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Report 10 of the 1 February 2007 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee, and provides an update on the Greater London Authority (GLA) Group Convergence Programme.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

GLA Group Convergence Programme

Report: 10
Date: 1 February 2007
By: Chief Executive and Director of Strategy, Modernisation & Performance on behalf of the Commissioner


This report provides an update on the Greater London Authority (GLA) Group Convergence Programme.

A. Recommendations

That the report be received.

B. Supporting information

1. Since last summer the members of the GLA ‘family’ (in which for this purpose the Metropolitan Police Service has been included although it is not a functional body within the meaning of the Greater London Authority Act) have been developing, at the Mayor’s request, a framework for greater convergence across the GLA group. This framework focuses on the development of the GLA group’s role as the regional government for London by:

  • Promoting and communicating the Mayor’s vision and priorities for the capital and engaging with the members of the GLA group to translate those priorities into effective delivery at operational level; and
  • Optimising the impact of the GLA group by working more effectively together and making the best use of scarce resources across the group

2. There is already a good degree of co-operation and joint working across the GLA group on various issues or services and the framework aims to build on this and to ensure intelligence and best practice is shared wherever possible.

3. Gains should be possible by being much clearer and more integrated about the strategic direction of the group. Aside from the Olympics, where joint-working arrangements are being put in place, some major priorities for the Mayor include cross-cutting themes such as: sustainable development, equalities, climate change and worklessness. Bearing in mind the size and budget of the GLA group, the functional bodies and the GLA can play a significant role in delivering on these priorities.

4. The following work streams were identified for consideration in the first phase of the Convergence Programme:

  • Promoting London (events)
  • E-Services and IT
  • Equalities
  • Environmental issues
  • Procurement
  • Human Resources
  • Legal
  • IT
  • External Communications
  • Financial Services
  • Research and Analytical Services

5. The first phase of the Convergence Programme has been largely completed, consisting of:

  • An assessment of the current position; and
  • General agreement on initial proposals for further convergence including the identification of any ‘quick wins’, medium term gains and long-term gains

6. The various work streams are currently at different stages in terms of existing levels of convergence. Some have already established a high degree of cross group working at a strategic level e.g. equalities and sustainable procurement, while the ‘Promoting London’ work stream has already begun to put convergence into practice through the development of a joint GLA and London Development Agency events programme. For other work streams, such as Sponsorship and Research and Analysis, the phase one work brought different parts of the GLA group together for the first time.

7. Phase one considered the extent to which convergence is possible or desirable at two levels, the strategic (for instance the alignment of policies or budgets across the group) and the operational (for instance reducing bureaucracy or duplication by co-operative working or streamlining of services). There is no overall consensus amongst the workstreams about which category in the convergence matrix is a desirable end point. This reflects the different nature of the work undertaken in each area and their different starting points. However, there is consensus that increasing levels of convergence to some degree will support the objectives set out by the Mayor. These objectives are:

  • That the group, as a whole, understands and shares the Mayor’s vision for London and engages effectively in turning that vision into reality
  • More effective communication to staff and service providers across the group thus helping them to understand their role in service delivery
  • Better use of scarce resources within the national framework of grant settlements
  • The GLA group remains fit for purpose and capable of responding effectively to a rapidly changing environment including the extension of the group’s powers and responsibilities and the enhanced role of the GLA group as a tier of regional government for the capital.

8. Clearly the extent to which convergence is possible or desirable will vary both between the different functions and between the different bodies in the GLA group. There is, for instance, already close working between the GLA and Transport for London or the London Development Agency by virtue the Mayor’s statutory relationship with those bodies. The MPA is in a somewhat different statutory position. Although it is important that, through and with the MPA, the MPS is engaged in the convergence programme it must be recognised that the MPS also operates in the context of the wider police family and will be looking to deliver similar strategic and operational aims through that grouping.

9. That said, the MPA and the MPS are keen to contribute to the convergence programme, provided it is a genuine two-way process - and to maximise its successful outcomes, both in practical ways and in strengthening regional government in London. One area that the MPA and MPS considered had been overlooked in the phase one programme was the use of property – this has now been included as a work stream in phase 2.

10. The Mayor has now agreed the priorities for phase two of the convergence programme, when the focus will particularly be on short and medium-term deliverables. Attached, as Appendix 1 is the work plan agreed by the Mayor. The process will continue to be overseen by a Convergence Working Group – on which the MPA’s Chief Executive and the MPS’s Director of Strategy, Modernisation & Performance sit – and the detailed work carried out by work streams, which include MPA and MPS officers. Progress will be reported to the Committee on a regular basis as proposals are developed.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no equalities implications arising directly from this report. However, the objectives of the proposed work programme should support the delivery of equalities across the GLA group and equalities considerations should be integral to the work of each work stream.

D. Financial implications

There are no financial implications arising directly from this report. However, progress on individual work streams will be dependent on the availability of appropriate resources. The GLA group members will be responsible for their own decisions in respect of any resources needed to take forward individual work streams or initiatives.

E. Contact details

Report author: --

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

  • Appendix 1 [PDF]
    Priority areas for Phase Two of the GLA Group Convergence Programme (Delivering Effective Regional Government for London) – Work plan

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