
Report 10 of the 2 December 2004 meeting of the Community Engagement Committee, and summarises the progress made on the implementation of funding arrangements for Community and Police Consultation Group (CPCGs) for 2004/05.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Progress report on CPCG funding for 2004/05 and timetable for the 2005/06 funding round

Report: 10
Date: 2 December 2004
By: Clerk


This report summarises the progress made on the implementation of funding arrangements for Community and Police Consultation Group (CPCGs) for 2004/05. It also sets out the timetable for the 2005/06 funding round.

A. Recommendation


  1. the Committee note the progress made on the implementation of funding arrangements for CPCGs for 2004/05 and the process already embarked upon for the 2005/06 funding round; and
  2. the Committee agrees that Abdal Ullah, Aneeta Prem John Roberts and Damian Hockney be appointed to the Appeal Panel, as outlined in paragraph 7 to the report.

B. Supporting information


1. The Committee agreed the 2004/05 funding arrangements for CPCGs at its meeting of 18 March 2004. These arrangements placed Groups into a number of different funding bands and included a variety of conditions that Groups had to meet before final funding could be released.

2. Each subsequent Committee meeting has received a report setting out the progress made in assisting CPCGs achieve a position whereby funding could be released.

3. Considerable effort has been made by officers of the Community Engagement Unit to support the CPCGs through this process and, in the main, the outcome has been positive.

4. This is the final report on the 2004/05 funding round. By the time the Committee meets all CPCGs bar 3 will have received or be in the process of receiving the full 12 months funding. The exceptions are:

  • Havering
    The Group has already received £1,700 to assist in restructuring. It will now receive funding for the remaining 4 months of 2004/05
  • Hackney
    The Group has failed to carry out the outstanding review of administrative arrangements and will not now receive further funding in 2004/05
  • Barking and Dagenham
    The Group has failed to carry out the outstanding review of required and will not now receive funding.

5. The failure of Hackney and Barking and Dagenham to fully comply with the conditions attached to their 2004/05 funding does not of course preclude them from applying for funding in 2005/06 and, should a suitable application be received, officers will make every effort to support a satisfactory outcome.


6. Members will note that a draft application pack was shown to a select group of chairs and administrators and that, at the request of the Chair of the London Chairs Forum a major amendment to the pack was subsequently made. Members will also note that two funding application workshops were held on the 3 and 4 November 2004 to explain the requirements of the revised application form.

7. The funding application timetable for 2005/06 is attached as Appendix 1. The Committee’s attention is particularly drawn to the following dates:

  • 17 December 2004 - Deadline for receipt of application forms
  • 3 February 2005 - Report to Community Engagement Committee
  • 22 February 2005 – Appeals Panel

In the case of the last date, it is suggested that this Committee meeting appoint the Appeals Panel from among the existing Members Panel.

C. Race and equality impact

A major component of the improvements that are being encouraged in the work of CPCGs that officers have met with, relate specifically to ensuring greater integration of equality and diversity provisions in their governance processes and work activities.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications from this report. Funding for the CPCGs is included in the MPA’s 2004/05 and 2005/06 budgets.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Christopher Calnan MPA

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: CPCG Funding Application Timetable - 2005/06

Date MPA requirement Group requirement
29 October 2004 Application Pack sent to all groups  
3 & 4 November 2004 Workshop – ‘Form completion and advice’ Attend workshop if required
17 December 2004   Deadline for return of completed Application Forms
December 2004 to February 2005 Review of applications by MPA Officers  
3 February 2005 Report to Community Engagement Committee Groups informed of recommended allocations via Community Engagement Committee Report (this will be available on the MPA website prior to Committee)
17 February 2005   Formal letter of appeal with reasons for appeal to be lodged with the MPA
22 February 2005 Appeals Panel Attend panel if appealing
April 2005 100% monies paid to groups  
Mid October 2005   6 monthly record of expenditure incurred sent to MPA with progress report
April 2006   Forward final 6 month record of expenditure and progress report to MPA

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