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Report 5 of the 31 October 02 meeting of the Consultation Committee and discusses the arrangements for meetings of the committee including the appointment of co-opted members.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Meeting arrangements

Report: 5
Date: 31 October 2002
By: Clerk


The report reviews the arrangements for meetings of the committee including the appointment of co-opted members.

A. Recommendations


  1. the arrangements for the appointment of the co-opted members be agreed; and
  2. the meeting arrangements at paragraphs 7 to 11 be agreed.

B. Supporting information


1. At its first meeting on 4 July 2002, a report was submitted on the terms of reference and remit of the Consultation Committee and of the Consultation Strategy Management Board (CSMB). Members noted that there was an overlap in remit and membership of the Consultation Committee and the CSMB and felt that the Board should be wound up and its remit incorporated into that of the committee. In so doing the committee noted that this would mean that some external expertise would be lost and requested that consideration be given to appointing some co-opted members to the committee to redress this loss. The Chair of the committee has also put forward some further suggestions for the meetings.

2. Both of these aspects are discussed further below.

Co-opted members

3. The protocol concerning co-opted members is that these are non-voting positions and they do not count toward the quorum of the committee. They are bound by the Authority’s code of conduct for members in the same way as MPA members. The appointments would be renewable annually as is the case with the appointment of MPA members to committees although the membership of a co-opted member will deem to have lapsed if they miss three or more consecutive meetings. The Committee can nominate co-optees on either a personal basis or as representatives of organisations but it should be clear in which capacity each appointment is made. If the latter, the Committee may wish to ensure that they hold a defined senior portfolio in the organisation. Bearing in mind that the Consultation Committee has only five appointed members it is recommended that no more than three or four co-opted members be appointed.

4. The membership of the CSMB as at 11 June 2002 was as follows:

  • R David Muir - MPA (Chair)
  • Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur - MPS (Deputy Chair)
  • Abdal Ullah - MPA Member
  • Andy Bamber - Borough Commander, Hillingdon
  • Sandra Flower - London CPCG Chairs Forum
  • Peter Ward - Camden CPCG
  • Kate Monkhouse - London Civic Forum
  • Chas Bailey - MPS, Policy Review and Standards Directorate
  • Julia Smith - MPA, CDO Unit
  • Youth representation

5. The committee is asked

  1. whether nominations be sought from any external members of the former CSMB (i.e. apart from MPA and MPS officers who would continue to advise). In this connection, members are reminded that as Deputy Chair of the Authority R. David Muir is an ex-officio member of all MPA committees and Abdal Ullah is an appointed member of the Consultation Committee.
  2. whether to seek representatives from any of the following groups and if so how the nominations should be sought - i.e. through a particular organisation, through a personal recommendation etc:
    • women
    • black and minority ethnic people
    • disabled people
    • faith groups
    • lesbians, gay men, bisexuals and transgendered people
    • children
    • young people
    • older people

6. The appointment of the co-opted members would need to be submitted for ratification to a meeting of the full Authority.

Meetings with interest groups

7. Given the small number of meetings per year and the amount of business which the committee is required to consider the Chair has suggested that in addition to the formal business meetings four informal consultation events a year be held at which members of the committee would consult a group with an identified community of interest. These would be open to the public but would not be subject to the Authority’s standing orders.

8. The aim would be to proactively seek out seek out groups, in consultation with the Equal opportunities and Diversity Board, that the MPA might want to raise key issues with, or consult on policing issues that affect them. The key issues, as well as the key consultation priorities that the Authority has to consult on, outlined in the draft consultation strategy, will determine the purpose and type and of the consultation that will be carried out with each group.

9. If the committee agrees to hold these such events it may wish to ask the officers to draw up a programme can be publicised on the website etc. The website could also be used as part of the consultative process with a temporary dedicated email account being set up in advance of each meeting.

10. It is further suggested that other meetings be held when the committee needs to respond to any key issues that may arise. For instance the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Authority has requested consultation exercises in relation to police initiatives.

11. The MPA’s committee structure review has led overall to an increase in the number of formal meetings that the committee services unit has to support. The expectation is, therefore, that any informal meetings of the kind outlined above will be supported from elsewhere within the organisation.

Questions from the public

12. The Chair has requested that provision to be made for 15 minutes of questions from the public at the end of the formal meetings. This would be on the basis that this would primarily provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the business that has been transacted whilst recognising that the proposed new informal meetings will be the primary means by which the MPA will be consulting with Londoners.

C. Equal opportunities and diversity implications

The report proposes i) co-opting members from a range of groups including those traditionally discriminated against and identified in the MPA Consultation Strategy as a priority for all consultation at local and pan-London basis and ii) holding a rolling programme of consultation meetings with these groups.

D. Financial implications

Financial implications will include the payment of travel expenses for the co-opted members, and the cost of external meetings. These will be met from within existing estimates.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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