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Report 8 of the 22 May 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses the activities undertaken to progress the work on Independent Custody Visiting.

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Independent Custody Visiting - Progress report

Report: 8
Date: 22 May 2001
By: Clerk


This report is a summary of the activities undertaken to progress the work on Independent Custody Visiting since the last meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee (CDO).

The committee is asked to consider the following recommendations, see report and associated appendices.

A. Recommendations

  1. That the committee note that as a result of meeting with members adjustments are being made to the consultation analysis report and it will be presented at the June CDO meeting.
  2. That the committee note and endorse the publicity strategy at Appendix 1.
  3. That MPA officers begin discussions with social services, the Local Government Association, SOLACE and other relevant bodies and organisations to ascertain the level of involvement for the MPA with Appropriate Adult schemes across London. See paragraph 7 of this report.
  4. That the committee note the attached monitoring forms that will be piloted over the next month. Appendices 2-2.4

B. Supporting information


1. Lead members for Independent Custody Visiting (ICV) met on 3 May 2001 to consider policy and guidance issues relating to ICV's. Key decisions were made and this report is presented to inform and update this committee on these.

Questionnaire/consultation analysis

2. The MPA has engaged in an extensive process of consultation. Two reports are now in preparation. The first is a questionnaire response recording the numerical feedback from panels and the second is a questionnaire analysis which provides a more detailed analysis of those responses. Final adjustments are being made to these reports and they will be presented to the June CDO meeting.

Publicity strategy

3. The new Home Office guidance and the creation of the MPA with its responsibility for Independent Custody Visiting highlight the need to raise the profile and awareness of this independent scrutiny role for the MPA. Discussions have taken place with Jacqui Jones (Senior Press Officer) to work up an outline publicity strategy to raise the awareness and profile of Independent Custody Visiting in London. This is set out in Appendix 1.

Lead members approved the strategy proposal subject to budget. Officers are continuing to progress the list of advice from members.

Report forms

4. Each panel has developed its own independent custody visiting report forms completed on each custody visit. There are approximately 33 different forms being used. In line with the MPA's overall responsibility to achieve consistency across London and in recognition of the plethora of forms used Floyd Millen, the review officer, has gathered samples of all ICV panel forms and developed a standard form to be piloted over the next 3 months. See Appendices 2.1-2.4.

Panel monitoring forms

5. There are currently no mechanisms in place to receive regular reports from panels and to identify key issues. Members considered the importance of gaining a strategic overview of possible trends and issues of concern that may arise over any given period of time and approved the attached quarterly report see Appendix 3. Panel chairs will be consulted on the use of this report form.

Security checks

6. Peter Richardson (MPS) will look at the feasibility and Floyd Millen at the practicality of streamlining security checks through an MPA/MPS route. There is also some disparity between the level of checks done; some boroughs use both Criminal Intelligence (CIMMINT) and the Police National Computer (PNC) whilst others only the PNC. All indications suggest that the PNC check is sufficient for independent custody visiting. This will be explored in more detail and an update presented to the CDO committee in June.

Appropriate adults

7. The MPA has no statutory obligation duty in respect of the appropriate adult scheme, members will know that independent custody visitors are providing much needed support to detainees who require an appropriate adult. The MPA also acknowledges the Home Office's guidance that visitors can fulfil the role of appropriate adults although they should not fulfil both roles on the same visit. The MPA is mindful that this role falls within the remit of social services and will enter into discussions with social services before it makes any policy decisions on funding or the extent of its involvement with appropriate adult schemes. Until these discussions have concluded no major changes or advancements will be made this year. Recommendation 3 refers.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications with this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Floyd Millen, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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