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Report 10 of the 17 Oct 00 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and discusses the GLA sustainable development principles.

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GLA sustainable development principles

Report: 10
Date: 17 October 2000
By: Commissioner and Clerk


The MPA is represented at the GLA Sustainable Development Forum. The GLA has drafted a Schedule of Sustainable Development that comprises a basic set of principles to which the objectives of sustainable development can be delivered within the Mayor’s strategies. It is intended that they should form the foundation for individual development strategies under the GLA general powers. The views of the MPA are sought on the draft Schedule.

A. Supporting information


1. Sustainable Development Policy is defined as development policy that “does not deprive present and future generations of the chance to fulfil his or her needs, but instead ensures that development improves the quality of life for everyone.”

2. The strategy addresses separately the implications for ‘economic’, ‘social’, ‘culture’ and ‘physical’ development.

3. The principles will be used to develop indicators to measure progress through the performance review process (BV) as well as through a “state of the environment” report and a quality of life index.

Economic development:

‘A sustainable London economy means working towards a number of goals. Primarily these are: ensuring broader and better supported participation in economic activity, both paid and unpaid; developing a more spatially balanced pattern of economic activity; working towards a more equitable distribution of the benefits of economic development so that they are enjoyed by all Londoners, particularly those that are currently disadvantaged; and making more positive use of locally available economic resources.’

4. Apart from seeking a more inclusive society this includes reducing the need to travel and reducing car dependency as well as encouraging the use of local suppliers. It also encourages the development of safe buildings of high quality. MPS policies already reflect these aspirations to varying degrees.

Social progress

‘London should be a healthier, safer and more secure place to live. London society should be increasingly just. All Londoners should enjoy equitable access to services. They should also have equal access to a wide range of possibilities that allow them the opportunity to participate, learn, develop, explore, be inspired, create and celebrate’.

5. These principles embrace the need to reduce crime, the fear of crime and physical risk, to encourage development and re-design that is not orientated towards car use, and to increase the re-use of vacant buildings. MPS policies already reflect these aspirations. Enhancing the environment and natural resources: “London’s environment, in terms of its air, noise and bio-diversity, and in terms of the quality of the built environment and of the broader public realm, should be improved and enhanced. The use of natural resources, the amount of waste produced, and the emission of green house gasses, should all be reduced.”

6. Items such as enhancing the quality of the built environment, minimising waste and recycling materials, minimising noise and improving energy efficiency, all feature in the MPS Environmental Strategy. Other MPS policies such as the use of “blues and twos” (i.e. the use of car lights and sirens) are also relevant.

7. Individual ‘sustainable’ GLA policies covering ‘Air Quality’, ‘Bio Diversity’, ‘Energy’, ‘Waste’, and ‘Noise’ will follow later in the year, with a view to publication between June and October 2001.

8. A copy of the GLA draft ‘Schedule of Sustainable Development Principles’ is available from the MPA secretariat.

B. Recommendation

That the GLA be advised that the MPA suports the principles of Sustainable Development where these are consistent with national policy guidance and with operational policing priorities.

C. Financial implications

Financial implications should be considered in conjunction with individual development proposals when relevant.

D. Review arrangements

New proposals and developments together with the existing policies will need to be tested against adopted sustainable principles. Performance will need to be monitored against a series of performance indicators.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • GLA Draft Schedule of Sustainable development principles.
  • MPS Environmental Strategy Government Construction Client Panel (GCCP)
  • Sustainable Action Plan

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Trevor Lawrence, Director of Property Services, MPS.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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