Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.


Minutes of the Joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing and Finance and Resources committee of the Metropolitan Police Authority held on 1 July 2010 at 10 Dean Farrar Street, London SW1H 0NY.



  • Reshard Auladin (Chairman)
  • Tony Arbour
  • Chris Boothman
  • Jennette Arnold
  • Joanne McCartney
  • Jenny Jones
  • Caroline Pidgeon
  • Valerie Brasse
  • Graham Speed
  • Valerie Shawcross
  • Steve O’Connell
  • Cindy Butts
  • Clive Lawton

MPA officers

  • Jane Harwood (Deputy Chief Executive)
  • Bob Atkins (Treasurer)
  • Siobhan Coldwell (Head of Policing Policy Scrutiny and Oversight)
  • Jane Owen (Planning and Performance Improvement Officer)

MPS officers

  • Anne McMeel (Director of Resources)
  • Adrian Hanstock (Territorial Policing, OCU Cmdr)
  • Mark Simmons (Directorate of Professional Standards)
  • Lynne Owens (Territorial Policing Operations)
  • Nick Rogers (Directorate of Resources)
  • Richard Clarke (Director of Strategy and Resources)

1. Appointment of Chairperson of the meeting

(Agenda item 1)

1.1 Reshard Auladin was nominated and confirmed as Chair.

2. Apologies for absence

(Agenda item 2)

2.1 Apologies were received from Neil Johnson, John Biggs and Dee Doocey

3. Declarations of interest

(Agenda item 3)

3.1 There were no declarations of interest.

4. Minutes of the joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing, and Finance and Resources Committees - 18 March 2010

(Agenda item 4)

4.1 Members agreed the minutes of the above meeting.

Resolved - That the minutes of the joint meeting of the Strategic and Operational Policing, and Finance and Resources Committees held on 18 March 2010 be agreed and signed as a correct record.

5. Policing London business plan

(Agenda item 5)

5.1 The Chair was informed that it is intended that this report and agenda item 5b should complement one another. The Business Plan is an iterative process that is developed in partnership with the Metropolitan Police Authority (MPA). The financial landscape has shifted since this report was written, and the plan must now account for expected budget reductions arising as a result of Government plans to curtail public sector spending.

5.2 The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) Management Board is now planning from the assumption that there will be a budget gap of approximately £160 million in 2011/12, rising to £444 million over three years. This reflects a 25% reduction in the general grant from the Home Office over the four years. The MPS may revise this ‘worse case scenario’ estimate following further information regarding the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) and upon the advice of the Mayor. The MPS Management Board is scheduled to meet with the MPA BMG on 9 July to discuss the emerging business plan proposals.

5.3 It was noted that in January 2010 the Assistant Commissioner for Territorial Policing (TP) had commenced the development of the scoping phase for the TP Development strategic improvement programme. The programme scope was consistent with the current policing model, premised upon the 32 boroughs remaining the basis of how the MPS provides normal policing services, and Safer Neighbourhoods remaining at the heart of the model.

5.4 As has been indicated by the Commissioner, the MPA will continue to be consulted with in regard to the Business Plan and TP development. The MPS remains committed to doing all that it can to maintain operational capacity whilst achieving lower unit costs and making the most productive use of its operational asset.

5.5 Members sought clarification as to whether the Mayor had calculated down the budget requirements provided at paragraph 11 of the report – a 1.5% reduction in general government grants for the year 2011/12. The MPS responded that whereas this report had been prepared on that basis, the Service now planned to work in line with the implications of the Chancellor’s Budget. They anticipate that the 25% reduction will be neither back- or front-geared but rather a straight line of some 6.25% per annum.

5.6 Members inquired as to whether the preventative capacity of the MPS will continue to be an operational priority, insulated from budgetary pressures. The MPS responded that words used by the Mayor had indicated the protection of ‘frontline policing’ and that the business plan was still in the early stages of development. Although no guarantee could be offered, the MPS confirmed that they would like to protect preventative operations. More detail will be available following the 9 July planning meeting.

5.7 Members affirmed the need for the MPA to meet with the Mayor as soon as possible in order that they may better understand his priorities and his intentions regarding the timeline for budget cuts. The MPS reiterated that given the Chancellor’s statement, this report was rendered out of date almost as soon as it was authored, and that the Mayor is due to provide clarification during the Autumn. The Mayor has provided guidance for the period 2011/12 only (agenda item 6), so as to enable him to respond to the Home Office’s Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR). However, the MPS agreed that the MPA should seek early clarification from the Mayor, together with an extension of the budget timetable.

5.8 The Chair agreed to write to the Mayor in order to seek urgent advice on this subject. Members are to be informed of progress.

5.9 Members sought further information regarding whether the £160 million figure (projected reductions for the forthcoming financial year) excluded consideration of specific grants. The MPS confirmed that it related to general grants only. The Service had received word from the Government that e-crime grants will be reduced, and discussions regarding the Olympics are on-going. Given the national security implications of these cuts, Members requested updates from the Olympic Sub Committee regarding the outcomes of this.

5.10 The report recommends that Members note progress of the MPS Corporate Strategic Assessment (CSA) process. Members responded that they had not been privy to all of the draft CSA documents that support the budget process. The MPS agreed to provide the draft documentation ASAP in order that the MPA and MPS can work together more closely to ensure that the Policing Plan reflects the priorities of all parties, and that it can be approved more rapidly.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

5.11 Members noted the timetable contained at Appendix 1 of Agenda item 5b, and requested further information regarding the CSA.

2011-14 Policing plan process

(Agenda item 5b)

5.12 MPA officers introduced the planning process and the timeline contained at Appendix 1, and noted that the forthcoming CSR may result in changes to the timeline. The requirement for Member involvement, and in particular a Member planning group to guide the process, was highlighted.

5.13 Members queried language contained within the report. Specifically, it was asked that MPA officers should recognise that the Business Management Group has no formal decision-making power, and given that any timeline would be agreed in the name of Members, officers should be mindful of the requirement to involve them at all levels. Officers agreed that the aforementioned planning group should be responsible for in-depth analysis, and that Member involvement was key at this early stage so as to ensure that the process is not contested in committee at a later stage of development.

Resolved – That the report be noted.

6. Mayor’s budget guidance

(Agenda item 6)

6.1 The MPA’s Treasurer reported to the committee that the Mayor’s budget guidance had been written prior to the Chancellor’s Budget – this will require new targets to be drawn up. The planning process has been delayed by approximately two months in the light of the Chancellor’s statement.

6.2 Members asked whether this year’s financial targets would also be affected by the measured announced by the Chancellor. The Treasurer responded that the Finance and Resources Committee will hear more on the subject at its next meeting. The Mayor has outlined baseline cuts of 1.5%, and the Treasurer understands that the 25% figure will be against the budget prior to this projected cut. Cuts to specific grants will likely include: £5 million to Counter-Terrorism and £2 million to capital grants.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

7. MPS Strategy report

(Agenda item 7)

7.1 The MPS outlined that whereas agenda item 5 referred to the process, this report concerns the substance. The policing strategy is premised upon three themes: safety, confidence, and improvement, and is underpinned by the ‘five Ps’. The business plan is informed by a number of products, including the CSA. The CSA looks at a range of issues from: the London Landscape work; Olympics committees; and budgetary requirements. This report includes key findings to date.

7.2 The MPS Management Board had agreed that the 2011-14 business plan should develop within the context of four themes – safety, confidence, value for money, and the Olympics. It is agreed that Members should be involved as the plan is developed further. The management board will meet shortly in order to discuss the development of these strategic themes, and any implications arising from the Chancellor’s statement.

7.3 Members asked whether that endorsement of the concept victim-offender-location signified that the MPS intended to make significant organisational change ‘for its own sake’. The MPS stressed that this strategy builds past progress, and the Commissioner was clear that he did not want unnecessary restructures.

7.4 The MPS went on to further explain the concept of victim-offender-location mapping. The current operational paradigm is that of ‘crime type’, which can lead to squads being developed in order to deal with specific crimes. Greater productivity can be achieved by breaking down crime based upon victims, repeat-offenders, and repeat locations (as a significant amount of crime occurs in only a small number of locations). This framework is particularly relevant to anti-social behaviour (ASB).

7.5 The MPA requested to know how this will impact the MPS operationally. The MPS responded that it entails change in the method by which intelligence is analysed and, correspondingly, how assets are aligned. This emphasis reminded Members of earlier operations – e.g. focus on people of violence – and prompted questions as to whether such past efforts had been unsuccessful. The MPS affirmed that the victim-offender-location paradigm is not a fundamental departure from past practice but rather it is included in this report in order to ensure that the business plan reflects how things are already done, and that it drives strategy further in this direction. Operations such as Trident and Blunt 2 are premised upon the victim-offender-location.

Resolved - That the report be noted.

Meeting closed – 2.20 pm

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