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Draft Consultation, Diversity And Outreach (CDO) Work Programme 2002–04

Report: 07
Date: 15 January 2002
By: Clerk


CDO Members and officers have been in the process of scoping the work of the Unit for some time. The draft work programme outlines those key work areas for which the CDO Committee has responsibility. Press and communication is the subject of a separate work programme and is therefore not included in this report. 

The work programme is not exhaustive and does not attempt to cover the entirety of the functions that the Committee could address. What it aims to do however is to set some boundaries and focus on those work areas that this committee considers key priorities to be addressed during the remaining of the term of the Authority.

A. Recommendation

  1. Members provide detailed comment and observation on the draft work programme in order to confirm the content;
  2. Members note the staffing proposals made to the Coordination and Urgency Committee to support the work programme;
  3. Members confirm the proposal that the chair and deputy chairs of the CDO committee take lead responsibility for working with the MPA to finalise the work programme that will be presented to the full Authority; and
  4. Members agree the proposal that the work programme be presented to the March meeting of the full Authority.

B. Supporting information

1. It is best practice for public and voluntary organisations, at the beginning of each financial year, to set specific performance targets for the ensuing year. The MPS had had this practice in place for some years now, and it is extremely useful in helping the MPA generally and this Committee specifically in gaining an insight into those areas that the MPS will be progressing.

2. During its initial year, few MPA committees published formal work plans. Over the past 18 months the tasks and work priorities for the CDO committee have become clearer and more defined. As a result of this, a work programme for the committee was drafted and discussed initially with the chair of the CDO Committee as well as MPA officers.

3. Further work has been done to develop the work programme to ensure that the objectives specified accurately represent the responsibilities of the CDO Committee performance management system and process, which was approved by the MPA Human Resources Committee in September 2001.

4. The draft at Appendix 1 is presented for Members' comments and observations. The work programme is not exhaustive and does not attempt to cover the entirety of the functions that the Committee could address. What it aims to do however is to set some boundaries and focus on those priorities that are considered the key priorities to be addressed during the first term of the Authority.

5. Further more detailed work is required on each of key objectives and performance outcome. These will be progressed in detailed discussions with the Chairs and Deputy Chairs of the Committee, who it is proposed should take lead responsibility for finalised work programme.

Work priorities

6. There are a number of priority work areas that fall into the remit of this committee. These include:

  • Progressing the MPA Race Equality Scheme by May 2002 in order to comply with the requirements of Race Relations (Amendment) Act.
  • Completion of the Best Value Review of Consultation, implementation of the action plan and development of a consultation strategy for the MPA and MPS.
  • Development of a best value implementation plan arising out of the GLA Group Best Value Review of Equalities.
  • Strategy of action for the implementation of section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act in all the activities of the MPA and MPS.

7. In addition to these, the Committee has responsibility for a broad range of activities, many of which are on going but require further developments, such as monitoring of the financial management of Community and Police Consultative Groups and Independent Visiting Panels.

8. The work programme resource requirement has identified the need for additional staffing and other resources. This proposal will be considered in the report presented to the Coordination and Urgency Committee at its meeting on 10 January 2002. The report recommends that £280,000 from the MPS Diversity budget should be retained by the MPA to enable it to resource its own diversity responsibilities. Members will be notified of the decisions taken. If the resources are not to be forthcoming the work programme will need to be revised and modified.

Further consultation and performance scrutiny

9. There is a range of key internal and external stakeholders and partners that will need to be consulted on the draft work programme. Internal stakeholders include the chairs of the Human Resource and Professional Standards and Finance Planning and Best Value Committees. Additionally, others may have an interest in the work activities proposed.

10. As this is the first time that the Committee is publishing its work programme there may be the need to agree a protocol for how it undertakes this consultation, and the ways in which the views and comments of other MPA Chairs and Committee members will be reflected in the final version of the work programme.

11. The MPS will also need to be consulted as will the GLA/Mayor's office to ensure that there is no duplication in the work activities proposed, and to examine where resources can be pooled together to progress certain aspects of the work.

12. It is proposed that the CDO Committee will be responsible for monitoring the delivery of its work programme. The CDO Committee Chair and Deputies will be held accountable for the performance of officers in the CDO unit, in consultation with the Clerk to the Authority and Chair of MPA.

C. Financial implications

The financial implications of the report are contained in the CCU report attached. The work programme is at risk of not being fully implemented if the resources required are not approved.

D. Background papers

MPS Diversity Action Plan 2001
Coordination and Urgency Committee Report 10 January 2002

E. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith, Consultation Diversity and Outreach, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: MPA Consultation Diversity & Outreach Unit Work Programme: January 2002 - July 2004

Key work responsibilities: Consultation Diversity and Outreach Committee

Key objective one: Develop processes and procedures to ensure that the CDO Committee is effective in assisting the MPA in achieving its key responsibilities on Equalities, Diversity, and Consultation and Outreach matters.

Performance outcome:

1. Ensure that the Chair, Deputies and members of the CDO Committee are effectively supported in achieving its work programme, and emerging issues of the Committee, MPA and MPS.

2. Propose structures, policies, processes and actions to the Chair, Deputies and MPA members to ensure that the Unit is adequately resourced to undertake and progress the work of the Committee.

3. Develop policies, actions and performance measures to ensure the Authority's adherence to statutory legislation, central government guidance and recommendations, Her Majesty's and other Inspectorate's recommendations and exemplary employers performance on consultation, diversity and community engagement matters.

4. Ensure that committee papers are written and presented timely and to high quality standard.

Resource implication: 

There is a need for good, high quality policy support for CDO Committee members. This is to assist and ensure that the members are adequately supported, with relevant research, papers and meeting briefings. In addition, there is a key requirement to engage with London's various communities and representatives primarily with the purpose of building trust and confidence in the police service. This resource is currently largely unavailable to CDO members. A project assistant post in the current staff establishment will provide aspects of this assistance to CDO members as well as support the work of other projects in the Unit such as the independent review of the MPS Diversity (CRR) training, and gender issues.

Key work responsibilities:  Management of Consultation and Diversity Unit

Key objective two: Develop systems, processes and structures that would effect the efficient and effective management of the CDO Unit, its staff and financial resources.

Performance outcome:

1. Represent the interest of the Unit at Senior Management levels to represent views and secure resources as identified to ensure that the Unit is able to achieve its work programme.

2. Contribute to the overall performance objectives of the MPA Secretariat.

3. Implement the MPA Performance Management system by February 2002.

4. Regularly monitor and review the work programme of the Unit to ensure that delivery deadlines and outcomes are achieved.

5. Provide management support and guidance to staff as required to ensure that they have the opportunity to develop and progress within the MPA and outside of the organisation.

6. Manage the Unit's budgets (including that of Consultative Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels) and other resources to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

Resource implications - there are no additional staffing resources required to action the outcomes identified under this objective. The Authority has already secured 0.5 staff resource from the MPS Treasury to undertake the financial management and monitoring of the Consultative Groups and Panel's budget. This is a permanent staff establishment that will be able to assist with other aspects of the Unit's budget and finance management.

Key work responsibilities: Equal Opportunities and Diversity (Section 404 Greater London Authority Act 1999).

Key objective three: To assist the MPA to achieve its organisational equal opportunities and diversity objectives in order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of the Metropolitan Police in the delivery of policing to Londoners in ways that are experienced by London's varying communities as fair, equitable, and accessible.

Performance outcome:

1. Development and implementation of internal MPA policies to ensure compliance with equal opportunities and other legislations such as Disability Discrimination Act (DDA), Human Rights, Sex Discrimination, Race Relation (Amendment) Act, GLA Act 1999 etc.

2. Monitor measures in place for achieving Ministerial equal opportunities and diversity priorities, including those arising from the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report.

3. Ensure the implementation and monitoring of the MPA Race Equality Scheme.'

4. Development of the MPA's Equal opportunities/Diversity strategy and action plan

5. Development of implementation plan arising from the GLA Group Best Value Review of Equalities [1]

6. Monitoring the implementation of the MPS Diversity Strategy action plan

7. Monitor MPS progress in implementing HMIC recommendations in Winning Consent, Winning the Race, Winning the Race III and other inspections reports and obligations achieved by monitoring and improving equal opportunities and diversity policies and practices in

8. Undertake independent review of the MPS Diversity Training (CRR) [2]

9. Assist and enable the MPS in the implementation of Recommendation 61 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report on police stops.

10. In consultation with and support of the MPS, develop policies and procedures that would address public concerns and dissatisfactions on deaths in custody.

Key work responsibilities: Community Safety and Crime Reduction in partnership with local Crime and Disorder Partnerships (Section 5 Crime and Disorder Act 1998).

Key objective four: To assist the MPA to achieve its organisational objectives of ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the Metropolitan Police Service through partnerships with Crime and Disorder Partnerships and community groups (Crime and Disorder Act 1998).

Performance outcome:

1. Draft a protocol for engagement with Crime and Disorder Partnerships to satisfy the Authority's 'cooperating body' responsibility. [3]

2. Implement the outcome of the proposed MPA scrutiny on Crime and Disorder partnerships.

3. Implement the recommendations of the pan London Working Group on Race Hate crimes. [4]

4. Monitor the MPS implementation of its domestic violence strategy.

5. Initiate and engage key stakeholders (DfES, school governors, head teachers, LEAs, Community Groups, young people organisations etc) on developing pan London working arrangements and protocols for working with excluded young people, including those from minority ethnic groups.

Resource Implications - This area of work is largely underdeveloped due to staffing constraints.

Key work responsibilities: Consultation, Community Groups and Partnerships (section 96 Police Act, section 3(2) Local Government Act)

Key objective five: Develop and implement efficient and inclusive consultation processes and mechanisms to meet the Authority's statutory and best practice obligations for Best Value, the Policing Priorities, community safety and community engagement to achieve "public trust and confidence in the police".

Performance outcome:

1. Development of Best Value Implementation Action Plan arising from the Best Value Review of Consultation (2000) by February 2002.

2. Development, implementation and monitoring of joint MPA/MPS Consultation strategy. [5]

3. Contribute to the GLA Group Best Value Review of Consultation in order to inform the Authority/Service own consultation strategy.

4. In partnership with the MPS, undertake comprehensive mapping of the MPS consultation processes by late Easter 2002.

5. Implement, manage and monitor the progress of the Consultation pilot projects to maximise learning for the Authority on effective, efficient and community responsive consultation.

Resource implications: There are resource implications to the delivery of this objective. The current Unit staffing is inadequate to progress much of the work required in this area. The Best Value Review of Consultation recommended that the Authority should establish a Consultation unit with dedicated staffing to progress the recommendations of the report. This has been achieved in part through the appointment of a Unit Manager, however an additional policy officer post is required. Inability to ensure staffing resource will result in the Authority being unable to meet. It is likely that additional resources may be required following the recommendation of the GLA Group Best Value review of Consultation which is due to commence in January 2002.

Key work responsibilities: Support, guidance and development of Consultation Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels.

Key objective six: To provide specific advice, guidance, support and assistance to Consultative Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels to enable them to carry out their work on behalf of the MPA and its Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee to achieve its objectives. [6]

Performance indicators:

1. In consultation with MPA Members, develop policies, advice and guidance to Consultative Groups and Independent Custody Visiting Panels (ICVPs).

2. Agree targets and measures with Consultative Groups to enable them to achieve local consultation objectives including engaging `hard to reach' groups.

3. Develop processes, policies and systems to assist Consultative Groups and ICV Panels in the financial management of their budgets.

4. In consultation with MPA Treasury department, Internal Audit and others develop and implement financial monitoring system and processes of CPCG and ICV Panels to ensure that the funding allocated is effectively used.

5. Develop and implement training and development programmes and opportunities to enable Consultative Groups, officers, administrators, and ICV Panel Chairs and IC visitors to undertake their roles competently and effectively.

6. Ensure that the work undertaken by Consultative Groups and ICV Panels are compliant with legislation (employment, equal opportunities, Human Rights etc.)

7. Engage with the MPS to ensure that Custody Officers are informed and updated on Independent Custody Visiting matters.

Resource implications: There are no additional staffing required to progress this objective. Once permanent staff is appointed to the Unit, a reallocation of responsibilities will be carried out to reflect the demands of these work areas.

Key work responsibility: Community Engagement and Outreach [7]

Key objective seven: In consultation with the MPA's Communication Unit develop a community engagement action plan to enable the CDO Committee and other members of the Authority to engage with the full range of London's diverse communities for the purpose of promoting the role of the MPA and increasing participation in local crime and community safety issues.

Performance indicators:

1. Develop database of key stakeholder and local community and voluntary groups that would be beneficial in assisting the MPA and MPS in achieving a safer local community

2. Extend current partnership arrangements with local and media including radio stations to secure opportunities for engaging with specific sections of London's communities on policing and community safety issues.

3. Through the MPA Link Member role, secure opportunities for engaging with local community initiatives with the aim of educating and promoting local policing issues with 'hard to reach and groups'.

4. Review and maximize the publicity opportunities presented through the community based Consultation Diversity and Outreach Committee meetings to engage with groups and communities, especially young people and those traditionally disengaged on policing and crime and community safety issues.

5. Resource Implications: Much of this work will be undertaken jointly with the MPA's Communication Unit. There are no additional staffing required to progress this objective. Once permanent staff is appointed to the Unit, a reallocation of responsibilities will be carried out to reflect the demands of these work areas.


1. Proposal has been made in the Committee paper to the Coordination and Urgency Committee for one additional staffing to progress much of the Authority's Equal Opportunities and diversity development. [Back]

2. The MPA and MPS Diversity Training Directorate are in agreement for the need of a dedicated short-term resource to manage the proposed independent review of the WS Diversity training (CRR). This could be by means of a secondment or consultants. Proposal has been made for a one off cost for a secondee resource to manage the proposed independent review of the MPS Diversity Training (CRR). There will be costs associated with contracting a consultancy/research agency to carry out the review. This resource will not be required beyond the 12-month period of the evaluation. [Back]

3. The second staffing resource proposed in the Diversity budget committee paper to CCU will provide policy lead responsibility on crime and community safety issues for the Authority The resource for this post is located with Diversity budget because the CDO Committee has lead responsibility for this area of work. The resource will also contribute to the implementation of the pan London (race) hate crimes protocol and lead on the youth crimes initiative and domestic violence. [Back]

4. The proposal proposes that the Authority contributes to the funding of a secondee to further develop and secure the implementation of the pan London protocol on race hate crimes. The other key partners in the Working Group in will also contribute to the funding of this post. Discussions are underway with the Government Office for London's Regional Crime Reduction Director on the protocol. [Back]

5. This post could be contained within the recently agreed establishment posts within the CDO Unit. Additional support could be achieved through one of the Consultation Coordinators posts that have been approved, subject to budget approval. [Back]

6. A small proportion of the funding provided for Consultative Groups and ICV Panels will be utilized for development opportunities including training seminars, development of materials etc. that can be made available to all Groups and Panels. [Back]

7. There are high costs associated with publicity and public engagement, especially where efforts are required to engage 'hard to reach' groups and young people. The proposed budget will ensure that CDO Unit will be enabled to implement this area of responsibility. [Back]

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