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Proposed consultation process on the revised MPA/MPS draft Consultation Strategy 2002

Report: 7
Date: 5 December 2002
By: Clerk


Members of this committee considered the first draft of the Consultation Strategy on 31 October. It was agreed that, following revisions, it would be circulated to key stakeholders and partners for comments. This report is presented to inform members of the proposed process on the strategy.

A. Recommendations

Members agree the process proposed for consulting key partners and stakeholders on draft the consultation strategy.

B. Supporting information

1. The draft consultation strategy is the first attempt at defining the way in which the MPA will meet its statutory responsibility for consulting and engaging with the public on the full range of policing and community safety issues.

2. There are some key omissions in the strategy, notably the arrangements for local consultation that is carried out by the police at borough levels. The MPA/MPS Best Value review of Consultation identified that a great deal of consultation took place, however, it has been difficult for the MPS to map this in order to inform the drafting of the strategy, or the type of guidance that may be required to inform the consultation that is carried on locally.

3. The Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Unit has tried to undertake a similar exercise with Community and Police Consultative Groups, through the requirement for a work programme that outlines their consultation activities annually. This exercise has been completed, but a great deal of work remains to be done to obtain a detailed picture of the local consultation activities of consultative groups. MPA staff are progressing this, in consultation with the London Chairs’ Forum.

4. The strategy does not currently adequately address in sufficient detail the consultation that is carried out by local partners and stakeholders. The GLA Group Consultation Network is currently embarking on such an exercise. This should inform the MPA’s work in this area by enabling us to get a more detailed overview of the type and level of consultation activities that is being carried out by its key stakeholders in any given period. This work will be completed by January 2003.

Consultation on the strategy

5. Given the above, it is important that the consultation exercise on the draft strategy be carried out in a way that recognises and acknowledges that there are limitations as well as potential duplications in what is being proposed. The consultation will, however, provide the opportunity for a range of internal and external stakeholders to give detailed comments on the draft strategy. These will be internally with the MPS as well as externally with key stakeholders and partners. The arrangements for these meetings are outlined in Appendix 1.

6. The Chair of this Committee will be meeting with the MPS ACPO lead, DAC House, in order to agree a strategic approach in the MPS for progressing the strategy.

C. Equalities and race relations implications

Members will note that the consultation proposal had aimed to ensure that traditionally discriminated groups are included in the initial consultation.

D. Financial implications

Any costs associated with this consultation will be maintained within current budget.

E. Background papers

  • Draft Consultation Strategy

F. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Arrangements for Consulting on the MPA/MPS draft Consultation Strategy

Internal Consultation – MPA

Date: December 2002

Meetings will be held with the Policy Leads whose role has a key interface with the work of this Committee and could therefore inform the strategy:

  • Best Value
  • Performance Analysts
  • Policing policy
  • Communications and Committee Liaison and Member Services (CLAMS)

Internal Consultation - MPS

Date: December 2002–January 2003

Progressing these events will be reliant on the Consultation Manager – MPS who will be primarily responsible for arranging these meetings.

  • Performance and Information Bureau
  • Diversity Directorate (DCC4)
  • Family Liaison Officers
  • Training Directorate, including the Directorate of Diversity training Unit DTSU)
  • Consultancy Group
  • Positive Action Team
  • Development and Organisational Implementation Team (DOIT)
  • Black Police Association and other Associations
  • The Independent Advisory Group
  • The LGBT Advisory Group

Consultation with Borough and Operational Command Units (BOCUs and OCUs)

Date: December 2002–January 2003

It is proposed that a series of meetings will be arranged to seek views on the draft strategy. Where meetings are already being held, the MPS would look to integrate the consultation in the meeting agenda. Another option is for dedicated meetings possibly chaired by the Chair of this committee and MPS ACPO lead.

Those to be invited to this consultation will include:

  • Borough Commanders
  • Community Safety Officers.
  • Serious Crime group (Child Protection, Sapphire etc)
  • OCU Commanders

MPS Strategic Committees

Timescale: By February 2003

The MPS Consultation Manager will to seek to get information about the strategy to the key strategic Committees of the MPS

External Consultation

January–early February 2003

In addition to the paper exercise, two meetings will be organised to take place in January to which the following key stakeholders will be invited:

  • Copies of the strategy have already been circulated to Community and Police Consultative Groups (CPCGs).
  • Mayor’s Office and GLA
  • GLA Group (via he GLA Group Consultation Network)
  • The London Civic Forum
  • Those groups and organisations identified as priority in the draft strategy.

E consultation

Timescale: December 2002–February 2003

  • A copy of the strategy will be posted on the MPA websites to seek the views of the public.
  • Additionally, the document will also be placed on the MPA and MPS Intranet site to seek the views of staff.

The Job

Timescale (to be agreed.)

The MPS will seek agreement to place an article about the strategy in The Job and The Link, with the aim of seeking the views of the range of staff and the public who also receive these.

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