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Report 10 of the 22 May 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and discusses a review of the quality of Police and Criminal Evidence (PACE) stop and search data.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Review of MPS PACE stop and search data and analysis

Report: 10
Date: 22 May 2001
By: Clerk


The MPA analysts are carrying out a series of reviews of MPS data quality. A review of the quality of Police and Criminal Evidence (PACE) stop and search data and its analysis, particularly with regard to disproportionality, is planned for May and June 2001. The committee is asked to consider the terms of reference for the project.

A. Recommendation

To note and agree the terms of reference for an MPA project reviewing the quality and analysis of PACE stop and search data.

B. Supporting information

1. Part of the remit of the Performance Management Unit is to ensure that information reported to the MPA is of a sufficient high quality to meet its working requirements. To meet this requirement, the analysts are carrying out review projects of specific data sets, particularly with regard to data of current high importance to the MPA and the work of its committees.

2. In discussions with members, PACE stop and search data was felt to be an area of high importance for review. As the subsequent analysis of stop and search data is as important as the quality of the data collected the scope of this project was extended to cover the quality of the analysis of stop and search data.

3. The project intends to examine systems in place for collecting, auditing and analysing the data, rather than carrying out a full review of the data quality itself.

4. The terms of reference and time scales for the project are attached. Input from members regarding the terms of reference and scope are welcome. The project report will be presented to a future CDO committee meeting.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Johanna Gillians and Max Edelstyn.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

MPA Performance Management Team – Project Plan

Project title

A review of PACE stop and search data and the systems for analysis, particularly with regard to monitoring disproportionality.


The project will focus on the systems that are in place for recording and monitoring the use of PACE stop and search data by the MPS. The study will aim to examine the robustness of stop and search data and analysis, with particular attention to matters of proportionality and disproportionality.

Terms of reference

The project forms part of a wider series of projects evaluating the quality and format of information provided to MPA Committees. These projects are not intended to provide a detailed audit of data quality, but rather to examine the quality of data produced and what audit systems are in place.

The following points are identified as key to the study:

  • to examine the systems through which stop and search data is collected and stored;
  • to examine the audit processes in place for ensuring data quality and integrity;
  • to examine the analysis carried out of stop and search data, particularly with regard to disproportionality;
  • to interview key members of MPS staff involved with stop and search data (eg: data analysis, management, audit and policy);
  • undertake gap analysis by considering MPS practices against Home Office guidance and best practice;
  • assess the reliability of demographic data used to place stop and search data into context and, if necessary, to suggest alternative source data recognising the need to ensure compatibility and consistency of interpretation;
  • to highlight to MPA members any problematic areas in data collection or analysis;
  • to consider recent changes in MPS PACE stop and search data collection/ analysis and to assess whether they have improved data quality;
  • to consider how well the MPS would be able to collect and analyse a wider definition of police searches following Recommendation 61;
  • to present the findings of this study to MPA members, senior officers and the MPS, including recommendations were appropriate.

Project timetable

Project step Completed by
Initial project scope (Stop & Search Conference, discussions with MPA officers etc) 20.4.01
Project Plan to CDO 22.05.01
Contact MPS re persons to interview 25.05.01
Collate information from Home Office, research projects, demographics etc 30.05.01
Collate information from MPS systems 8.06.01
Interviews with MPS staff 8.06.01
Gap analysis between guidance/ best practice and MPS data collection/ analysis 15.06.01
First Draft Report 20.06.01
Consultation MPA officers/ MPS staff 27.06.01
Final report produced 29.6.01
Report to CDO July 2001

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