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Report 14 of the 7 July 2005 meeting of the Equal Opportunities & Diversity Board, discussing 2006/07 budget and equalities guidance.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

2006/07 budget and equalities guidance

Report: 14
Date: 7 July 2005
By: Chief Executive and Clerk and Treasurer


The Mayor is due to publish his budget guidance for 2006/07 shortly, which will enable a verbal briefing highlighting the key issues to be provided at EODB Committee on 7 July. A proposed timetable for producing the equalities submission to co-ordinate with the overall authority submission is set out below.

A. Recommendations


  1. the equalities guidance for 2006/07 issued by the Mayor is noted; and
  2. members agree the proposal for drawing up the submission

B. Supporting information


1. The Mayor is due to publish his full budget guidance for 2006/07 budget submissions by the end of June.

2. Whilst much of the guidance is expected to follow the pattern that has been developed over previous years, there are expected to be some changes. The verbal update will highlight the key elements of the guidance and any significant differences.


3. As in previous years, the budget and equalities process will be supported and monitored through a series of meetings with the Mayor's representatives, supplemented by officer meetings. The deadline for submitting the overall draft budget (including the equalities submission) to the Mayor is 14 November.

4. The following is an outline timetable for MPA consideration of the 2006/07 equalities budget as they are developed:

  • July – October: Meetings of relevant officers to review work and develop draft submission to meet requirements of the Mayor’s office.
  • 6 October: EODB Approval of draft equalities budget submission.
  • 24 October: Full authority approval of draft 2006/07 budget submission and medium term plan.
  • 6 December: Full authority review of draft budget submission following grant submission.

5. Consultation with stakeholders will also need to be set up within the budget timetable and with the MPS on the development of its submission. The timetable set is challenging; members will be kept informed of progress against this timetable.

C. Race and equality impact

The budget and equalities submission will be an integral part of the overall package of information submitted to the Mayor.

D. Financial implications

The equalities budget sets the resource parameters for the MPA and MPS over the plan period.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Annabel Adams

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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