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Report 11 of the 15 Jan 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and outlines work in progress by the MPS towards preparing the MPS's Race Equality Scheme.

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Race Relations (Amendment) Act – work in progress by the MPS

Report: 11
Date: 15 January 2002
By: Commissioner


This paper outlines work in progress by the MPS towards preparing the MPS's Race Equality Scheme.

A. Recommendation

That Members note and comment upon the progress towards preparing the MPS's Race Equality Scheme.

B. Supporting information

1. Significant progress has been made in meeting the obligations of the MPS under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act. This work has taken into account the draft Code of Practice issued by the Commission for Race Equality (CRE) in December. The progress is outlined below.

2. The MPS Steering Committee (SC), is represented by the MPA at officer level (Julia Smith, Alan Johnson), and has met four times. The committee, chaired by Detective Chief Superintendent Lovelock, reports progress the Deputy Commissioner through the Diversity Strategy Board. Between meetings, four dedicated staff are working to ensure continual progress. The SC and supporting staff are working towards a detailed Action Plan and Race Equality Scheme.

3. The Action Plan has been seen by the CRE and received very favourable comment. The CRE are appreciative of the effort made by the MPS to anticipate the legislation and code, in order to be in a strong position to meet the requirements of the Act. Drafting of the Race Equality Scheme itself will commence in mid February to allow for consultation before 31st May. The Action Plan will form an annex to the Scheme, and as such will be the open representation of activity by the MPS to meet the strategic and tactical arrangements laid out in the Scheme.

4. The MPS is in the process of identifying and prioritising its functions and policies. In assessing their relevance to the general duty, the MPS will make use of existing mechanisms of inspection and review and Best Value reviews. However, where these mechanisms might not meet the requirements of the Act in the first instance, specific reviews will be undertaken.

5. The MPS has progressed towards the development of a 'health check' for proportionality in service delivery at Borough and corporate level. A model has been proposed and is currently being considered by the Diversity Strategy Board. The requirements of monitoring for adverse impact are likely to be met by this model.

6. Further consideration is being given to the requirements to consult upon proposed policies. Existing measures are being reviewed and will be altered or augmented in line with the guidance in the Code. The MPS will continue to consider methods by which the development of the Scheme itself can be consulted upon, and would welcome an opportunity to consult jointly with the MPA.

7. The specific duties on employment are met in significant areas, such as monitoring of staff now. Arrangements are being put in place to monitor the other activities required, together with the need to analyse the information, act upon it and publish it annually. Within the Human Resources Directorate of the MPS, a sub group of the SC has been formed specifically to address these issues.

8. The MPS will provide updates on progress for the MPA through the CDO Committee as requested. This will be complemented through our mutual membership of SC/working groups.

9. The MPS recognises the progress the service has made in meeting the recommendations of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report. This will be built upon and will ensure consistent and mainstreamed progress, whilst minimising the resource implications of the Act.

10. This progress and the MPS Diversity Strategy have shown that already many areas around service delivery, consultation and employment have been addressed.

C. Financial implications

The proposals contained within this report can be met within existing budgets.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Frances Smith, MPS.

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