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Report 5 of the 16 June 2005 meeting of the Community Engagement Committee and provides details of the progress made since February on the reform of Independent Custody Visiting Scheme.

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Reform of Independent Custody Visiting Scheme

Report: 5
Date: 16 June 2005
By: the Chief Executive and Clerk


The February 2005 meeting of the Community Engagement Committee called for regular reports on the progress of the implementation of the review of the London Independent Custody Visiting Scheme. This paper describes the progress made since February.

A. Recommendation


  1. members note the progress made to date on the implementation of the review of the ICV Scheme;
  2. members endorse the principle of partnership between MPA, the ICVs and the MPS Custody Directorate as the basis for work on improving the ICV Scheme in London;
  3. members request that the Programme Board make regular progress reports to them.

B. Supporting information


1. The Committee received a report on 3 February 2005 that outlined a programme of action for reform of the ICV Scheme in London, following an independent review of the Scheme. This report updates Members on progress since that time.

2. There have been four major developments since the February report:

  • the ICV Programme Board has been established
  • ICV Panel Chairs have elected three of their number to serve on the Board
  • recruitment to three key posts has begun
  • a detailed work programme for implementing the review has been drawn up.

3. Future reports on the progress of the implementation of the review will be made by the Programme Board.

Programme Board

4. Following the decision of the last Community Engagement Committee to establish a Programme Board to oversee the implementation of the ICV Reform programme, a Board has now been set up. Indeed, it had its first meeting this morning. The Board’s Terms of Reference are attached as Appendix 1 to this paper. Members will note that the principle of partnership between MPA, the ICVs and the MPS Custody Directorate is embodied in the composition of the Board.

Panel Chairs election

5. The Panel Chairs held an election, organised by MPA, to select three of their number to join the elected London ICVA representative on the Board. It is hoped that this new structure will streamline communications between MPA and Panel Chairs, which has been a trifle unwieldy on occasion.


6. Advertisements have been placed (closing date 31st May 2005) for three new posts within the Community Engagement Unit. The posts consist of one Scheme Manager and two Scheme Coordinators. These posts will form the nucleus of a new approach to the administration of and support for the London ICV Scheme. In essence the centre will set overall standards, monitor and scrutinise local activity and carry out developmental work in respect of the scheme. It will liaise with local Panel administrators but will not supersede them.

Draft work programme

7. A draft programme of work has been drawn up for the Board’s consideration, based on the findings of the independent review of the Scheme, on the MPA’s own concerns, and on comments and suggestions made by ICV Chairs. A copy of the programme is attached as Appendix 2, but Members should be aware that this is subject to ratification by the Board.

C. Race and equality impact

The activities of the ICV Panels are identified within the MPA Race Equality Scheme. There is therefore an ongoing responsibility to ensure that they undertake their activities in ways that meet the general and specific duties of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act.

The Programme Board will pay particular attention to the diversity of the Independent Custody Visitors as a group, and to the way they are deployed within Boroughs.

D. Financial implications

The costs of the three new posts, and other expenses associated with the work described in this report, are contained within the overall budget for the ICV Scheme.

E. Background papers

  • Appendix 1: Terms of Reference for the Programme Board
  • Appendix 2: Draft work programme for the implementation of the ICV Scheme Review

F. Contact details

Report author: John May, Community Engagement Unit

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 2

Draft work programme for the implementation of the ICV Scheme Review

(Committee version) – revision date 27/5/05

1. Visitor database

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
Collect ICV data from panels. Populate visitor database MPA/ICVs Now Database Administrator needed (MPA)

2. Visits database

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To introduce ICVA visit report form and construct visit database MPA/ICVs Soon See above

3. Security

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
3.1 Review existing levels of visitor vetting (Borough or corporate) CD + ICVs Now Awaiting discussion with CD
3.2 Photo-pass: levels of access CD Now Awaiting discussion with CD
3.3 Production of photo pass MPA/ICV   production issues need to be resolved in order to speed up issuing of passes

5. Handbook & procedure notes

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
5.1 Visitor handbook, covering role, rights and responsibilities of visitors, induction, probationary period, performance appraisal, disciplinary and grievance procedures etc. MPA/ICVs Now First draft received
5.2 Procedure notes for visits, including visit check list MPA/ICVs Now  

6. Scheme Management

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
6.1 to put forward models for structure and management of local panels including:
  • “independent review model”
  • Status quo
  • “3rd way” (evolving MPA model)
  • SLAs for administration arrangements for local panels
Joint ICV/MPA plus ICVA as consultants Sooner/Later An evolving and ongoing process of developing, implementing and reviewing appropriate models for the support infrastructure to enable ICV Panels to function efficiently
6.2 To review relationships between ICVPs and other stakeholders in custody environment MPA/CD + ICV Chairs Sooner/Later Stakeholders to include nurses, Community Psychiatric Nurses, Immigration Service, drug referee teams, FMEs and translators.
6.3 Review distribution of funding between panels (equity) MPA/CD Sooner/Later May be affected by MPA’s review of community engagement funding as a whole

7. Change monitoring/ early warning

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
Monitoring trends in the wider environment of custody issues
  • e.g. changing nature of detainees
  • nature of future custody provision
ICVs Soon/later To meet no more than 6-monthly; chairs and administrators’ meetings to feed into this group

8. Protocols for special cases

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
1. Death in custody & ‘near miss’

2. Custody visits to hospitals

3. Mobile custody suites

4. High profile detainees

5. Access to custody

6. Detainees held under anti-terrorism laws

CD + ICVs Soon Need to produce written protocols to guide new ICV Panel Chairs and custody staff in special circumstances

9. Recruitment

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
9.1 Identify most seriously affected Panels and address their needs ICVs/MPA Now Need something ‘quick and dirty’ in advance of London-wide arrangements
9.2 Advertising/promotion [London-wide template – local customisation]      
9.3 Other recruitment materials      
9.4 Improve retention     Retention also an issue – links to Marketing, 10.3

10. Marketing

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
10.1 Raising awareness of the ICV Scheme, what it does, how it benefits the whole community ICVs Soon Use conference Marketing Workshop participants as sounding board?
10.2 Liaison with Peter Stenning’s new custody forum      
10.3 ‘MPA Volunteer’ or ‘ICV’ branding     Debate needed on which brand to use

11. Investing in Volunteering

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
Adopt Volunteer Management Model MPA/ICVs Later Task for new Scheme Manager

12. Second Annual Conference

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To plan the conference Joint ICV/ MPA/ CD Later A high standard has already been set! Next time, we should use electronic voting

13. Quality Assurance for ICV Panels

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To maintain standards and spread good practice between Panels by means of peer review ICVs/MPA Later To set up a system for peer review of Panels

14. Visitor accreditation

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To review and overhaul the process of accrediting (and de-accrediting) ICVs. MPA/CD/ICVs Soon/Later Dependent on Visitor database.

15. Support for Panel Chairs

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To codify competences expected of, and terms of references for, Panel Chairs MPA/ICV Chairs Soon/Later With a view to tailoring training later on

16. ICV Training Programme

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To implement the training schedule by setting up annual programme of training MPA/ICVs Now This is the follow up to Completed Topic 4, below

17. Health and Safety

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
To review all aspects of Health & Safety involved in custody visiting, including the provision of insurance for ICVs MPA/CD/ICVs Soon Early task for one of the 2 new Scheme Coordinators

4. Training

Terms of Reference Leads Priority Comments
Identify areas in need of training (global) including PRA 2002 para 5; PACE; diversity; Health & Safety risk assessment etc. ICV trainers April 2005 Output: Generic training schedule for all ICVs

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