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Report 10 of the 05 Dec 02 meeting of the Consultation Committee and outlines the support available from the MPA communications unit for MPA external events.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Communications support for MPA external events

Report: 10
Date: 5 December 2002
By: Clerk


This report outlines the support available from the MPA communications unit for MPA external events.

A. Recommendations

  1. That the communications unit be informed as soon as an event becomes known to allow for thorough planning; and
  2. Communications unit commissioning brief be used to commission work from the unit.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA needs to communicate to a wide and diverse audience in order to explain its statutory role and the specific work it undertakes to secure an effective, efficient and fair police service for London’s communities.

2. To achieve this, it is necessary to disseminate information in a variety of ways, including participation in external events.

3. The communications unit is responsible for publicity and promotional work on behalf of the MPA and will provide support to external events, where required. Recent events where the unit has given support include Black History Month, the Mayor’s London Conference and the MPS’s ‘fresher’s fair’ at Hendon.

4. The unit now holds stocks of promotional material, such as pens, memo pads and travel wallets, which can be used to attract people to the MPA stand where factsheets are made available and staff are on hand to answer questions.

5. This formula was used for the first time at the London Conference held in the Queen Elizabeth II conference centre at the beginning of November and proved very effective, drawing large numbers of people.

6. The new ‘black heritage in the Metropolitan Police Service’ display was used as a backdrop and was particularly well received. There are plans for it to go on a tour of London, such as community centres, libraries, schools and government buildings. Communications unit will work with the MPA consultation unit to develop a programme for the exhibition over the coming months.

7. The consultation unit has three small and highly portable single-sheet exhibition displays known as ‘penguins’. These can be used on their own, or to supplement larger displays. There are plans to order more sheets to go on the penguins and an exhibition display, which will be larger than the penguins but about half the size of the new black heritage display. This combination will allow us greater versatility when we exhibit.

8. Communications unit will also promote external events by alerting the media and facilitating interviews, including radio, placing advertising if required and if funding is available, and producing event-specific promotional material. Newsletters have been used in the past to promote consultation and should be considered for future initiatives. Communications unit should be consulted in each case.

9. The commissioning MPA team will supply staff for the event, as necessary.

10. Communications unit must be alerted to events as soon as they become known in order to provide the service required. This is especially important when there is a need to book exhibition space, advertising or event-specific promotional literature.

11. A commissioning brief pro forma must be used when commissioning work from the unit, or as soon as possible after alerting the unit to urgent work. This provides an audit trail so that work can be managed effectively and deadlines met.

C. Equality and diversity implications

1. When publicising our participation at external events effort should be made to communicate with London’s diverse communities and hard to hear groups. This can be achieved through group-specific advertising, leaflets, newsletters or other publicity, targeting minority group media and community groups or exhibiting at minority group events. Often, this type of targeting is carried out by the event organisers, as was the case at the Mayor’s London Conference. The use of foreign languages should be considered, where appropriate. Communications unit consults with local authorities, the Association of London Government and the Association of Police Authorities on the wider distribution of publicity material to minority or special interest groups.

D. Financial implications

It is anticipated that the costs of the support available from the Communications Unit for external events can be contained from within existing budgets.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Philip Powell

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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