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Report 4 of the 01 Sep 03 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and updates Members on progress to date with the Step Change Programme, which aims to deliver the joint MPS, MPA and Mayor of London’s vision for MPS growth to 35,000 police and community support officers, with associated, necessary growth in civil support staff.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Step Change Programme - managing further expansion of the MPS

Report: 4
Date: 01 September 2003
By: Commissioner


The report updates Members on progress to date with the Step Change Programme, which aims to deliver the joint MPS, MPA and Mayor of London’s vision for MPS growth to 35,000 police and community support officers, with associated, necessary growth in civil support staff.

A. Recommendations

That the Committee

  1. notes progress to date with the Step Change Programme
  2. notes the further officer growth options (Appendix A), reported to the Step Change Programme Steering Group on 21 July 2003
  3. agrees that, in accordance with the reporting timetable set out at Appendix B, the Step Change Programme business case be reported to the Committee on 3 October 2003.

B. Supporting information


1. A report to Co-ordination and Policing Committee on 17 May 2003 described the progress to date with the Step Change Programme (SCP).

2. A number of key events and meetings have taken place since the last update to the Committee. This report updates the Committee of these key events to date, and includes a copy of the Summary Highlight Report and further growth options that were reported to the last meeting of Step Change Programme Steering Group on 21 July 2003.

Key Events since the last report to the Committee

3. The Mayor’s Budget Guidance was issued to functional bodies of the GLA on 30 May 2003. In his guidance, the Mayor set out a policy objective for the MPA of:

“Development of options and supporting implementation plans and costings for increasing police numbers to 35,000 over the next 3 to 5 year period”

4. However, on the issue of funding, the Mayor’s guidance stated that:

“Discussions are continuing with the MPA about the strategy and options for increasing police numbers to 35,000 over the next 3 to 5 years. The Mayor will be seeking further support from government for funding these proposals and may issue further budget guidance to the MPA following these discussions.”

5. A series of informal and formal meetings have subsequently taken place between various officers from the GLA, MPA and MPS to seek further clarification of the Mayor’s intentions for funding the Step Change Programme. No further official guidance has been received at this stage.

6. A meeting of the Mayor’s Budget Steering Group was held on 9 July 2003, and this was attended by both MPA Chairs and officers as well as representatives from the MPS. The funding of the Step Change Programme was discussed in the context of the wider budget and funding options specified by the Mayor in his budget guidance.

7. The SCP Steering Group met on 21 July 2003, and considered a report on roll-out options of officer growth being considered by the MPS. These options are set out at Appendix A for information.

8. The SCP Steering Group endorsed an approach that the business case should set out the most appropriate roll out programme of officer growth. This roll out programme should take account of operational priorities, recruitment and deployment practicalities, as well as likely affordability.

Programme progress

9. Whilst the discussions have continued over funding of the Step Change Programme, the MPS has continued to press on with the development of a business case for growth in officer numbers and an implementation roll out plan, including resource and cost implications.

10. The SCP Steering Group received a summary highlight report of actual and planned key events and milestones at their meeting on 21 July 2003. A copy of the report is attached at Appendix B for information.

11. A key deliverable of the Step Change Programme over the coming weeks is the business case for growth. The business case is actively being developed, but will include the following components:

  • The rationale for 35,000 officers, including
  • The case for Community Based Policing, including development of performance data to measure success and benefits, and
  • The need for expansion of officer numbers across the MPS to support community based policing and to tackle other crime growth
  • The roll out options for growth in officer numbers
  • The opportunity to ‘contribute’ to the necessary increase required in police numbers by a targeted civilianisation programme
  • The resource and cost implications of officer growth, including the infrastructure and other ‘step change’ impacts of growth
  • The other benefits, constraints and risks to the Step Change Programme

12. The timetable set out at Appendix B proposes reporting and shaping of the Step Change Programme business case through the various working, oversight groups and Committees to conform to the governance arrangements approved by this Committee on 17 February 2003.

13. The timetable at Appendix B, which needs to in part reflect deadlines set by the Medium Term Financial Plan and 2004/05 Budget Submission process, envisages the business case coming to the Co-ordination and Policing Committee on 3 October 2003 for consideration. Considerable co-ordination work has been undertaken within the MPS to ensure that the SCP and the wider Medium Term Financial Plan are ‘joined up’ and, crucially, start to put the necessary framework in place to enable business and financial planning to be aligned.

14. After consideration of the Step Change Programme business case by Co-ordination and Policing Committee on 3 October 2003, the approved costs of the SCP will then be considered as part of the overall MPA/MPS Medium Term Financial Plan and 2004/05 Budget at Finance Committee on 13 October 2003.

C. Equality and diversity implications

This review will have regard to the equal opportunity and diversity policies of the MPA and MPS at every stage.

D. Financial implications

The costs of the review will be contained within existing budgets including an allocation from the Efficiency and Effectiveness review programme funding. A key outcome of the review will be an assessment of the financial implications of future expansion.

E. Background papers

  • MPA CoP Committee Report 17 May 2003
  • Mayor’s Budget Guidance 2004/05
  • SCP Steering Group minutes 21 July 2003

F. Contact details

Report author: Martin Chatfield, Step Change Programme Co-ordination Team, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix A

Further officer growth options (including Ward roll out and ‘complementary and other crime growth’ assumptions) reported to SCP Steering Group 21st July 2003

Option 2004/5 2005/6 2006/7 2007/8
1 Level ward growth each year; rollout by 31/3/07 (208 wards per year)‘

Complementary and other crime’ growth phased over same timescale

2 Minimum start, then rollout by 31/3/07 (96, 264, 264)‘

Complementary and other crime growth’ phased over same

3 Minimum start, then rollout by 31/3/08 (96, 176, 176. 176)‘ Complementary and other crime’

growth phased over same timescale

4 Minimum start, then rollout by 31/3/07 (96, 264, 264)‘

Complementary and other crime growth’ one year delayed start

5 Minimum start, then rollout by 31/3/08 (96, 176, 176, 176)‘

Complementary and other crime’ growth one year delayed start

6   Deferred start (options 1,2 and 4, but deferred by one year)

Appendix B

Step Change Programme - Steering Group highlight report

21st July 2003

  Key milestones and events pre-Steering Group Meeting
30th May Completion of an initial ‘scoping phase’ which identified the initial work ‘strands’ and within these strands, the individual streams of work that would need to be reviewed or undertaken.

This work was used as the basis of the “Impact Analysis”.

3rd June MPS Management Board agree a set of ‘guiding principles’ (which included planning assumptions in light of the Mayor’s Budget Guidance) on 3rd June 2003 to ensure a consistent approach was adopted in undertaking strand work.fits etc)
16th June A Programme Board meeting on 16th June 2003 discuss the scoping phase returns, the agreed ‘guiding principles’ for the programme, planned links to the Medium Term Finance Plan, a presentation by Territorial Policing on some of the early thinking around community based policing and plans and proposals to take forward the work.

Key Programme Management documents were circulated:

  • Programme Governance (Programme objectives and scope)
  • Programme Brief (high level risks, assumptions, benefits etc)
3rd July Receipt of 1st draft Consultation paper – Scope and Key stakeholder analysis.
4th July A Step Change Programme Workshop consider general issues including a presentation by Territorial Policing on the Reassurance Pilots, and then three separate facilitated discussions on:
  • Infrastructure and support service issues
  • People issues
  • Policies and processes
14 July Business case and Strand Plan template circulated
31st July Further planning assumptions defined by:
  • Territorial Policing on the estate, transport, IT and other support needs of community based teams
  • Other operational business groups set medium term growth priorities for their support needs
15th August Strand returns setting out the business case for growth including resource and cost implications over the growth period
19th August Workshop on Consultation, Communication and Marketing
29th August Strand returns setting out detailed implementation plans for period end 31st March 2003 to support growth commencing 1st April 2004
9th September Programme Board sign off Business Case (incorporating summary business case and summary implementation plan)
18th September SCP Steering Group sign off Business Case
25th September Mayor’s Budget Steering Group (for information as part of draft MTFP)
3rd October MPA CoP Committee consider Business Case
13th October MPA Finance Committee MTFP and Budget 2004/05 report including agreed Step Change Programme costs
30th October MPA Full Authority approve Budget Submission (including Step Change Programme costs)

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