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Report 4 of the 5 October 2006 meeting of the Co-ordination and describes the link member role and lists the link member appointments.

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Link member appointments

Report: 4
Date: 5 October 2006
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This report asks the Committee to approve the description of the link member role attached as an appendix to this report and to decide which link member appointments should be made.

A. Recommendations


  1. the Committee approves the description of the link member role attached as Appendix 1 to this report;
  2. the Committee decides what link member roles should be appointed; and
  3. following the meeting, all members be informed of the agreed roles and invited to express interests, for appointments to be made at the October full Authority meeting.

B. Supporting information

1. At the Authority’s Annual Meeting in June, with regard to ‘link’ and ‘lead members’ it was agreed:

  • To rename ‘lead’ members as ‘link’ members, whether linked to a borough, to another MPS Operational Command Unit or acting as a link for a cross-cutting issue such as drugs
  • That a description of the link member role be developed, taking account of the borough and non-borough role; and
  • That all members be invited to propose link member roles. At the same time the MPS to be asked what areas of MPS service it feels would benefit from the appointment of a link member;
  • That the Co-ordination & Policing Committee be authorised to consider and appoint to the non-borough link roles once this exercise has been completed, taking into account the demands and expectations placed on members as a result of these appointments to ensure that they are realistic.

2. A proposed description of the link member role is attached as Appendix 1.

3. The present position with regard to borough link member appointments is attached as Appendix 2 for information.

4. The Committee is asked to consider what other link roles should be appointed. There has been a suggestion that there should be link member appointments for non-borough operational command units (OCUs). The MPA Senior Management Team recommend that the number of link member appointments is kept to a minimum. This is to ensure that members and officers do not become overstretched at the expense of the MPA’s core strategic functions. AS a general rule link member appointments should relate to issues rather than MPS Business Units. Link roles should be created where there is either a significant resource/efficiency dimension or a significant public interest dimension to warrant such a level of focused engagement and oversight by a member on behalf of the Authority. Link roles should be kept under review to reflect changing circumstances. The proposals in the next paragraph attempt to relate link member appointments to the MPS Directorate structure.

5. The Committee is invited to consider the following proposed link member appointments. Where there are names against a position these are either the current link member or an expression of interest:

Proposed link member appointments

Diversity & Citizen Focus Directorate

  • Community Engagement: Cindy Butts holds this portfolio
  • Citizen Focus: Cindy Butts

Directorate of Information

  • IS/IT: Reshard Auladin

Standards & Intelligence

No links proposed over and above the existing roles of the Chair and Deputy Chair of the Professional Standards & Complaints Committee.

Directorate of Public Affairs

To be decided in the light of the current scrutiny.

Central Operations

  • Road Safety and Traffic OCU – Jenny Jones is currently link for Road Safety
  • Public Order Policing – Rachel Whittaker
  • Policing of Sporting Events and 2012 Olympics – Richard Sumray
  • Royal Parks OCU – Tony Arbour
  • CO19, TSG and Central Tasking: to be nominated

Territorial Policing

  • Safer Neighbourhoods: Len Duvall
  • Criminal Justice System/Operation Emerald: Richard Sumray and Reshard Auladin
  • Modernising the workforce in T.P: Rachel Whittaker
  • Met Special Constabulary: John Roberts
  • 'immigration issues’ become part of the portfolio held by John Roberts (Custody Command, Independent Custody Visiting and Stop & Search)
  • Domestic Violence: Cindy Butts
  • Hate Crime: Peter Herbert
  • Rape: Richard Sumray

Specialist Operations

  • Toby Harris, Reshard Auladin and Len Duvall
  • Heathrow Operational Command Unit (as the equivalent of a Borough Link): Richard Barnes

Specialist Crime Directorate

  • Forensic Services (Reshard Auladin)
  • Child Protection (Richard Sumray)
  • Serious & Organised Crime Agency (currently Len Duvall pending permanent appointment – Richard Sumray has expressed an interest)
  • Trafficking in Women: Jenny Jones and Elizabeth Howlett

Directorate of Resources

  • Procurement: Reshard Auladin
  • Activity Based Costing: Karim Murji

Strategy, Modernisation & Performance

  • Len Duvall as portfolio holder.

Human Resources Directorate

  • Co-ordination & Policing Committee is the lead committee for MPS HR. Rachel Whittaker is the Workforce Modernisation Portfolio Member.

Cross-cutting issues

  • Drugs Policy: Richard Sumray
  • Management of Police Information (Bichard): to be nominated

6. It is suggested that when the committee has decided on appointments the list is then circulated to all members so that they have the opportunity to comment or express an interest in any of the positions, and that the link member appointments are finalised at the October full Authority meeting.

7. It is suggested that in future link member appointments should be reviewed at the first meeting of the Co-ordination & Policing Committee after the Authority’s Annual Meeting.

C. Race and equality impact

Link member roles can be a means by which the MPA focuses on specific equalities or diversity issues. MPA committees are required to “have due regard, in exercising the committee’s responsibilities, to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation”. This requirement should also apply to formal MPA appointments such as link members, and this has therefore been included in the link member role description.

D. Financial implications


E. Background papers

  • Management Board update paper of 5.12.05.

F. Contact details

Report author: Simon Vile, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

MPA Link Members


1. The range and complexity of the MPS places significant demands on the MPA in terms of its oversight role. To this is added the MPA’s own responsibilities, such as ensuring that London’s communities are consulted on policing issues and performance.

2. Much of the MPA’s work is conducted through full Authority and Committee meetings. However, committees are not always the most appropriate or efficient means of carrying out business. For this reason the MPA appoints individual members to act as “link members” for:

  • the 32 London Boroughs
  • certain other MPS operational command units
  • policing activities or issues that it is felt will benefit from the association with a link member, particularly where cross-cutting issues are involved

3. These are formal appointments made and reviewed annually either by the full Authority at its Annual Meeting or by the Co-ordination & Policing Committee at its July or September meeting. A description of the link member role is set out below.

The link member role

4. The MPA has agreed the following as the minimum expectations of borough link members:

  1. that they participate in their Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership(s), with MPA officer support as necessary;
  2. maintaining regular contact with the borough commander. This should include: oversight of the Safer Neighbourhoods programme at borough level; and being consulted by the borough commander on the allocation of the £50,000 partnership funding supplied by the MPA;
  3. that every six months they contribute to a report to the full Authority on the MPA’s work on CDRPs and issues/common themes that have been identified as part of this and borough link membership generally; and
  4. that over and above this, the extent to which a member engages with local partners, CPCGs, safer neighbourhood forums, community groups etc should remain at their discretion. As a minimum, a member should be prepared to listen to local concerns (even if not actively seeking them out) and to represent them to the Authority in the most appropriate way.

5. The minimum expectations of non-borough link members are suggested as follows:

  • to develop a detailed understanding of the issues relating to that particular area or service, including networking with the Association of Police Authorities, other police authorities and government departments as appropriate
  • to act as a two way link: listening to views expressed by others and representing these to the MPA in the most appropriate way; and representing to others the work and policies of the MPA
  • to be an initial point of contact for the MPS or others wishing to discuss issues (relevant to their link role) informally with an MPA member
  • to act as a conduit between the MPA and others for that subject area
  • On behalf of the MPA, to scrutinise and question, for instance in relation to policy and performance and to raise any issues or concerns with the MPA/MPS in the most appropriate way
  • to contribute to policy development locally and nationally as appropriate, by representing the MPA on other bodies etc
  • link members are expected to liaise on a regular basis with their MPA support officer to ensure that the Authority, and specifically the lead committee for that subject area, is kept informed in the most appropriate way of the member’s work on its behalf

Link member rights and responsibilities

6. No individual MPA member can take executive decisions (for instance committing the Authority to expenditure or the adoption of a policy).

7. If they are speaking publicly in their capacity as a link member they should represent any views or policies agreed by the MPA. If they feel unable to do this they must make it clear that they are speaking in an individual capacity.

8. In carrying out their duties link members should have due regard to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

9. Link members have a responsibility to keep other members and officers informed of their work in the most appropriate way, in particular Committee Chairs and the designated MPA Support Officer.

10. Link members have a right to expect MPS and MPA officers to recognise that they have been formally appointed to their role and to support them by:

  • keeping them informed of developments or issues
  • meeting with them on as regular basis as is required
  • providing written briefings on request (within reason in terms of the resources required to produce a briefing)

The Chief Executive to the MPA will designate an MPA officer to provide a link with an support to each non-borough link member

11. MPS officers should be aware that consultation with link members does not constitute formal consultation with the MPA.

12. A link member cannot commission reports for a committee.

13. The link member role does not attract a Special Responsibility Allowance.

Appendix 2

Borough Link Members

Boroughs Link Member
Barking & Dagenham Len Duvall (temporary)
Barnet Peter Herbert
Bexley Bob Neill
Brent Temporary cover provided by the Deputy Chief Executive
Bromley Bob Neill
Camden Richard Sumray
Croydon Graham Tope
Ealing Richard Barnes
Enfield Joanne McCartney
Greenwich Len Duvall
Hackney Jennette Arnold
Hammersmith & Fulham Cindy Butts
Haringey Kirsten Hearn
Harrow Karim Murji
Havering Aneeta Prem
Hillingdon Richard Barnes
Hounslow Tony Arbour
Islington Jennette Arnold
Kensington & Chelsea Damian Hockney
Kingston upon Thames Tony Arbour
Lambeth John Roberts
Lewisham Len Duvall
Merton Elizabeth Howlett
Newham Aneeta Prem
Redbridge Aneeta Prem
Richmond upon Thames Tony Arbour
Southwark Jenny Jones
Sutton Graham Tope
Tower Hamlets Len Duvall/Reshard Auladin (temporary)
Waltham Forest Jennette Arnold
Wandsworth Elizabeth Howlett
Westminster Rachel Whittaker

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