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Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Working arrangements for the committee

Report: 5
Date: 19 July 2002
By: Clerk


This report invites members of the committee to discuss how they want it to operate in the future and to start drawing up a programme of issues for future discussion.

A. Recommendation

That members agree working arrangements for the committee and start to identify its forward agenda.

B. Supporting information

1. The Committee’s terms of reference are attached as Appendix 1.

Working arrangements

2. A key feature of this new committee is the intention that it meets often enough and in such a way that, when necessary, the MPA can keep pace with and respond to emerging issues. The formal committee meetings will be held in public and subject to Access to Information requirements. These will normally be followed by private briefing sessions, which all MPA members can attend if they wish. These sessions will be an opportunity for MPS or MPA briefings and updates on issues previously covered in workshop sessions and on emerging issues. These sessions will have no status in formal decision-making terms although they can be used to give a member-level ‘steer’ on issues prior to formal decisions being taken.

3. Although arrangements need to be flexible to an extent, a degree of consistency and forward planning will help the MPS and those members not on the committee who may wish to attend for particular issues. The following process is therefore proposed:

  • it has been agreed that the formal committee meetings start at 11.30 a.m. If an informal session is planned then every effort should be made to conclude the committee meeting by 12.30 p.m.
  • the informal briefings will be billed as starting at 12.30 p.m. even if the preceding committee meeting has been cancelled for lack of business
  • that the committee draws up a forward agenda identifying as far as possible those issues it wishes to consider (either in the committee meeting or the briefing sessions) so that MPS officers and non-committee members can plan their attendance
  • that time is taken at the end of each meeting to review the forward agenda
  • whilst written reports will be required for the committee meetings, there will be no automatic expectation that an informal briefing or update is accompanied by a written report
  • non-Committee members will be informed on a regular basis of forthcoming briefings and updates although notification of urgent issues will obviously be more last minute

Forward agenda

4. Members are invited to identify issues for the committee’s forward agenda (either for the committee meetings or the informal briefings). As these briefings are intended to cover issues formerly dealt with at workshop sessions, they can include issues which are in the terms of reference of other MPA committees. The following may be a starting point for a forward agenda (in no order of priority):§ Police Reform Bill updates§ Royal Parks Constabulary proposals§ policing outside football matches§ warden accreditation scheme§ progress on MPA deaths in custody work§ identification of specialist posts§ street crime (perhaps should be a monthly item for first meeting of the month)§ Airwave/C3i§ MPS pursuit policy§ progress of Damilola Taylor review

5. Co-ordination and Policing Committee meetings are scheduled for the following dates over the coming months (all starting at 11.30 a.m.): September: 6th and 16thOctober: 4th and 21stNovember: 8th and 18thDecember: 6th

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications in this report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Co-ordination and Policing Committee terms of reference


1. To co-ordinate the business of the Authority with the aim of ensuring that:

  • key issues are addressed by the relevant committee
  • duplication between committees is avoided
  • that there is clarity about which committee or member is leading on a particular issue

To achieve this, the committee has the following powers and responsibilities:

2. Where committee terms of reference are unclear, to decide which committee should lead on a particular issue.

3. To settle disputes between committees.

4. The committee may make decisions where an issue:

  • is a matter of relevance to more than one committee
  • is not included in the terms of reference of any other committee and does not require a decision by the full Authority.

5. To consider and agree, subject to any guidance from the full Authority, a rolling programme of policy reviews. This will include for each review agreeing:

  • project scope
  • any expenditure
  • membership· timescale.

The outcome of policy reviews will be reported via the Committee to the full Authority.

6. To approve the allocation of lead roles to individual members, including their appointment to external or MPS bodies on behalf of the MPA. In doing so, the Committee will determine the scope of these lead roles and will maintain a list of lead member responsibilities.


7. To deal with urgent business on which a decision is needed before the next meeting of the appropriate body.


8. To consider policy and other issues relating to operational policing, particularly where:

  • these are not solely relevant to another committee
  • the Authority needs to respond proactively and in a timely way to emerging issues

9. To consider issues relating to crime and disorder reduction and the Authority’s relationships with crime and disorder reduction partnerships.


10. To monitor and manage the budget for the MPA Secretariat and, as appropriate, to agree priorities for the Secretariat’s work.

11. To have due regard, in exercising the committee’s responsibilities, to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

NB: The Committee will on a regular basis conclude its formal business and continue on an informal and confidential basis to be briefed on and discuss policing issues with senior MPS officers. All members of the Authority will be invited to these briefings. No formal executive decisions will be taken during these sessions.

Policy Review Sub-Groups

These will be set up by and report to the Co-ordination and Policing Committee

Policy Review Sub-Groups are appointed by the Committee to carry out specific, time limited policy reviews. As informal groups they will not necessarily be open to the public. Consequently, they have no decision-making powers in terms of, for instance, committing the Authority to a course of action or incurring expenditure.

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