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Report 4 of the 8 October 2004 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee, and sets out the proposed MPA budget for 2005-06.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Draft MPA budget 2005-06

Report: 4
Date: 8 October 2004
By: Clerk and Treasurer


This report sets out the proposed MPA budget for 2005-06. The forecast out-turn for the financial year 2004-05 is also reported.

A. Recommendations

That Members:

  1. endorse or amend the draft MPA budget 2005-06 before referring it to the Finance Committee;
  2. note the forecast outturn for 2004-05.

B. Supporting information

1. This report sets out budget monitoring information for 2004-05 and detailed budget proposals for 2005-06 in respect of the MPA, encompassing the secretariat, internal and external audit, and consultative groups.


Developments during 2004-05

2. The approved 2004-05 budget has increased from £9.091 million to the revised figure of £9.908 million as shown below. The increase reflects the drawing down on reserves to fund expenditure in the current year only on the Morris Inquiry.

Original 2004-05 budget per Budget Book
Add: transfer from reserve for Morris Inquiry expenditure
Revised budget 2004-05

Forecast outturn

3. The forecast end of year position is a projected overspending of £33k, based on actual expenditure to the end of August (see Appendix 1).

4. The staffing budget for both the secretariat and internal audit is underspent due to vacancies. Recruitment activity during the current year should mean that the budget is fully committed in 2005-06.

5. The legal expenses budget is projected to overspend by £200k, which can be covered by the underspending on staffing in the current year.


6. The build up of the proposed budget for 2005-06 is set out in Appendix 2.

7. There is only one item of committed growth of £125,000 (column 4 Appendix 2) relating to additional accommodation requirements (as highlighted in a report to this committee 15 March 2004).

8. The MPA senior management team (SMT) and policy leads have considered the overall resources of the secretariat and internal audit, in the light of the Corporate Strategy, to identify whether existing resources are sitting in the right place and whether there is a case to be made for additional resources. The SMT were also mindful of the requirement for significant savings to be made by the MPS in the current budget preparation.

9. Four bids for additional resources were endorsed by the SMT for consideration by members. Subject to the Committee’s views, these items would be incorporated in the draft budget submission to be considered by the Finance Committee before final approval by the full Authority.

  • Additional support to members - at members' request, a review of the support given to MPA members is currently underway but no conclusions have yet been reached. Early indications from a questionnaire are that members, in particular independent and magistrate members, would benefit from support in various practical and administrative ways. It may also be necessary to provide p.a. support to the Authority's Chair and Deputies. At this stage, a holding bid is proposed until it is possible to clarify the staffing requirements, the extent to which additional staffing will be needed and grading evaluated. Two posts are proposed, one at Executive Assistant level and one at Administrative Assistant level. Budget provision of £66k is required to cover salary and associated office costs.
  • Member allowances – a review is currently being undertaken into the level of allowances and whether they reflect the amount of time that members are required to dedicate to Authority responsibilities. Additional budget provision of £55k is sought, pending the outcome of the review.
  • PR - for the MPA to have a high profile around London a communications budget that allows for general publicity should be available. At current levels this is not possible to achieve, as any effective publicity campaign would exhaust the entire year’s budget in one go. An additional £60k is sought, plus a redirection of existing resources, to put in place a properly structured events framework to enable the MPA to maximise publicity and promotional activity.
  • MPA Oversight of MPS Professional Standards (complaints and discipline) - the Morris Inquiry is due to report in November 2004. It is most likely that it will make recommendations about the development of the MPA's work on oversight and scrutiny of MPS professional standards. The MPA itself in its evidence to Morris identified areas for enhancing the MPA role, chiefly in relation to case file sampling, developing a customer and stakeholder focus, and monitoring trends at BCU level as well as MPS wide. There are indications that the CRE investigation of police forces and authorities may also make recommendations that the police authority role should be developed.

The only dedicated staff resource at present is one officer working to the Deputy Clerk. That post is focussed principally on dealing with the MPA direct responsibilities for casework - Senior Officer complaints and discipline and pensions forfeiture. It seems prudent and desirable to anticipate that there will be a need to strengthen the MPA capability to undertake the broader oversight role. At this stage, a provision of £40k is suggested for staff and technology.

C. Race and equality impact

None specific to this report.

D. Financial implications

 The financial implications are highlighted in the body of the report.

E. Background papers

Existing committee reports referred to above.

F. Contact details

Report author: Liz Turner, Management Accountant

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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