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Report 6 of the 06 Nov 01 meeting of the Chair's Co-ordination and Urgency Committee and discusses HMIC inspection of borough operational command units (OCUs).

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HMIC inspection of borough operational command units (OCUs)

Report: 6
Date: 6 November 2001
By: Clerk


HMIC will conduct six MPS Borough OCU inspections annually. This report sets out a process for overseeing the outcome of those reports.

A. Recommendation

That the system for dealing with HMIC Borough OCU inspections be endorsed.

B. Supporting information

1. Borough based inspections are distinguished from full and thematic inspections in that they primarily address the effective implementation of best practice and policy at a local level rather than the development of corporate strategy, performance or priorities. It is the responsibility of the MPA to ensure that the MPS has an effective system to address HMIC recommendations and that it is tested on a random basis.

2. The MPS will manage the recommendations through a working group chaired by the Assistant Commissioner for Policy, Review and Standards. All borough OCUs inspected will submit an action plan to the HMIC, with a copy to the MPS Inspection Liaison and Analysis Unit (ILAU) for monitoring. Full progress reports on these actions will be submitted to HMIC and the MPA within six months.

3. On receipt of a borough inspection report, the Clerk will determine whether it raises any strategic issues; if so, those recommendations will be passed to the MPA officer responsible for that policy area and it will be drawn into the mainstream process for HMIC report monitoring as agreed at the Co-ordination and Urgency Committee on 31 May 2001.

4. If the report only makes recommendations concerning local performance or management practice rather than MPS strategy, it will be presented to the Performance Monitoring and Professional Standards Committee (PSPM) for consideration. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the appropriate link Member and any other points to follow up will be pursued directly with the MPS ILAU.

5. When the MPS submits its concluding report on the action plans to HMIC it will at the same time submit a copy of that report to the MPA in line with the current procedures for all other HMIC responses. That report will then be presented to the PSPM Committee.

C. Financial implications


D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Keith Dickinson.

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