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Report 4 of the 19 March 2010 meeting of the Standards Committee, proposes a process and timescale for appointment of Independent Members of the Standards Committee.

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Independent Member recruitment

Report: 4
Date: 19 March 2010
By: Chief Executive


This report proposes a process and timescale for appointment of Independent Members of the Standards Committee.

A. Recommendation


  1. Either the Committee
    1. decides in the first instance to shortlist and interview from the applicants for GLA’s general advert for independent members of the Standards Committee for the GLA family, alongside the current independent member if she reapplies; or
    2. arrangements are made to advertise for independent members of the MPA Standards Committee, after which applicants from both the advertisement and general advert be short listed and interviewed.
  2. the member interview panel should comprise the three or four MPA members of the Standards Committee.

B. Supporting information


1. By law at least a quarter of the membership of the Standards Committee must consist of people who are not members of the MPA. These are known as Independent Members of the Standards Committee.

2. The current Independent Members of the MPA Standards Committee were appointed in 2006 with terms of office expiring in June 2010 and in line with Nolan principles the Authority should now look to carry out a recruitment process for the next four-year term.

3. Standards Board for England recommends that independent members should serve no longer than two terms i.e. a maximum of 8 years. One Independent Member of the MPA Standards Committee will have served two full terms (eight years) in June 2010, the other one term (four years).

4. The Authority has always sought, where possible, to share the costs of recruiting independent members of its Standards Committee. In 2001 the MPA placed a joint advertisement with the Greater London Authority (GLA) and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA) and the costs were shared between all three authorities. Due to differing timetabling requirements in 2006, it was not practical to advertise jointly with GLA, but it was agreed that the GLA’s application form would ask applicants whether they wished to express an interest in serving on MPA and/or the LFEPA’s Standards Committee.

5. It has not proved possible for a joint advertisement with either the GLA or the LFEPA in 2010, however, in mid 2009, the GLA advertised for independent members of its Standards Committee and again asked applicants to indicate if they wished to express an interest in serving on the MPA Standards Committee. The advertisement was placed in the Metro, as well as on the GLA’s website and Public Appointment website. 18 applicants expressed an interest in being considered for the MPA Standards Committee. Therefore, the Committee is asked to decide whether in the first instance it wishes to shortlist and interview from the GLA’s general advert for independent members of the Standards Committee for the GLA family, alongside the current independent member if she reapplies or whether arrangements are made to advertise for these appointments, after which candidates from both the advertisement and the general advert be short listed and interviewed.


6. If the decision is to advertise for independent members an advert would need to be in place by early April with the aim of short listing of applicants and holding interviews in late April/early May and for the selected applicants to be approved at the Authority’s annual meeting in June.

C. Race and equality impact

The recruitment process must reflect equalities good practice. It is also important that the successful candidates are able to demonstrate an understanding of the equalities issues concerned with member conduct.

D. Financial implications

An advertisement in the Evening Standard will cost approximately £3,500 for a 16 x 4 black and white advertisement. This cost can be met from the recruitment budget.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author(s): Nick Baker, MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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