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Report 7 of the 26 Sep 02 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board and discusses the progress of the MPA Race Equality Scheme.

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MPA Race Equality Scheme

Report: 07
Date: 26 September 2002
By: Clerk


This report updates members on the progress of the MPA Race Equality Scheme.

A. Recommendations


  1. To agree the Clerk’s Action Plan and Functional and Policy Impact Programme as contained in the Race Equality Scheme.
  2. To note developments on implementation.

B. Supporting information

1. The MPA’s Race Equality Scheme was published on the MPA website on 31 May 2002, meeting the requirements of the Race Relations Amendment Act, (RR(A) Act). The Authority formally launched the scheme at its meeting on 25 July 2002, doing so jointly with the launch of the MPS scheme. This paper identifies the next phase of work.

2. The scheme has been circulated to working group members, including the MPS, Association of Police Authorities (APA), Commission for Racial Equality (CRE), GLA as well as the Racial Equality Councils and other contributors to the development of the scheme and its consultation phase. All MPA staff and members have received a copy too.

Action plans

3. In order to meet the deadline date of the RR(A) Act, the scheme was published with draft action plans, which had been revised following the consultation period, but still require final signing off by the Authority.

4. The following progress has been made on the Clerk’s Action Plan:

Action plan Proposed action Progress
6 Set up an Equal Opportunities and Diversity (EOD) Board. The EOD Board has been set up and a report on membership and structure will be received at its first meeting.
7 Develop an annual diversity work programme and secure funding for it. The meeting of the EOD Board is due to receive a report on this. See agenda item 5.
14 Develop system of issuing Equal Opportunities Statement with contract documents. The contract tendering documents for the Diversity (CRR) Training Evaluation project has incorporated reference to the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and provisions that seek the contractor’s compliance to and familiarity with equal opportunities legislation and the Authority’s policies and procedures in relation to the legislation. This provides a model for future contracts.
18 Introduce an equality implications section into committee reports. This has been set up. Guidance has been issued to report authors. The requirements should be fully effective by October.

5. Other recommendations are ongoing actions, await more detailed discussion with other bodies, are subject to funding or will apply once impact assessments commence. Approval of the action plans will enable priorities and timescales for implementation to be set.

6. Funding has to be found to progress a number of recommendations contained within the scheme. A budget is being developed for the MPA’s equalities work, to include implementation requirements.

7. With respect to the functional and policy impact assessment programme, members should note that the impact assessment process is receiving consideration at officer level involving the MPA, MPS and GLA in order to arrive at a manageable and resourced programme as well as an appropriate level of scrutiny, co-ordination and quality assurance.

8. The scheme also contains a draft performance measurement plan. Work is to begin on developing this plan to the next level of detail.

9. The Board is asked to comment upon and agree the action plans. The action plans will continue to be updated as work progresses.

Joint work

10. One of the lessons from the development of the scheme is the need for closer working between the MPA, MPS, CRE and others, including the GLA group. Initial meetings between the bodies within the GLA group and between MPA and MPS officers have been held and considered joint implementation issues. Proposals include integrating the MPA and MPS steering groups that existed pre-publication. A programme of meetings between the MPA, MPS and CRE is being arranged. The CRE is also setting up a South East/London regional network. Also terms of reference for a GLA race equality scheme officer network are being considered.

Further consultation

11. Due to the rush to publish, limited consultation on the scheme took place prior to publication. There was an intention to consult further post-publication. Now that the scheme is published, there may be a will to move on with implementation, and consult on specific proposals, including the setting up of local scrutiny forums, performance indicators and multi-agency working. One specific group with which we seek to consult further on general matters relating to the scheme is young people. The Office for Children’s Rights is currently endeavouring to produce a ‘youth friendly’ version of the MPA and MPS schemes. Once this has been received, a programme of consultation can be devised. When proposals have been developed this will be reported to the Board and the Consultation Committee.


12. Scheme awareness briefings are being arranged for all MPA staff over the next four to six weeks. A further briefing for members of this Board can also be arranged if Board members would welcome this. One of the key training issues concerns impact assessment. This is one areas for potential joint development work being considered between the MPA, MPS and GLA.

The employment duty

13. Further work is needed to define the Authority’s arrangements for complying with this duty. The GLA human resources officer network will be considering issues pertaining to this.

C. Equality and diversity implications

This Race Equality Scheme outlines the Authority’s arrangements for meeting the general duty of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000. The implementation of the scheme will demonstrate that the Authority is meeting its duty to promote race equality, eliminate unlawful racial discrimination and promote good community relations between people of different races.

D. Financial implications

The programme of impact assessment and other implementation requirements will have associated staff and expenditure costs and a budget proposal is being developed. The other costs associated with consultation and training will be met from existing budgets.

E. Background papers

  • MPA Race Equality Scheme

F. Contact details

Report author: Jude Sequeira

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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