misconduct 0 0 0 0
14. Industrial action taken or notified by MPA staff 0 0 0 0
15. Internal or External Audit reports finalised during the period relating to matters of probity. 0 0 0 0

Appendix 3

Standards Indicators 2007

Indicator Jan to Mar 07 Apr to Jun 07 Jul to Sep 07 Oct to Dec 07
1. Number of complaints made to Standards Board of which the Authority has been notified. 0 1 not upheld    
2. Number of members who have recorded changes to the Register of Interests 13 2    
3. Number of declarations of interest made at Authority / committee meetings 1 0    
4. Number of hospitality declarations made 1 0    
5. Percentage member attendance at MPA committee meetings To follow To follow    
6. Number of complaints dealt with under the MPA procedure:
  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
2 at stage 1 0    
7. Number of complaints to the Local Government Ombudsman 0 0    
8. Number of complaints to the Information Commissioner 0 0    
9. Number of upheld objections to the Audit Commission in relation to the Authority’s accounts 0 0    
10. Number of staff grievances initiated under the grievance procedure 3 2    
11. Number of Employment Tribunals initiated 0 0    
12. The number of whistle blowing cases initiated 0 0    
13. The number of disciplinary proceedings initiated against officers for misconduct 0 2 (1 resulting in termination)    
14. Industrial action taken or notified by MPA staff 0 0    
15. Internal or External Audit reports finalised during the period relating to matters of probity. 2 1    
16. Number of Freedom of Information requests received. 13 10    
17. Number of FoI requests replied to within the statutory timescale. 13 10    
18. Number of FoI requests to which exemptions were applied in whole or part 2 1    
19. Number of requests for a review of an FoI decision 0 0    

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