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Report 5 of the 7 October 2005 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee, and provides a summary of progress on the C3i/Airwave Programme. The Programme is on track for continued Borough migration during 2006 and 2007.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

C3I/Airwave status report

Report: 5
Date: 7 October 2005
By: Commissioner


This report provides a summary of progress on the C3i/Airwave Programme. The Programme is on track for continued Borough migration during 2006 and 2007.

A. Recommendations

That the report be received.

B. Supporting information

Programme delivery

1. Work has continued to advance the transition of the remaining Tranche 1 boroughs into Hendon and Bow.

2. On-going work has continued by Information Programme Group (IPG) and Unisys around the performance and stability of the Call Handling System (CHS). Significant progress has been made on the performance and resilience issues in the CHS. After extensive testing CHS was released for Operational Evaluation. Assuming that Operational Evaluation is successful and Metcall can meet the level of training abstraction required, CHS should be totally operational across all three centres by November. Training of Metcall staff has continued with a high level of abstraction being achieved. At the present time, training believes that there should be no constraints from their activities to any transition plans currently proposed.

3. Programme Human Resources (HR) continues to work on the issue of obtaining the staff from the wider Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), which will be necessary to enable the next set of borough moves. The whole issue resourcing Metcall Operational Command Unit (OCU) is now processed through HR Directorate.

4. Whilst work continues to progress on the Transport Operational Command (TOC) Transition, the Programme has decided that no activity, including the transfer of TOC demand should take place prior to the availability of the CHS in operational use in Metcall. The data issues around the corporate directory are being addressed.

5. Interim Command and Control System (ICCS) Phase 1 installation is on schedule. The Lambeth switch and Tranche 1 working positions have been installed, connected and tested. The switches at Hendon and Bow are currently being installed and commissioned. Delivery of the interim Palace of Westminster configuration is proceeding on schedule. CCTV Phase 1 FAT to complete.

Strategy group

6. The C3i Strategy Group 25 August concentrated on three critical issues, namely the late delivery of the CHS, ICCS integration and the financial pressures within the C3i Programme. The Strategy Group next meets on 22 September, and an update will be provided on that meeting.


7. The high Level Transition Plan is at Issue 3.0 and was sign-off by Senior Management Team on 3 August 2005. There are no significant changes to the transition dates for T1a onwards.

8. The following are the key working dates:

  • September planned CHS Operation Eval at Lambeth
  • 20 September 2005 – Newham (KF) migrate to Bow
  • 11 October 2005 – Sutton (ZT) migrate to Lambeth

Key achievements

9. Key achievements during this month include:

  • Tower Hamlets migration into Bow
  • All three Metcall centres operating as ‘virtual one’
  • Real Time Resource Management solution implemented
  • New Vision and Journey document produced
  • CCTV Phase 1 FAT complete
  • Lambeth Phase 1 ICCS delivered and built
  • Palace of Westminster ICCS delivered and being implemented
  • Interim Radio System, project completed - Bow/Newham build complete
  • ICCS test and integration team in place
  • Review transition plan and develop options

Key milestones

10. Key milestones scheduled in the near term include:

  • Transition of Newham into Bow
  • Move more 999 and TOC’s demand to Metcall
  • Start rollout of CHS
  • Vehicle Airwave roll-out commences
  • Start Site Acceptance Test for ICCS at Lambeth
  • Hendon ICCS delivered and built
  • Bow ICCS delivered and built
  • Start to migrate TOC demand into Metcall
  • Complete TOC demand migration plan

Major issue

11. The major issue is the confirmation of the delivery schedule for CHS migration and the delivery and integration of the ICCS. Any action necessary and risk mitigation for these issues are being managed within the programme.

List of abbreviations

Metropolitan Police Service
Information Programme Group
Total Operational Command
Call Handling System
Human Resources
Interim Command and Control System
Operational Command Unit

C. Race and equality impact

All Programme activities are compliant with the meaning and scope of the Disabilities Discrimination Act 1996, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Equal Pay Act 1970 and any Act of Parliament or other legal provisions relating to discrimination in employment.

D. Financial implications

The total forecast expenditure for the C3i Programme comprising C3i, Airwave, MetDuties Phase 1 remains within the approved budgets. These sums are being funded by a combination of Home Office capital and revenue grants and MPS approved and allocated capital and revenue funding. Funding concerns outside of programme scope are constantly monitored and reported to Strategy Group; there are currently no major concerns.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: C3i Programme Director.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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