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Report 13 of the 5 July 2007 meeting of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee and provides a draft committee work programme 2007-08.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Committee work programme 2007-08

Report: 13
Date: 5 July 2007
By: Chief Executive


A draft work plan is provided for consideration by members. It is recognised that this list is not exhaustive and issues will arise during 2007-08 that members will wish to discuss or request that reports be submitted.

A. Recommendations

That subject to members’ comments, the work plan for the Co-ordination and Policing Committee for 2007-08 as set out at appendix 2 be endorsed.

B. Supporting information


1. The remit of the Co-ordination and Policing Committee was expanded in March 2006 to include items which had previously been considered by the former Community Engagement and Human Resources Committees.

2. The terms of reference of the Committee are attached at Appendix 1. Meetings are scheduled for the first Thursday of each month apart from August.

3. A work programme has not been prepared in previous years, but given the Committee’s wider terms of reference this is now considered to be appropriate.

Reports to be submitted during the year

HR policy and strategy

4. The HR and workforce modernisation oversight group chaired by the portfolio holder gives detailed consideration to this area as does the Met Modernisation Oversight Group. Reports will be submitted as necessary to the Co-ordination and Policing Committee.

Consultative and community engagement responsibilities

5. The community engagement oversight group chaired by the portfolio holder gives detailed consideration to .this area. Reports will be submitted as necessary to the Co-ordination and Policing Committee.

Operational policing

6. The Committee has requested to be kept advised of the following:

  • Taser - annual
  • Non-sanction detections
  • Olympic Games - quarterly

It is likely that further requests will arise during the year.

Crime and disorder reduction

7. Reports will be submitted on Local Area Agreements

Authority’s communications and public relations strategies and systems & Independent Custody Visiting

8. Reports will be submitted as necessary.

MPA operations and staffing

9 Reports will be submitted on the MPA Improvement Programme and the MPA budget.

Scrutiny and oversight

10. A programme of formal scrutinies for 2007/08 was agreed by the Committee in June. I n addition to agreeing the programme the Committee is also responsible for approving the arrangements for appointing members to a scrutiny. The outcome of scrutinies or policy reviews will be reported direct or via the Committee to the full Authority. In addition members have asked to receive regular reports on the work of MPS directorates which do not regularly report to other committees of the Authority. Reports have been submitted twice a year on the Directorate of Legal Services and more recently members have asked that Central Operations and the Specialist Crime Directorate also be the subject of twice yearly reports.

Miscellaneous reports

11. Reports will be submitted as necessary on subjects within the Committee’s remit, for example:

  • Safer London Foundation
  • Requests for financial assistance

Urgent items

12. There is provision for the consideration of urgent matters and for matters which is relevant to more than one committee.

Work programme

13. An indicative programme is shown at Appendix 2.

C. Race and equality impact

There are no direct diversity implications from this report. The authors in each report will address the diversity implications and the equalities impact of any proposals.

D. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications arising from this report. Each report will contain details of any financial implications.

E. Background papers

  • Terms of reference for the Committee

F. Contact details

Report author: John Crompton, Committee Services, MPA.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1

Co-ordination and Policing Committee –Terms of reference

1. From the developmental stage onwards, to provide or arrange the MPA’s contribution to and oversight of major MPS change programmes and policy development, through the Met Modernisation Programme and within business groups.

2. To ensure that the MPA is engaged in taking forward national police reform issues.

3. To consider and take any necessary decisions on matters relating to HR policy and strategy, including:

  1. workforce modernisation
  2. the HR Strategy and annual business plan
  3. pay strategy
  4. recruitment and retention issues
  5. training and development (including the Annual Costed Training Plan)
  6. national issues, including implementation of Police Negotiating Board agreements

4. To arrange for the selection of ACPO ranks, subject to police regulations and/or Home Office determinations.

5. To ensure the effective discharge of the Authority’s consultative and community engagement responsibilities, including:

  1. the implementation and review of the MPA’s Community Engagement Strategy
  2. oversight of the MPS’s Citizen Focus programme and strategies
  3. all matters relating to Community Police Consultative Groups and other forms of community engagement facilitated and funded by the MPA

6. To consider policy and other issues relating to operational policing, particularly where:

  • these are not solely relevant to another committee
  • the Authority needs to respond proactively and in a timely way to emerging issues
  • this will facilitate a public debate about issues of public concern

7. To consider issues relating to crime and disorder reduction and the Authority’s relationships with crime and disorder reduction partnerships.

8. To lead on all matters relating to the Authority’s communications and public relations strategies and systems.

9. All matters relating to the Independent Custody Visiting Scheme, including funding.

10. In respect of the MPA own operations and staffing, to take responsibility for:

  1. agreeing and monitoring implementation of the MPA’s Corporate Strategy
  2. matters relating to the Authority’s support organisation including performance, structure and terms and conditions.
  3. the budget for the MPA support organisation.
  4. The appointment of the Authority’s Chief Officers and the designation of the Authority’s Monitoring Officer. NB see also the terms of reference of the Remuneration Sub-Committee.

11. To consider and recommend to the full Authority a rolling scrutiny programme of policy reviews. This will include for each scrutiny or review agreeing:

  • project scope
  • any expenditure
  • membership
  • timescale

The outcome of scrutinies or policy reviews will be reported direct or via the Committee to the full Authority.

12. To approve (or recommend to the full Authority as necessary):

  1. the creation, scope and timeframe of any informal member working groups proposed by other committees
  2. the scope and remit of member borough and non-borough link roles
  3. member appointments to these roles
  4. the appointment of members to represent the MPA on external bodies
  5. the appointment of MPA representatives on MPS panels, groups etc. (Routine appointments will be made by the Chief Executive under delegated authority)

13. The committee may make decisions where an issue:

  • is a matter of relevance to more than one committee
  • is not included in the terms of reference of any other committee and does not require a decision by the full Authority.

14. To deal with urgent business on which a decision is needed before the next meeting of the appropriate body.

15. To have due regard, in exercising the committee’s responsibilities, to equal opportunities generally, the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and the requirements of any other equalities legislation.

Appendix 2

Based on the pattern of reports in 2006/07 and the best available information this is a list of items which it is anticipated will be reported to meetings in the coming year.

Meeting  Report
05 Jul 07 CoP Work programme 2007/08

Independent Custody Visiting Scheme –update

Report on the work of Central Operations

Dangerous dog offences

Witness and Jury Protection Issues

Community tension monitoring

E-Crime Update on National Proposals

Non-sanction detections

06 Sep 07 MPS Trade union side

Report on the work of Directorate of Legal Services

Olympic Games

Report on the work of Specialist Crime Directorate

Update on the estates strategic plan

Use of contractors in the MPS

Protective clothing

Safer neighbourhoods

MPA equal pay audit –outcome


Progress on Corporate Tasking

ACPO terms and conditions

HR targets

Business interests

MPA Improvement Programme

Outcome of MPA ET case

Appointment of CoP Sub-Committees

04 Oct 07 Single non emergency number

MPS Historical collection

Safer London Foundation

Protocol for handling exceptional cases in the provision of police advice and assistance to international agencies – update

Review of police officer/police staff pay

Met Volunteer Programme

01 Nov 07 Work life balance

Review of police negotiating machinery

06 Dec 07 Local Area Agreements

Olympic Games

10 Jan 08
07 Feb 08 Report on the work of Central Operations

Update on transforming HR project 

06 Mar 08 Report on the work of Directorate of Legal Services

Olympic Games

Report on the work of Specialist Crime Directorate

Consultative groups funding for 2008/09

Protocol for handling exceptional cases in the provision of police advice and assistance to international agencies – update

03 Apr 08 RAF/ Commissioner’s judgement

MPS approach to police staff pay 2008-09 including proposed pay inflation provision

05 Jun 08 MPA budget outturn

Olympic Games

HR selection and retention (including targets for 2008-09)

Annual training plan

MPA scrutiny programme for 2008/09

04 Jul 08 CoP Annual report

CoP work programme

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