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Report 4 of the 5 April 2007 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee, and proposes the provision of a patrol base for the Borough of Greenwich through the leasehold acquisition of Unit 9 Mellish Industrial Estate, Warspite Road, Woolwich, SE18.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Acquisition of a patrol base for Greenwich BOCU

Report: 4
Date: 5 April 2007
By: Acting Director of Resources and Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing on behalf of The Commissioner


This report proposes the provision of a patrol base for the Borough of Greenwich through the leasehold acquisition of Unit 9 Mellish Industrial Estate, Warspite Road, Woolwich, SE18.

A. Recommendations


  1. the leasehold acquisition of warehouse accommodation at Unit 9 Mellish Industrial Estate, Warspite Road, Woolwich for Greenwich BOCU to house the patrol and response officers be approved;
  2. estimated capital expenditure as specified in the exempt appendix 1 to this report, for contract works and professional fees in connection with the required fit out be approved.
  3. subject to the acquisition of the patrol site and with the provision of front desk facilities through the Safer Neighbourhood Programme, support the further rationalisation and modernisation of the borough estate as detailed in this report. The front office at Woolwich Police Station will not close until appropriate alternative facilities are operational (see paragraphs 21 to 24).

B. Supporting information

1. The strategy supporting the acquisition of a central borough patrol base is set out in the MPA/MPS Estates Strategic Plan approved by the MPA Full Authority in December 2006.

2. Meeting present and projected accommodation needs through the use of commercially available premises forms one of the core drivers of the estates strategy. With the full backing of Territorial Policing the concept of a patrol base has been developed to meet both operational and estate objectives. The first 'prototype' base has now been successfully opened at Waltham Forest. The second site at Enfield opened in November 2006. Further sites have been identified and will be the subject of future reports.

3. A patrol base is designed to achieve the following key objectives:

  1. Improved provision of co-ordinated 24-hour response for the Borough.
  2. Implementation of the Metropolitan Police policy on leadership and supervision through a single site briefing/debriefing of 24-hour patrols.
  3. Addressing increased accommodation needs following growth in the policing family, including PCSOs and Special Constables.
  4. Easing overcrowding of the current estate and releasing space for greater beneficial use/disposal. This is particularly important as the older estate becomes increasingly non compliant / not fit for purpose.

4. A suitable location for a Greenwich patrol base has been identified at Warspite Road, Woolwich and a scheme has been developed following consultation with the Borough and the MPA lead member. Large, modern warehouses are in very short supply in this part of the Borough with many sites having been redeveloped for retail use. No suitable alternative buildings are available nearby at the present time. The MPA lead member for property has visited the site.

5. The proposed acquisition will enable Greenwich BOCU to develop the principle strands of policing namely CID, Response, Leadership, and Safer Neighbourhoods from an effective operational estate across the Borough.

6. Greenwich Borough, in partnership with The London Development Agency, has commissioned Thames Gateway London Partnership to produce a Sub-Regional Economic Development Implementation Plan. Notable redevelopment includes Greenwich Peninsula including the 'O2' Dome, enhancement of the Borough's transport infrastructure (particularly around Woolwich) and the 2012 Olympics. These major initiatives reinforce the case that Greenwich Borough needs the Patrol Base solution to be delivered as soon as possible.

7. Two existing police buildings will be impacted by the provision of a patrol base - Westcombe Park and Woolwich Police Station. Details appear in the consultation and communication section, later in this report.

The proposed site

8. The proposed patrol base site at Unit 9 Mellish Industrial Estate, Warspite Road, Woolwich, was constructed approximately five years ago and provides 46,450 sq ft of warehouse accommodation capable of accepting a flexible internal fit out. The patrol base will occupy some 31,700 sq ft of the building. A full height division will separate the remaining area of some 14,750 sq ft. The future use of this additional space is subject to a separate business case to be developed by Property Services. Possibilities include a shared facility with the Local Authority, secure storage facilities or a custody centre. The capital cost of works to the remaining space will be added to the existing capital 'over programming' plans. As previously stated, there is no suitable alternative site.

9. The building will house the Borough's response and patrol teams with supporting administration in line with the operational policing model agreed with TPHQ. In addition, a key strand of the local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership will provide local authority supported CCTV systems, currently located at Woolwich police station, with new facilities. This co-locates local authority staff with MPS staff and enhances partnership working as shown to be best practice in other Boroughs. The accommodation will also house the South East Operational Support Unit for Metropolitan Special Constabulary. Internal accommodation will provide new changing, locker and shower facilities for 400 officers and staff with briefing, writing and operational facilities. In addition to internal parking for 45 vehicles there is external space for 97 vehicles plus three disabled bays and facilities for encouraging cycling to work.

10. The property lies in a strategic location for the borough immediately to the north of the A206 midway between the junctions with the A102 to the west and A205 to the east. It has good links to public transport including four main bus routes, and a night bus route, on the A206 and Woolwich Dockyard over ground railway station.

11. Local Authority planning permission for police use has already been obtained and members will be aware that consultation forms an important part of this process. The BOCU is currently preparing the next stage consultation and communication package for local communities and stakeholders.

12. Property Services will, as far as practicable, adhere to the Mayor's five Environmental Strategies concerning air quality, noise, biodiversity, climate and energy.

13. After a period of negotiation formal Heads of Terms have been agreed with the landlords for the MPA to lease the premises. The principal terms of the agreement are set out in the exempt appendix 1.

Planning application

14. The planning application was submitted in December 2005 and planning consent was granted in March 2006. . The process for approving planning applications includes written notification, by the Local Authority, to adjoining occupiers, both business and residential. As no objections were received the application was not referred to a planning committee and consent was granted by council officers under their delegated powers.

Local consultation and communication

15. The previous Borough Commander led initial consultation and communication processes, both internally and externally, on the provision of a patrol base. Externally this included:

  • Leader, Greenwich Council.
  • Chief Executive, Greenwich Council.
  • Greenwich Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership Executive.
  • MPA link member.
  • Three local MPs.
  • Greenwich Independent Advisory Group members.

16. Internally, staff on the borough, Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing and the Link Commander for the Borough are supportive of the proposal. TPHQ has been involved in the development of the proposals.

17. Overall those consulted have expressed their support for the provision of the patrol base as it presents an opportunity to improve local service delivery and improve conditions for staff.

18. The next stage of consultation will be undertaken once the way forward on the provision of a patrol base has been approved by the MPA.

19. The impact of the provision of a patrol base on two existing police buildings is shown below.

20. Westcombe Park is a former police station, which has had no functioning front counter for at least the last six years. It simply houses occupants who will be locally re-accommodated through the Safer Neighbourhoods programme, with a new facility planned for the Peninsula ward, which will include a public contact point. As this building changed some years ago from a police station to office accommodation, it is not considered that public consultation on the planned closure and disposal is required. Notification of the move of the occupants and the planned disposal will be the subject of communication locally once timescales are known.

21. In the case of Woolwich Police Station, this will be replaced by a new facility with a public counter in the town centre. The facility will provide suitable accommodation to meet operational policing needs at the time that they are planned. Many of the existing functions at Woolwich Police Station will migrate to the new patrol base and would not be replicated within a new facility. It is not possible to state now exactly what functions will be supported by a new facility as operational needs and TPHQ/BOCU requirements will change over time. Discussions are on going with the developer of the major redevelopment scheme adjoining Gordon Square, which has just received planning consent. It is not expected however that the new facility will be available for at least four years, assuming that suitable terms can be agreed with the developer.

22. In line with the agreement at the Estate Oversight Group, the timing of the consultation needs to be linked to when changes are going to happen and when plans are developed to an appropriate stage. For Woolwich Police Station, it is proposed therefore that the consultation on the proposed closure and disposal takes place once the alternative options are clearer.

23. The MPS appreciates the need to ensure that the timing allows for comments/views received influencing the process and the decisions made.

24. In the meantime, the public counter facility will remain at Woolwich Police Station. The current opening hours are 7am - 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am - 6pm Saturday and Sunday. A replacement facility at Woolwich would be open for those hours as a minimum.

C. Race and equality impact

There are considered to be no equality or diversity implications arising from the issues in this report. The building will be fitted out to meet current regulations including Disability Discrimination Act legislation and will provide operational facilities that are fit for purpose.

D. Financial implications


1. Details of capital and revenue costs are provided in the exempt Appendix 1


2. Capital fit out costs are to be funded from within the existing MTFP Capital Programme (patrol bases line). Timing is anticipated for the 2007/08 financial year.

3. On-going revenue costs are to be funded from existing aggregated budgets. The approved revenue budget for 2007/2008 includes the additional rent and rates liabilities arising from the proposed acquisition. The planned exit from Westcombe Park and the relocation of Woolwich Police Station are central to achieving revenue funding changes to allow the new Patrol Base costs to be accommodated within existing budget levels. Managing the detailed financial impacts is delegated to Property Services who will report to the MPA Estate Oversight Group on implementation and progress.

E. Legal implications

A commercial lease contract is to be entered into between the MPA and the Landlord that will contain standard terms and conditions prevailing in today's property market. The MPA receives independent legal advice on the negotiation and content of such agreements.

F. Risk management

1. There are considered to be no unusual risks involved in this project. The financial impacts will require a balancing of revenue budgets as reported under Financial Impacts at Section D of this report.

2. Procurement of the core build is estimated to fall below Official Journal of the European Union limits and will be progressed accordingly. Other elements (IT etc.) have been subject to separate reports/approvals.

3. Construction and related matters will be risk managed to MPA / MPS standard arrangements. The Property issues will be subject to the MPS Gateway best practice procedures.

4. There is a risk that the additional space in the building will not be used. This is considered remote, as a number of potential uses have already been identified without the space being offered to all MPS Business Groups. As soon as the acquisition is concluded detailed studies will be undertaken to identify the most beneficial use of the space.

5. The progress of the Woolwich Town Centre scheme will be closely monitored as it is central to the medium term, managed, revenue control that will assist in funding the Patrol Base.

G. Background papers

  • MPA/MPS Estates Strategic Plan

H. Contact details

Report author: Tim Godwin, Assistant Commissioner - Territorial Policing and Alan Croney, Director Property Services, MPS

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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