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Report 8 of the 14 Mar 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and details the use and expenditure on external consultants by the Metropolitan Police Diversity Directorate (DCC4).

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Expenditure on consultants by the Diversity Directorate

Report: 08
Date: 14 March 2002
By: Commissioner


This report details the use and expenditure on external consultants by the Metropolitan Police Diversity Directorate (DCC4) during the eighteen month period covering June 2000 - December 2001

A. Recommendation

That Members are asked to note the contents of the report.

B. Supporting information

1. This report details the expenditure by the Diversity Directorate (DCC4) on the use of external consultants during the period 1 June 2000 to 10 December 2001.

2. Under delegated authority from the MPA, the Department of Procurement and Commercial Services (DCPS) manage MPS policy and issue corporate instructions relating to the engagement of external consultants. The corporate instructions dictate that if expenditure is under £25,000, the engagement of an external consultant can be the subject of single tender action. If expenditure is expected to be in excess of £25,000, the contract must be put out to tender to at least three organisations. Contracts in excess of £154,000 are subject to European Union tender procedures.

3. The DCPS have developed and employ a corporate 'Criteria' that contracting consultants must meet. Conditions that have to be met include: full details of the company, company 'turnover' and profit for the last three years and identification of any subcontractors. Other items include the qualifications and experience of each member that would be contracted to the MPS and a covering report to ensure the level of understanding of the requirements of the contract. A copy of the 'Criteria for Contracting Consultants' has been attached at Appendix 1

4. The Diversity Directorate work within the MPS corporate instructions relating to the engagement of consultants, and the most commonly employed practice is by way of single tender. The majority of the work carried out by the Diversity Directorate relates to new and emerging issues, and as a consequence, the availability of external expertise tends to be very limited. The Diversity Directorate therefore employs individuals or organisations with specialist knowledge who are pioneers in their identified fields.

5. The table at Appendix 2 details expenditure on consultants between June 2000 and December 2001. The dates given relate to the presentation of an invoice. In the interests of commercial confidentiality, the names of companies and individuals used have not been included.

7. As can be seen from the table, during the last eighteen months, the Diversity Directorate has only used two main external consultants. In the latter part of 2001, financial constraints were placed upon the MPS through the Budget Star Chamber process. This process imposed additional restrictions on expenditure and the use of consultants.

8. The consultants used by the Diversity Directorate were primarily to conduct an analysis of the first Diversity Strategy launched by the MPS. This strategy focussed predominantly on race issues. The use of the above consultants has led to the successful creation and implementation of the second MPS Diversity Strategy that was launched 24 April 2001. Since that time, the Diversity Directorate's use of consultants has dramatically declined, as evidenced above.

C. Financial implications

The contents of this report present no additional financial implications.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Sergeant Mark Antill, Diversity Directorate, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Criteria for Contracting Consultants.

It is mandatory that potential contractors respond to the following questions.

  1. Company name, full address, VAT registration number, telephone number, facsimile number and contact name.
  2. If part of a parent company or group give full details as per Q 1.
  3. Period of trading:
    1. How long have you been established?
    2. How long have you been supplying the services for which you are tendering?
    3. If part of a group how long have they been established?
  4. Turnover:
    1. Give company turnover and profit of last 3 years.
    2. Give turnover and profit for previous 3 years directly attributable to the services tendered for.
    3. Give group turnover.
  5. Subcontracting:
    1. Do you envisage the need to sub-contract any of the work?
    2. Please provide details of the firms who would undertake this work.
  6. References:
    Please supply the names and address of three companies or public bodies together with contact names for whom you have supplied similar services in the last three years. These companies and public bodies may be approached for reference.
  7. Qualifications
    Give the names of each employee to be employed on this Contract, together with information such as but not limited to:
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Formal qualifications
  • Experience
  • Relevant data as to their suitability to provide the service
  • Availability for the period of contract.
  1. Understanding the requirement:
    Please provide information as to your-
  • understanding the objectives of the consultancy;
  • proposals for carrying out the assignment to ensure that the objectives are met;
  • any constraints which may make achievement difficult;
  • proposals for ensuring that key dates, deliverables are met/produced;
  • Flexibility, support facilities and backup.
  1. Conflict of interest:
  • Do you envisage that any information supplied by the Authority to enable the specification to be met may at any time cause a potential conflict of interest within your organisation?
  • Please provide full details of how you propose the integrity of the Authority's information and systems should such a conflict arise. Your response will be used to assist in preparing a appropriate code of practice, should this be required.

Appendix 2

Project 1. Consultation

Review of the Diversity Strategy

An individual with exceptional qualifications in race relations, and a public sector background was commissioned to review existing policy and procedures from phase one of the MPS Diversity Strategy. The review analysed the effects of the Strategy internally on staff relations, externally on service delivery and the effects of openness and transparency. Overall aim to learn lessons from phase 1 to progress and enhance phase 2. 


Surveys were conducted both internally and externally, presentations, reports and recommendations made and accepted by the MPS. 


Phase two of the Diversity Strategy is more 'inclusive' and all encompassing whereas phase one concentrated on Race issues. The MPS has become more open and transparent in the creation of its policies and procedures. 

Timeframe Cost
1. Jun '00 (26 Days) £16,802.50
2. July '00 (24 Days) £15,510.00
3. Sep '00 £23,911.25
4. Oct '00 £24,557.50
5. Nov '00 £25,203.75
6. Jan '01 £6,462.50 7
7. May'01 £3,055.00
Sub total £ 115,502.50

Project 2. Consultation

Consultation Gap and Critical Path Analysis

A private company with expertise in strategic analysis was commissioned to conduct a mind mapping exercise to identify the needs of communities and the MPS. This work covered areas such as cultures, attitudes, staff associations and use of Independent advisors. 


Gap and Critical Path analysis were conducted into phase one of the Diversity Strategy to identify areas of weakness or deficiency. Mapping reports, presentations and recommendations made. 


This consultation ensured that phase two of the Diversity Strategy is as comprehensive, coherent and inclusive as possible. 

Timeframe Cost
1. Oct '00 £3,647.29
2. Feb '01 £7,137.60
3. Jan '02 £5,620.02
Sub Total £ 16,404.91

Grand Total £131,907.41

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