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Report 5 of the 27 Feb 03 meeting of the Consultation Committee and presents an evaluation of the 2003/4 consultation process and details a high-level consultation plan for 2004/5.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Evaluation of the 2003/4 consultation process

Report: 5
Date: 27 February 2003
By: Commissioner


We are now commencing the 2004/5 planning cycle. This report presents an evaluation of the 2003/4 consultation process and details a high-level consultation plan for 2004/5.

A. Recommendation

That members note the evaluation report and approve the consultation plan.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPS intends to debate the proposed priorities and objectives for the 2004/5 Policing Plan in September 2003. The MPS will consult widely on the plan to ensure that Londoners understand and can influence the decisions that affect them. In planning the consultation, it is important to be clear about what is to be consulted on before we decide how we are going to consult.

2. The development of the National Policing Plan has brought a change to the format of the MPA/MPS annual policing plan. It is now regarded as a first, second or third year implementation plan of the three year strategy plan currently being developed. As such, it is likely that the existing priorities will stay in place for 2004/5. More focus is likely to be paid to amending or changing the objectives that support the priorities.

3. The consultation should therefore be to:

  1. assess whether anything so significant has occurred that merits a change to the priorities;
  2. assess whether any of the objectives should be amended or replaced.

4. The MPS Internal Consultancy Group has evaluated the 2003/4 consultation and its findings are relevant to planning how we will consult for the 2004/5 plan. The executive summary is attached at Appendix 1 and the full report has been made available separately to Members. The main findings are to involve people much earlier in the process so that they feel they have an opportunity to influence decisions and to brief them so that they can make informed contributions.

5. Appendix 2 gives details of a proposed high-level consultation plan for 2004/5. Members are invited to approve this high level plan to enable detailed work to be set in train.

C. Equality and diversity implications

The MPS plans to consult across the full range of GLA priority groups as failure to do so could reduce community confidence and trust in the MPS.

D. Financial implications

The proposed high-level plan raises no significant additional financial implications and costs for consultation for 2004/5 has been incorporated into budget forecasts.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Superintendent Chas Bailey, Strategic Consultation Co-ordinator, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    Outcome based debrief of MPA/MPS consultation methods regarding  the policing priorities 2003/4

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