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Report 11 of the 5 July 2007 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and presents a revised version of the MPA/MPS Procurement Strategy for the provision of goods and services.

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MPA/MPS procurement strategy

Report: 11
Date: 5 July 2007
By: Director of Strategic Finance on behalf of the Commissioner and the Treasurer


This report contains the revised version of the MPA/MPS Procurement Strategy for the provision of goods and services. The previous strategy was approved in December 2003.

A. Recommendations

That members

  1. approve the attached Procurement Strategy;
  2. consider whether they wish link member representation on the new procurement oversight group; and
  3. agree that a report be brought back to the Finance Committee in twelve months time on progress in implementing the strategy. 

B. Supporting information

1. Attached to this report, as Appendix 1, is the revised Procurement Strategy for goods and services. It has been developed to reflect both the challenges facing the MPA/MPS over the next three years and all relevant changes in associated legislation and regulations and in particular the revised contract regulations on this committee’s current agenda. It has also been developed in consultation with appropriate MPA officers.

2. To facilitate joint working and ensure progress in procurement matters a new informal Procurement Oversight Group has been established, presently chaired by the Treasurer. It is modelled on the existing oversight groups for IS/IT, property and HR each of which is chaired by a link member. As agreed at the Annual Meeting of the Authority the Committee may wish to appoint a link member for procurement.

3. The strategy identifies high-level actions over the next three years. Each high-level action will be supported by a detailed action plan with clear and measurable milestones including the provision of an appropriate Procurement Services communication strategy. This strategy (which includes the provision of appropriate training by Procurement Services) will ensure all necessary staff are fully aware of their responsibilities, both for implementing the procurement rules and also ensuring proper internal controls are operating. This communication initiative will help ensure that that best practice principles of procurement are adopted in boroughs and also that the requirements of procurement legislation and MPA contract regulations are embedded within day-to-day MPS activity.

C. Legal implications

1. Procurement Services can confirm that the strategy and any objectives and associated future procurements will comply with procurement regulations and all relevant EU and UK Government Directives.

2. Procurement Services can confirm that the strategy and associated objectives are within the powers of the Authority.

3. Procurement Services can confirm that all contract and terms and conditions for all procurements, subject to negotiation, let as a result of this strategy will reflect and be in sympathy with the standard MPA terms and conditions and contract regulations. Procurement Services draw upon specialist technical and legal advice to ensure that all standard terms include relevant clauses that minimise or manage any risks that the MPA may face.

4. Procurement Services can confirm, as a result of this Strategy, that all tender documentation (which may include a summary of the proposed contract) will contain all the usual commercially appropriate terms and no unduly onerous terms.

D. Race and equality impact

There are no direct equality or diversity implications resulting from this report. However, members will note the inclusion of the Sustainability, (Equality and Diversity and Environmental) policies and objectives within this strategy that will aim to promote the Sustainable Procurement agenda across all areas of MPA expenditure in line with the GLA Statement on Sustainable Procurement approved by the MPA in June 2006.

E. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications associated with this Report. It is currently anticipated that the costs associated with all objectives and initiatives within the Strategy will be contained primarily within the Procurement Services budget. The funding of specific initiatives will be subject to the Service’s normal decision-making processes.

F. Background papers


G. Contact details

Report author: Anthony Doyle, Director of Procurement Services, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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