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Report 8 of the 27 Feb 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and proposes a revised set of performance indicators and contents for the Best Value Performance Plan around the use of stop and search powers.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Approach to measuring stop and search performance

Report: 8
Date: 27 February 2001
By: Commissioner


This report proposes a revised set of performance indicators and contents for the Best Value Performance Plan around the use of stop and search powers.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members are asked to note the proposed way forward in the report. This has been approved by the MPA Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee subject to consultation with the CDO Committee and the Independent Advisory Group.

B. Supporting information


1. The MPS has already indicated to the Authority that priorities relating to crimes involving firearms and knives are likely to lead to an increased use of stop and search powers

2. The MPS support the use of Stop and Search as an appropriate tactic provided that it is used on an intelligence led basis, appropriately and fairly.

3. The current proposed indicator (BVPI 1138/9) measures stop/searches as a percentage of population (both white and ethnic minority) and percentage of these leading to arrest.

4. MPA and the Home Office have already agreed that the MPS should report this indicator using more up to date London Research Centre data for ethnic minority population in London, as well as the Home Office basis of uplifted 1991 Census data. But:

  • the pi is not an effective measure of appropriateness or effectiveness
  • both members and the MPS have stated that more work is needed to reflect the complexity of the environment eg street as opposed to resident population; impact of age/gender
  • it was suggested at the full Authority meeting that the focus should be on arrest rates.

Proposed way forward

5. It is proposed that performance indicators should be amended to:

  • percentage arrest rates for white and ethnic minority populations and
  • numbers of complaints about the use of the power

6. The text of the plan should include proposals to:

  • use the MPS' Integrity Testing process to sample check appropriate use of stop/search powers
  • issue revised Stop and Search guidance, including the Human Rights Act context
  • research the impact of street population on the overall population figures. This should include using local borough evidence eg CCTV and the intelligence assessment stage of Operation Strongbox campaigns
  • seek to link arrest rates with judicial disposals to track progress through the criminal justice system

7. Reports to the Professional Standards & Performance Monitoring Committee relating to the BVPI on population should be based on both LRC and Home Office data and show an age breakdown for the 15-25 age group

8. No targets should be set until there is a better understanding of the context and appropriateness of the use of the power

9. The IAG will be consulted on these revised proposals.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications associated with the content of this report.

D. Contact details

The author of this report is Barbara Riddell.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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