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Report 7 of the 19 Jun 03 meeting of the Audit Panel and sets out progress made to date in achieving the 2003/2004 Internal Audit Plan.

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Internal Audit progress report 2003/04

Report: 7
Date: 19 June 2003
By: Director of Internal Audit


This report sets out progress made to date in achieving the 2003/2004 Internal Audit Plan.

A. Recommendation


  1. Members note the progress made in the first quarter of the year in achieving the 2003/04 Internal Audit Plan.

B. Supporting information

Progress against the 2003/04 Internal Audit Plan

1. In the first two months of 2003/04 we have concentrated on completing those audits that were carried forward from the previous year. We are now commencing the new programme of systems audits agreed by Panel in March 2003. At this stage I anticipate that we will complete our programme of work planned for this year.

Current review work - investigations

2. The Forensic Audit Branch have drawn to a close their work on MPS property transactions following earlier reports and decisions taken by the MPA Finance Committee on a specific property. Resources have been directed towards our work on ACPO allowances and vehicles, as well as concerns about an income generation project. Work remains on going on interpreters fees. A third case has now been identified and our first two cases continue to progress through the criminal and civil justice systems. Support has continued to be provided to Directorate of Professional Standards and others where the skill and experience of the team are of assistance. The branch also continue to attend various internal and external groups to contribute to the development of MPS projects and the pan-London fight against public sector fraud. We provided a successful training workshop in April on dealing with fraud to over 100 representatives from central government departments and agencies at the request of HM Treasury.

Current review work – systems development and audit advice

3. Our systems development work continues in support of key projects such as MetHR and the Outsourcing of Major Services. We have also played a key role in the review of the Authority’s Contract Regulations. The revised Regulations will be put before full Authority in July 2003 and we are currently advising on the Procurement Strategy and Procedures that will be put in place to support them.

4. Following issues raised with the Commissioner about weaknesses in some MPS local financial systems during my recent attendance at his SMT, we have also introduced a training programme for mid-ranking police officers aimed at increasing their awareness of basic financial and business risks and controls. Our recent training sessions for officers newly appointed to Inspector have been well received. We will also be delivering this training as part of the MPS Financial Awareness Training Programme which is being rolled out to all existing Inspectors and Sergeants.

Responses to Audit Reports in high risk areas

5. There are no responses currently outstanding for high-risk reviews.


6. Our recent recruitment campaign has proved successful and pending the results of the vetting process, we hope to appoint two Senior Auditors and one Auditor at the start of the second quarter. My staffing level will then be at thirty-six. I am, however, continuing to experience problems in recruiting Forensic Auditors.

Liaison with other bodies, partnerships and joined-up working

7. I have recently met with the MPS Risk Manager and subsequently with the MPS Head of Health and Safety. We will be developing our working relationships over the coming year to ensure that there is a consistent and informed approach to risk assessment and management within the MPS.

C. Equality and diversity implications

None to report.

D. Financial implications

The Internal Audit Budget is currently on target (any underspend on salaries for the first quarter will be off set against the cost of employing contractors).

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Peter Tickner, Director of Internal Audit, MPA

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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