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Report 6 of the 5 April 2007 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee, and reports on the MPA’s improvement programme, specifically: general progress, actions against the overall programme plan, impact on staff and internal communications.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Progress report: MPA improvement programme

Report: 6
Date: 5 April 2007
By: Chief Executive and Clerk


This report is a progress report on the MPA’s improvement programme specifically: general progress, actions against the overall programme plan, impact on staff and internal communications.

A. Recommendations

That the report be received.

B. Supporting information

Improvement Programme aims and objectives

1. The MPA Improvement Programme has its roots in the initial Performance Assessment of the MPA carried out by the Audit Commission, and the need to review the way the organisation is structured and works, given the maturing role of the Authority itself.

2 There are eight key aims and objectives of the improvement programme.

  • Improving our leadership and management capabilities through the development of a management development programme for MPA members/staff and a staff survey.
  • Embedding a culture of business planning and performance management across the MPA to change the way we work (how we plan, prioritise and deliver) linked in with the personal development of staff.
  • Creation of a new unit (Partnership and Engagement Unit) to provide focus and a one-stop shop for our borough facing work.
  • Establishment of a Corporate Secretariat to draw together all secretariat and support services, with a view to enhancing effectiveness and efficiency.
  • A unified Treasury bringing together the finance based roles within the organisation and to improve scrutiny of MPS IS/IT, estates and procurement.
  • Establishment of a new MPA directorate of Policy, Planning, Performance, Scrutiny and Race and Diversity, which recognises the central importance of the MPA’s ‘scrutiny’ role of the MPS.
  • Development of closer working relationships and collaborative partnerships between units.
  • Development of a corporate support services to identify those essential services to help MPA effectiveness.

Progress against programme plan

3 The MPA has made steady progress in readiness for the new MPA units going live on 2 April 2007 but we are not as far forward as we had hoped to be, and there is considerable detailed work on staffing to be resolved including a number of key appointments to be made to new or vacant posts.

4. With that proviso the new units i.e. Policy Planning and Performance, Treasury, Engagement and Partnerships and Corporate Secretariat go live on 2 April 2007.

5. The MPA is in the process of appointing an interim Head of Engagement and Partnerships to focus on teambuilding and priority management, pending a permanent appointment to this post.

6. The other key post to be filled is the Head of Corporate Secretariat. The process for appointing to this post will be confirmed shortly.

7. Work is in hand with members to identify key issues for members in relation to corporate services. Proposals are also being prepared for a members development programme to commence later in 2007.

Launch Plan

8. The purpose of the Launch Plan is two fold. – First to provide a planned programme of events and supporting documentation to mark the ‘go live’ date of the new MPA units.

9. Secondly, to provide a planned programme of events to support the roll out of the MPA’s values and behaviour model and publication of the online staff survey results to staff.

10. There will be a number of activities including keynote speeches by the Chair and Chief Executive of the Authority and other members of SMT, a Members’ briefing and ‘Wear Your Corporate Colours Day’ on Friday 13 April 2007.

11. A summary of the launch plan is shown in Appendix 1.

MPA priorities and values and behaviour

12. The MPA will launch its priorities underpinned by its values and behaviours on 2 April 2007.

13. There will be a number of education sessions and circulation of promotional material during 2 and 9 April 2007 to familiarise staff and members with our priorities and values and behaviours. This will be followed by a planned programme of work to embed our values over the next three months.

14 The MPA’s priorities and values and behaviours can be found in Appendix 2. The proposed organisational structure is at Appendix 3.

Equality Impact Assessments

15. An initial equality impact screening took place on 13 March assessing the impact of planned structural change within the MPA on the equality groups. This process was supported by an external facilitator experienced in human resources and equality issues, who also provided a degree of degree of external scrutiny and challenge.

16. So far, the EIA process has not identified any negative impact. The initial screening process for Policy Planning and Performance, Corporate Secretariat and Partnerships and Engagement will resume once the final position of the number and nature of posts within these units have been finalised.

C. Race and equality impact

As detailed in report.

D. Financial implications

As detailed in report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Launch Plan

Programme Schedule.

Week commencing 2nd April

2nd April

  • Key note speech by Catherine and Len in MR 1 10.00 – 10.30am
  • Distribution of Personal Transition Plans
  • MPA Values and Behaviours session in MR 1 10.30am – 1.00pm
  • Go live - Corporate Secretariat, Engagement and Partnership Unit, Policy Planning and Performance, Treasury

3rd April

  • Key note speech from David and Siobhan in 1st floor open plan area 11.30am – 12.00

4th April

  • Publish staff survey results

5th April

  • Member’s Briefing between CoP and Chairs’ Meeting

6th April


Week commencing 9th April


10th April

  • Key note speech by Peter and Ken in MR 1 10.00am – 10.30am
  • MPA Values and Behaviour education session in MR 1 10.30am – 1pm

11th April

  • Q&A session – staff survey in MR 1 10am - 11.30pm
  • Q&A session – in MR1 11.30am – 1.00pm

13th April - Wear Your Corporate Colours Day

  • Surprise Staff Event in MR1 8.30 – 11.00am
  • Q&A session – staff survey in MR 1 1pm – 2.30pm
  • Q&A session – in MR1 2.30 – 4.00pm

Appendix 2: MPA Priorities and Values and Behaviours

Our Priorities

The Authority will:

  • hold the Commissioner rigorously to account for improving the operational performance of the MPS
  • transform community engagement to help Londoners secure more responsive policing
  • work with the MPS to achieve cultural change throughout the service so that everyone in London can gain and retain confidence in policing
  • drive the MPS to make the most effective, efficient and cost conscious use of all of its resources
  • deliver a fit for purpose, efficient and effective MPA

We will achieve success through our Values and Behaviours

  • lead by example
  • create the vision and inspire commitment
  • be a catalyst for change
  • recognise and value people
  • enable and drive performance
  • focus on team and partnership working

Supporting material

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