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Report 5 of the 04 Dec 03 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board. It is a Progress report on the independent evaluation of the MPS Community and Race Relations (CRR) training.

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Diversity strategies and recommendations

Report: 05
Date: 04 December 2003
By: Commissioner


The MPA independent evaluation of the MPS CRR training commenced in October 2002. The final report and recommendations were discussed by the Working Group on 13 October 2003 when it was agreed that the final report would be launched at the EODB meeting on 4 December. This report presents a summary of the main findings and outlines the arrangements that have been proposed for overviewing the implementation of the recommendations.

A. Recommendations

That members:

  1. Approve the findings and recommendations arising from the independent evaluation of the MPA Community and Race Relations (CRR) Training; and
  2. Agree the proposal to establish a group to overview the implementation of the recommendations as outlined in paragraph 12.

B. Supporting information


1. In 1999, the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report recommended that 'racism awareness training should be put in place "based upon the value of our diversity, and delivered in order to develop the full understanding that good community relations are essential to good policy and that a racist officer is an incompetent officer".

2. Recommendation 49 states that "all police officers, including CID and civilian staff, should be trained in racism awareness valuing cultural diversity", and Recommendation 50 "that police training and practical experience in the field of racism awareness and valuing cultural diversity should regularly be conducted at local level. It should be recognised that local minority ethnic communities should be involved in such training and experience."

3. These recommendations, alongside a series of reports from Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and others have been the major recent drivers in the development of the MPS CRR and Diversity training.

4. The MPS Diversity Training (CRR) was specifically developed to meet Recommendations 16, 49 and 50 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry. The training has been commended by HMIC, the Home Office and others and is regarded very highly by many police forces nationally and internationally.

5. The independent evaluation undertaken by the MPA is the first of its kind by any police authority in England and Wales. The MPS is conducting an internal evaluation of the training but this is not yet complete. 

Methodology and Process

6. The evaluation was carried out using the Kirkpatrick model of training evaluation. This model, which has been well used by academic institutions internationally, seeks to measure the extent to which learning and the consequential change takes place in an organisation. The model reflects emerging evaluation and incorporates the principles reflected in the ACPO CRR Training Strategy currently under development. There are four levels of measurement. The MPA independent evaluation focused on levels three and four:

  • Level 3 - Behaviour - change in job behaviour resulting from the training programme; and
  • Level 4 - Results and consequent impact on the organisation or society.

7. The Authority set up a project working group, chaired by Cindy Butts , to ensure that the methodology used was as reliable and credible as possible. The principal researcher, Penny Tamkin, of the Institute for Employment Studies (IES) developed a model that was applied to the evaluation. In addition, the evaluation utilised a range of methods including:

  • interviews with informed, knowledgeable individuals in the MPS, MPA and the community
  • observation of training sessions being delivered
  • case studies in four boroughs, two that were just commencing or where the training was in process, and two that had undertaken their CRR training very early in the roll-out of the programme, and were now in the process of delivering "phase II" of the programme and 
  • analysis of survey data from over 9,000 respondents arising from the annual survey undertaken by the Association of London Government and further informed by the focus groups meetings to seek the views of the public on whether their perception and experience of policing showed increased trust and confidence as a result of CRR training for officers.

Emerging Findings and Recommendations

8. The emerging findings and the recommendations arising from the evaluation are contained in the executive summary of the report which is attached at Appendix 1. The detailed background that informs the recommendations is contained in the full report that will be formally launched at the meeting on 4 December. A copy of this can be requested from the MPA Secretariat (020 7202 0181). 

9. Since the report, the BBC 'Secret Policeman' documentary have highlighted some particular issues concerning the quality of the trainers used to deliver the CRR training. Some of these matters have also come to light in the training provided at Hendon Training School. The MPS has already taken some steps to address this and it is proposed that a detailed report be brought to the next meeting of this Board outlining what has been put in place. The Commissioners Task Force on Diversity will also address this issue and its recommendations will also be considered by this Board. 


10. The MPS has had the opportunity to give detailed comments on the report and its findings during its development. It is proposed that a presentation be made to the MPS Diversity Board in December, to give members of the Board an opportunity to discuss the report in detail.

11. The MPS' own internal evaluation is in the process of being finalised and it is likely that there may be similarities in the findings, especially given the fact that the IES has access to and made use of the individual borough evaluation reports. The Home Office is also in the process of developing guidance for police forces on the delivery of CRR training in response to the HMIC report 'Training Matters'.

12. It is proposed that the MPA should establish an Implementation Group to overview the implementation of the recommendations arising from the various reports concerning the delivery of Race and Diversity training and that that this should comprise members from the MPA, MPS, the Home Office and the Association of Police Authorities (APA), so that the monitoring can be informed by the developments that are underway nationally as well as from the good practice that has been identified within the MPS. 

C. Equality and diversity implications

1. Recommendations 40 and 49 of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry recommended that there should be racism awareness training within police services; and that all officers should be trained in racism awareness and valuing cultural diversity. The MPS CRR was introduced to meet this recommendation and the Evaluation Report has assessed the extent to which this has been achieved.

2. The recommendations arising from the report should assist the MPS in advancing the programme that it already has in place to aid the organisational mainstreaming of diversity performance and practices at all levels in the organisation.

D. Financial implications

The budget allocated for this work was £80,000. The project has been completed slightly under the budgeted total at £74,834.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Julia Smith

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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