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Report 8 of the 24 Apr 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses progress with the Authority's work on Custody Visiting.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Independent custody visiting - progress report

Report: 8
Date: 24 April 2001
By: Clerk


The purpose of this report is to inform and update MPA members on progress with the Authority's work on Custody Visiting

A. Recommendations

  1. Members note the progress outlined in the report.
  2. Members approve the recommendations in paragraphs 6 and 7 that membership of NALV is sought, subject to clarification on cost and terms of that membership.
  3. That Cecile Lothian and Floyd Millen represent the Authority on NALV Board and an experienced Custody Visitor be approached to represent the Authority on the NALV training materials review.
  4. That a full report of the analysis of responses is received at the May CDO committee meeting.
  5. The Committee is asked to note the report and the draft delivery plan at Appendix 1.

B. Supporting information

1. This Committee has previously considered a number of reports outlining progress in this area: Reports to Consultative, Diversity and Outreach Committee:

 This report updates members on subsequent work.

Consultation meetings

2. Eight Consultative meetings were had with panels throughout London. The MPA requested information is sent to all Lay (Custody) Visitors via their Administrators and Chairs of Panel, in order to ensure that the information and draft proposals were widely accessible to the volunteers. Overall, the attendance at the meetings was low, but the information and comments generated were extremely useful.

3. The consultation meetings identified a significant level of misunderstanding about the MPA as a police authority and its independence from the police service. The Authority will need to do much to address these misconceptions.

Questionnaire responses

4. Consultation responses were received from 30 panels. In addition some panels submitted detailed written responses to the consultation document. These responses have now been analysed. They show general support for the following areas proposed in the Home Office Guidance.

  • broad support for name change from "Lay Visiting" to "Custody Visiting";
  • general support for the proposal that the Authority assumes responsibility for the central administration of the scheme;
  • overall support for the Authority to have a role in the recruitment and selection of visitors. However, panels have concerns about the remit and extent of this 'role';
  • strong support for local recruitment. The Authority will need to give urgent attention to how this will be implemented. Officers, in consultation with the lead members will be proposing options for progressing this area;
  • strong support for the Authority's role in training for custody visitors. Discussions have been held with the National Association for Lay Visitors (NALV) to explore the role that they have played to date in providing basic training for new visitors and their possible continuing role.

5. Much of the work that will be required to progress some of the areas above are likely to require testing and piloting. Other areas such as the centralised publicity and recruitment drive will require funding. It is proposed that the current unallocated funds in this budget area is used to support the work required. The lead members and officers will approve these.

Home office launch of new guidance

6. The planned Home Office launch of the new guidance on independent custody visiting has been delayed. With the general election iminent it is unlikely that this will now go ahead until after June 2001. This slippage should not adversely affect the Authority's progress in developing proposals for its implementation.

Membership of the National Association for Lay Visiting (NALV)

7. The MPA is not currently in Membership with NALV. Until recently each Panel have sought membership on an individual basis. It is proposed that this practice should cease and instead the MPA should represent all Custody Visiting panels in London through its membership of NALV. It is therefore proposed that this Committee approve the recommendation that membership be sought for one year 2001 – 2002 primarily to ensure that the training programme for visitors continues, whilst the Authority is reviewing the type and level of training that it may require for ICVs in the future. Should membership be sought, the Authority will have the opportunity to be involved – the redevelopment of the current training materials that is expected to be available in October 2001.

8. It is proposed that the CDO Member with lead responsibility for custody visiting, Cecile Lothian, and Floyd Millen represent the Authority on the key NALV Board, and that an experienced custody visitor should represent the Authority on the NALV development of the revised training materials.

Draft delivery plan

9. The MPA Review Officer in consultation with the line manager and lead members is now taking forward much of this work and draft project delivery plan is attached at Appendix 1 for members information. Lead members at their next regular meeting will approve this. Members will note that some of the proposed timescales have slipped. This is due to the need for more detailed internal discussion with senior lead members.

10. Regular meetings have now been scheduled with the lead members for the monitoring of the delivery plan to ensure that proposals developed are appropriate for the Authority.

C. Financial implications

Membership of NALV is to be negotiated and is likely to be in the region of £1,500 for 12 months subscription.

There are then financial implications associated with the draft project plan, however this will be brought to the CDO May Meeting.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The authors of this report are Julia Smith and Floyd, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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