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Report 15 of the 26 Jun 01 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and proposes the membership of the performance sub group.

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CDO Performance sub-group

Report: 15
Date: 26 June 2001
By: Clerk


At a meeting of this committee on 24 April 2001, committee members considered a report on performance data, following consultation with committee chairs. This report proposed a process for this committee to receive reports. The feasibility of establishing a small group to consider all diversity related performance data was proposed, but this committee did not ratify the membership for this sub group.

This report proposes the membership of the performance sub group and seeks members' endorsement of this proposal.

A. Recommendations

  1. Members endorse the membership of the performance sub group (paragraph 4).
  2. Members note the terms of reference of the sub-group (paragraph 5).
  3. Members approve the process outlined in paragraphs 6 and 7 for receiving performance data considered by the sub-group.

B. Supporting information

1. On 24 April 2001 this committee considered a paper by Johanna Gillians which recommended that the relevant committees, including Consultation, Diversity and Outreach should be responsible for dealing with performance information by topic area, rather than by individual performance indicator.

2. This committee would therefore be responsible for responding to all queries on performance data from other committees, the full Authority or the public.

3. The report proposed a process for receiving and considering diversity specific performance data since much of this data is complicated and detailed and requires a level of interrogation difficult to achieve satisfactorily within the present format of the CDO committee meetings.

Composition of the performance sub-group

4. The Chair of the CDO committee therefore proposed the establishment of a small committee, comprising the chair, two deputies and the deputy chair of the MPA, Peter Herbert who has an interest in and experience of analysing such data. The minutes of that meeting do not indicate that a decision on his membership was taken by this committee. Members are now being asked to endorse this proposal.

Terms of reference of sub-group

5. Draft terms of reference of the sub group are attached for members comments and observations (see Appendix 1). This will be considered and amendments proposed by the interim sub group at an initial meeting on 12 June 2001 This group will consider the first set of performance data presented by the Senior Analyst. The key issues arising out of this meeting will be brought to the attention of the committee members at the next full committee meeting. Additionally, CDO members will receive copies of all papers, with summary analysis of key issues for members attention, emerging trends etc, at the same time as sub group members. All CDO members will therefore have access to the same set of papers. Following the meeting of the sub group, summary notes, with any accompanying papers will be circulated to CDO members as part of the normal committee cycle.

6. As this is a new process adopted by this committee, it is proposed that performance data should become a standing agenda item to ensure that the sub committee regularly inform and feed back its deliberations to the committee.

7. It was acknowledged that members of this committee have interest in specific performance areas and would wish to receive data on these at the same time as when these are made available to the sub committee. Where this is the case, members are asked to make their interest known to the Chair or the lead policy officer who will ensure that such information is made available.

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications to this report, however there may be some additional requirement for Members' allowances which it is anticipated can be contained within existing estimates.

D. Background papers

  • Report to Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee - 24 April 2001
  • Report to Professional Standard and Performance Monitoring Committee - 24 April 2001

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Julia Smith, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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