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Report 10 of the 13 May 04 meeting of the Consultation Committee and updates an earlier report on the Capital Crime Conference 2003; its intention is to give an update on the outcomes and follow-up in particular with regard to Knowledge Forums.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Update on Knowledge Forums

Report: 10
Date: 13 May 2004
By: Commissioner


This report is an update of an earlier report on the Capital Crime Conference 2003; its intention is to give an update on the outcomes and follow-up in particular with regard to Knowledge Forums.

A. Recommendation

That members note the contents of this report.

B. Supporting information

1. The Capital Crime Conference was held on the 3 April 2003. It was sponsored by the Metropolitan Police Service and the Government Office for London. It was supported by the MPA, the Mayor of London and the Home Office.

2. The conference aim was to engage with and listen to local communities and businesses with the aim of reducing specialist crime in London. In addition, the key findings from the conference have been developed into action plan for Specialist Crime Directorate (SCD), the Knowledge Forums and Community and Police Consultative Group (CPCG) visits.

3. The Commissioner launched and signed the London gun declaration against guns.

Programme of action

4. The event was extremely successful and the following initiatives were implemented as a result of the conference:

Gun declaration

5. This gave an opportunity for Londoners to demonstrate their commitment to an anti gun culture in their community by signing the declaration. This campaign focused on young Londoners particularly in the Trident boroughs. The Gun Pledge board has travelled in various boroughs complementing local initiatives. It has been displayed and signed by celebrities at the Dome with the Respect and Asian Festivals. Furthermore, it complemented a function organised by Choice FM. At each event, the main board has been accompanied by a number of ‘mini boards’ allowing members from the London’s communities to participate. This programme has led to the Gun Crime Strategy report being compiled for launch at the Gun Crime conference on 2 December 2004.

Knowledge Forums

6. These are monthly meetings with community, business leaders and stakeholders at New Scotland Yard about specialist crime issues. The Forums consist of a short prevention presentation by officers and invited external experts involved in a particular area of reducing specialist crime, followed by an open forum to discuss issues, share knowledge and consider how such crime can be prevented or reduced. The subjects covered last year included Arts & Antiques, Crimestoppers, Paedophiles & the Internet and major investigations. As the forums were very successful, these have continued this year every month with a different topic of Specialist Crime. A monthly schedule has been prepared for the remainder of 2004 and includes the following topics:

  • 11 May – The Communities and Cultural Resource Unit (CCRU)
  • 30 June – Commercial Robbery (The Flying Squad)
  • 28 July – Safer Surfing
  • 29 September – Honour Murders
  • 27 October – Organised Vehicle Crime
  • 24 November – Forensics at Major Investigations

7. The audience is on occasions targeted to reflect the subject e.g. Gun Crime, but on the whole representatives are sought from all of London’s diverse communities. Operational Commanders at the forums use the feedback to influence new policies, working practices and processes to improve SCD service delivery.

Police Community Consultative Groups (PCCGs)

8. Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur has led this programme personally to give a presentation to all the boroughs of London on the work of the Specialist Crime Directorate. All boroughs will have been visited by July 2004. This consultation process also gives non-members attending the meeting to raise his/her personal concerns with one of the most senior officers of the MPS. At these meetings attendees are provided with SCD Information packs that contain fact sheets of all units within SCD and details of future Knowledge Forums.

Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRPs)

9. From September, a similar presentation will be given to the Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships to highlight the need to include specialist and serious crime issues in next years’ Crime and Disorder Act strategy. This will ensure that those crimes that have a disproportionate impact upon public reassurance will be included in each Boroughs strategies in line with MPS/MPA objectives.

C. Race and equality impact

1. The contact database established from the attendees of the Capital Crime conference has been of great value in reaching out to representatives from all communities of London. These delegates have been invited to all Knowledge Forums and many attend as representatives of their communities. The database is also used to invite representatives for consultation on other MPS business and has been used by DCC4 and the CCRU.

2. Independent Advisory Group (IAG) members through DCC4 are invited to all forums. MPA members have been invited and have attended a number of forums. Similarly, both groups have been well represented at CPCG meetings.

3. Trident IAG members are consulted on a regular basis in relation to gun crime within the Black communities. The Gun Crime forum targeted Black youth and supporting services for consultation.

4. This year SCD introduced forum a satisfaction survey to ensure quality assurance and seek new methods of consultation. Currently, the surveys show a high level of satisfaction amongst attendees.

D. Financial implications

1. An SCD display stand was purchased for attendance at community outreach events. Two portable brochure stands to hold the SCD fact sheets were also purchased at a total cost of £2,544.

2. A total cost of £4,500 has been spent on developing and producing the SCD fact sheet series, including brailed copies.

3. The costs have been provided from within the Specialist Crime Directorate budget.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Detective Sergeant Gurpal Virdi, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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