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Report 6 of the 09 May 02 meeting of the Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee and outlines the key findings and recommendations of the GLA "Equalities for All" Best Value review report.

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GLA "Equalities for all" best value review

Report: 6
Date: 09 May 2002
By: Clerk


The GLA "Equalities for All" Best Value review was completed in March 2002, and signed by all members of the GLA Group, and the MPS. Each GLA Group has agreed to initiate detailed internal consultation on the key recommendations and develop an implementation plan for progressing the recommendations and actions outlined in the report's service implementation plan. 

This report outlines the key findings and recommendations of the report and proposes a number of processes for internal consultation that will inform the development of the MPA implementation plan.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to take the following actions:

  1. To note the key findings and recommendations of the review.
  2. Approve the proposals in paragraph 7–10 for the internal consultation to inform the development of the MPA Implementation Plan.
  3. Comment on the proposals in paragraph 9 which proposes that the CDO Performance Sub Group make recommendations to this committee on the financial implications for implementation the recommendations arising from the report and the Equalities budget that will be required
  4. Note the intention of the Mayor's office to launch the report in September as part of the publication of the Mayor's annual Equalities report.

B. Supporting information

1. This committee has received previous progress reports on the 'Equalities for All' Best Value review. The Project Board approved the report on 21 March 2002, following final amendments by the GLA

2. The work of the GLA Group and the MPS, both through developing and implementing regional strategies and the direct provision of police, transport and fire services has a major impact on the lives of all Londoners. In carrying out its work, the GLA Group employs some 49,000 staff (in terms of full-time equivalents) and spends some £4.7bn a year.

3. The report marks a significant achievement as the first cross cutting best value report of the GLA Group. Although there were a range of difficulties implicit in the process of such a review, the GLA Group, including the MPS are to be congratulated for learning that has been derived from undertaking the review, and forms a good basis for carrying out further cross cutting reviews.

4. The Group has already agreed to review the learning from the review with the aim of influencing how other such reviews could be carried out with even greater efficiency and effectiveness. It may be worthwhile for the MPA and MPS to undertake a similar internal exercise, to see what learning can be derived from the role of the Authority and the Service in future GLA cross cutting reviews.

5. Major findings

  • All the organisations in the GLA Group aspire to be exemplary organisations on equalities issues. This was not seen as an optional extra but a core activity if the organisations were to be seen as modern and relevant to Londoners. Given London's diverse population, failure to make equalities an integral part of the GLA Group's work would marginalise millions of Londoners. Each of the organisations is making progress against the Commission for Racial Equality (CRE) standard with the aim, in most cases, of achieving level 3 before 21 March 2003.
  • Significant achievements and good practice on equalities issues were identified within the GLA group. However, there was a need to share and increase the consistency of good practice within each organisation and across the GLA Group. The aim must be to bring 'the rest' up to the standard of 'the best'. Some examples of good practice are summarised in the report.
  • Much of the work arising from the recommendations of this review relates to the implementation of existing or pending legislation and codes of practice on equalities. In many ways therefore the proposals will not be new to the five organisations participating in the review. However, by working in effective partnership the GLA Group could provide added value to the activities of each of the individual organisations which make up the Group in terms of:
    • Sharing a vision and objectives;
    • Sharing experience and expertise;
    • Making more effective use of scarce resources;
    • Providing more joined up and effective services;
    • Being a driver for real and continuing improvements.
  • The GLA Group spends a considerable amount each year supporting equality and diversity issues. It needs to ensure that those resources are being used effectively and efficiently.
  • The GLA Group should do more than meet the requirements of equalities legislation and codes of practice; it should be a leader and champion of equality issues in London. In this context the GLA Group needed to develop share vision and objectives on equalities issues as well as London Equalities Standard.

6. Recommendations

The recommendations arising from the report are attached at Appendix 1.

The recommendations cover 6 broad headings. Some of the more significant recommendations that are likely to significantly impact on the MPA are highlighted.

Vision and leadership

Recommendation 4
That the GLA Group commit to achieving Level 5 of the CRE Equalities standard by 31st March 2005.

Recommendation 6
That the GLA Group, over the medium term develop and promote a London Equalities standard.

Exemplary employer

Recommendation 1 – 12 are likely to have significant impact on the MPA HR developments and meetings are already underway to progress some of the recommendations. Members may wish to take note of recommendation 11, which proposes that the GLA Group should identify and address employment disparity between different staff groups, and on particular differences between uniformed and non-uniformed civil and operational staff in LREPA and MPS.

Early meetings between the GLA, Deputy Commissioner and Chair of the MPA HR Committee have taken place to progress this recommendation. This Committee will wish to refer these recommendations to the HR Committee so that their detailed comments can be ascertained during the consultation phase.

Improving service delivery

Recommendation 18 - GLA establish a Complaints Forum. This area of work is underway within the MPA and be benefited by the GLA Group developments.


Recommendation 19 – 22 have been largely achieved by the MPA through its own Best Value review of equalities and the progress made in the development of an Implementation Plan and Strategy. There are tremendous benefits that can be achieved in working with the GLA Group to progress these recommendations.

Culture change

Recommendation 26 – The GLA Group agree to a programme of management and culture change and investigate their existing policies and legislation governing their service to identify a remedy issues that impede the mainstreaming of equalities.

The Authority will need to engage with the other GLA Group to agree the programme of management and culture change proposed. This could have implications for the way in which the Authority may wish to retain its unique role as a member of the GLA Group. There may be similar implications for the MPS. Members may wish to give guidance to officers for progressing this recommendation.

Performance management

Recommendation 20 – 34 proposes the most wide ranging set of arrangements ranging from employment and service, delivery equality, indicators to a procurement officers' Network and a Data Management Analysis Group. These recommendations are likely to be highly resource intensive but benefited to the performance systems of the MPA and MPS.

7. Process for signing of the report

During April to June 2002, the report will be considered by each of the GLA Group organisations for consideration and approval. Appendix 1 outlines the Committee approval consideration process. This will be in addition to making the report available to all MPA members for their comments.

8. It is proposed that the report will be formally 'signed off' at the 27 June full Authority meeting.

9. Detailed consideration will need to be given to the Service Improvement Plan and it is proposed that this is actioned by the CDO Performance Sub Group, following the detailed scrutiny. The MPS can also be asked to present its implementation plan to the Sub-Group.

10. It should be noted that the implementation of the equalities service improvement plan will go some way towards enabling the Authority with its implementation of its Race Equality Scheme action plan. Officers will therefore reviewing the details of the recommendations to see how the links can be integrated into the scheme.

Launch of the 'Equalities For All Review' report

11. It is the proposed that the Mayor's Office will launch the report as part of the achievement of the Mayor's equalities strategic objectives in September 2002. Details of the programme and the role that the GLA Group will be invited to play in this launch will become clearer as plans are developed.

C. Financial implications

The direct financial implications arising from the report's recommendations for the Authority were not costed at the time of the review. This will need to be done retrospectively and will be considered by the CDO Performance Sub Group as part of its detailed discussion on the implementation plan.

The detailed proposals for identifying this within the existing overall MPA budget will be considered in the report to the full Authority in June.

D. Background papers

GLA Group Equalities for All review March 2002.

E. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith, CDO, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Appendix 1 is available in hard copy only, from CLAMS, MPA.

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