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Report 5 of the 14 Mar 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and outlines the reorganisation of the MPS Diversity Directorate and the interface between the Directorate and other Directorates and units within the MPS who have responsibility for diversity issues.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Reorganisation of the MPS Diversity Directorate

Report: 05
Date: 14 March 2002
By: Commissioner


This paper outlines the reorganisation of the MPS Diversity Directorate and the interface between the Directorate and other Directorates and units within the MPS who have responsibility for diversity issues.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to note the contents of the report.

B. Supporting information

MPS Diversity Directorate

1. The MPS Diversity Directorate has recently been reorganised to encompass the retention and progression of people from minority communities throughout the MPS. This was formerly the responsibility of the Positive Action Team who also handle recruitment issues.

2. Whilst responsibility for recruitment is to remain with the Human Resources Directorate, retention and progression issues are to be co-ordinated by a new branch of the Diversity Directorate, DCC6(1), and will be referred as the Development and Organisation Improvement Team (DOIT). The Team falls within the responsibility of Commander Cressida Dick of the Diversity Directorate.

3. DOIT has the remit of strengthening the interface between retention, organisation development, staff satisfaction, equal opportunities, leadership, diversity, learning and change. DOIT will develop, co-ordinate, facilitate and implement strategies and interventions designed to impact on a range of issues that militate against the retention and progression of staff, in particular those from under- represented groups.

4. Combining these issues with the 'service delivery' issues already being addressed within the Diversity Directorate, it will allow retention and progression to complement the broader diversity programme being pursued by the MPS, providing a more comprehensive approach. In line with the MPS Diversity Strategy, DOIT will work on a range of corporate priority areas. Within the context of leadership, learning and cultural change, the work of the team will focus on matters of race, gender, disability, faith and sexual orientation.

5. The relocation of retention and progression within the Diversity Directorate will inform Commander Dick of those issues that affect the careers of staff from minority communities and enable such issues to be incorporated within the corporate cultural change programme.

6. The remainder of the Diversity Directorate (DCC4) is split into five distinct, yet inter-dependent strands:

  • DCC4 (1) comprises three investigation teams, based at Kingston, Southgate and Deptford. Each team has a complement of experienced investigators dealing with unsolved murders or unexplained deaths, hate crime offences and other critical incidents.
  • These investigation teams are an important element within the MPS Diversity Strategy and are one element to ensuring and delivering confidence to London's diverse community and ensuring that the MPS is serious about delivering justice for all.
  • The primary function of DCC4 (2) is to support the re-investigation teams under DCC4 (1). Within this strand is the intelligence cell and analysis section (ICAS). This is a strategic and tactical intelligence cell operating within the arena of hate crime. The core function of the intelligence arm of the Diversity Directorate is to assess, interpret and disseminate information to assist countering either localised or pan-London hate crime activity.
  • DCC4 (3) is sub-divided into units such as the Family Liaison Team (FLO), Community Safety Team (CSU) and Operation Athena support. The FLO team has the responsibility for developing and managing the training of Family Liaison Officers to ensure that the MPS provides a professional and efficient service in response to major disasters and liaison between families and police following a critical incident. The CSU team provides direction and support to CSUs to ensure the efficient and effective prevention and investigation of hate crime across the MPS. Operation Athena Sport involves promoting anti-racist and anti-homophobic initiatives in all sports.
  • DCC4 (4) has a pivotal role in driving forward MPS policy relating to diversity issues, such as the Race Relations (amendment) Act and the diversity strategy. Each team also has a number of ongoing tasks to establish and develop relationships with communities; thereby building confidence, encouraging the reporting of hate crime, and identifying emerging issues that will impact on hate crime.

7. There are 188 staff attached to DCC2 and a further 20 to DCC6 The structure of the Diversity Directorate is shown at Appendix 1 (see Supporting material).

8. The interfaces of the Diversity Directorate are shown at Appendix 2.

Implications of these changes

9. It is felt that locating recruitment within the Directorate responsible for recruit training will provide continuity.

10. The retention and progression elements were moved under Commander Dick's responsibility to enable a comprehensive approach to organisational and cultural issues.

11. The changes were made to improve the MPS activities to support the Diversity Strategy.

C. Financial implications

The Directorate was established to drive the Diversity Strategy. The budget for the current year (2001/2) is £10.5m. The budget setting process for next year is still in progress; however, it is anticipated that the budget will be in the region of £10.2m.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: David Tucker, DCI, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 2: Interfaces

Unit/issue: Borough CSUs

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
CSU support team The DCC4 CSU support team assists Borough CSUs by collating and disseminating good practice. The team also has responsibility for development of policy; e.g. the team published the 'Minimum Standards for Investigation of Hate Crime'.

Unit/issue: Hate crime reinvestigations

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
Reinvestigations DCC4 assists boroughs by taking on some of the most sensitive enquiries. The New Cross fire was subject to reinvestigation by DCC4. In addition, the unit has taken on investigations of serial offences – e.g. a long-running hate campaign.

Unit/issue: Supporting hate crime investigation

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
Proactive task force The Directorate has a surveillance and covert capability. This is used to support borough investigations into hate crime. Boroughs can 'bid' for the resource through tasking meetings.

Unit/issue: All OCUs

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
Advice line and critical incident policy development DCC4 has responsibility for developing MPS responses to 'critical incidents'; those incidents likely to have impact beyond the people directly involved. These are often related to diversity issues. DCC4 provides an 'on-call' officer of at least inspector rank to give advice to those dealing with critical incidents, on a 24-hour basis. The officer is also able to organise practical support, if this is appropriate. 

The unit also collates good practice. A document 'Preventing and Managing Critical Incidents' gives advice on dealing with these incidents and is available on the DCC4 intranet site.

Unit/issue: Disability

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
CSU team A senior member of civil staff has responsibility for responding to the requirements of Disability Discrimination Act. An officer from the CSU team is dealing with issues raised by the Vulnerable and Intimidated Witnesses Act. There is considerable overlap between the legislation in the way that disability is covered. There will also be scope to use the same approach utilised for DDA to address other diversity issues – e.g. elder abuse, vulnerable victims etc.

Unit/issue: Youth/asylum seekers

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
Strategic Relationships Team Youth and asylum seeker issues were located within DCC4 until late last year. Territorial Policing wished to progress youth issues as part of a comprehensive policy, including schools involvement. The post-holder was, therefore, transferred to Operational Support Unit. 

DCC4 has recently expanded its work to include establishment of 'strategic relationships'. Two of the key 'strategic relationships' are to be with asylum seekers and youth. We are developing the strategy to see how this can be taken forward.

Unit/issue: Diversity Strategy

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
DCC4, particularly the Monitoring Unit The Diversity Strategy was re-launched in April 2001. The focus of the MPS approach to diversity was broadened to include all aspects – LGBT, youth, gender etc. 

The Strategy applies to all areas of the MPS. The Diversity Co-ordinating Forum is the steering group for the Diversity Strategy. The Forum has very wide representation including people representing disability, gender issues and LGBT. Both advisory groups are also represented. In addition, there is wide representation from operational police officers.

Unit/issue: Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
DCC4 The DCC4 Monitoring Unit scrutinises MPS performance against a number of indicators, including the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report. In addition, the MPS reports its progress to the Home Office steering group.

Unit/issue: Specialist Operations 

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
Strategic Relationships Unit The recently renamed unit is to identify key communities with whom current contacts are inadequate. The focus for the unit will be on local, national and international events that may have impact on crime and disorder in London. The present focus is on counter-terrorism. The DCC4 intelligence unit will carry out environmental scanning on a regular basis to identify communities with whom we need to make the most urgent contact. 

In addition, the unit will be liaising closely with Borough Liaison Officers to ensure that there is a pan-London co-ordination of contacts where this is required.

Unit/issue: Training

Diversity Directorate link Liaison activity
DCC4 The Diversity Training Strategy Unit has responsibility for Community and Race Relations Training across the MPS. The DTSU is represented on the Forum. In addition, there is a work-group, established under the auspices of the Forum, which addresses CRR training. In this way, the MPS can co-ordinate CRR training and ensure that relevant issues are addressed.

Supporting material

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