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Report 4 of the 19 Dec 00 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and describes the action plan developed in response to District Audit’s review of the MPS’ Policing and Performance Plan 2000/01.

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Action plan in response to District Audit

Report: 4
Date: 19 December 2000
By: Clerk and Commissioner


This paper describes the action plan developed in response to District Audit’s review of the MPS’ Policing and Performance Plan 2000/01. Members are asked to note the action plan and consider key messages emerging from District Audit and the Audit Commission.

A. Supporting information


1. The Local Government Act 1999 (Part 1: Best Value) places a duty on police authorities to publish an annual Best Value Performance Plan. An amendment to the Police Act 1996 means that a Performance Plan must form part of an authority’s annual Policing Plan. The authority’s external auditors must conduct an annual audit of the Performance Plan.

2. The MPS published a Policing and Performance Plan for 2000/01 in March 2000. The document, since it was not issued by the MPA, is non-statutory and did not need to be subject to external audit. However, in recognition of the new regime in place for other police authorities, the MPS invited District Audit to conduct a non-statutory audit of the plan.

3. District Audit formally reported its findings to the MPA and MPS in November 2000. The report was supported by a presentation to FPBV Committee at its meeting on 21 November. Overall, District Audit concluded that the MPA/MPS had responded positively to the challenge of best value and had demonstrated a clear commitment to establishing appropriate arrangements. The Committee welcomed the findings and agreed that an action plan should be presented to its December meeting.

4. An initial action plan is attached at Appendix 1. The opportunity has been taken to include Audit Commission recommendations to all best value authorities following a review of progress nationally.

Status of the action plan

5. The action plan is presented as a joint response by the MPA and MPS. This reflects the fact that, whilst the duty of best value now applies to the Authority, the action plan is based on an audit of the MPS’ Policing and Performance Plan 2000/01.

6. The action plan is a detailed document that will change over time. The version attached is aimed primarily at recording formally:

  • all the action points suggested by District Audit;
  • recommendations made by the Audit Commission;
  • the ‘opening status’ of the various action points and recommendations.

7. By taking this approach District Audit can be reassured that all action points have been noted (and are being addressed) when they begin the statutory audit process of the Authority’s Policing and Performance Plan for 2001/02 in January 2001.

Key messages

8. It is not suggested that FPBV Committee consider the action plan in detail. Detailed consideration of the plan will fall to the Best Value Sub-group and the Best Value Programme Board. However, members may wish to consider the key messages emerging from District Audit and the Audit Commission, namely:

  • member involvement in best value is critical to its success;
  • successful introduction of best value will require cultural change, particularly to sharpen up attitudes to performance management;
  • there needs to be a single ‘planning, action and review’ cycle that incorporates budget planning and any changes flowing from the introduction of best value;
  • work will be needed to ensure that the areas for improvement identified in the Plan are addressed to avoid the risk of adverse opinion / recommendations.

9. The action plan at Appendix 1 reflects an initial response to these key messages (plus other recommendations) and MPA/MPS officers will progress the plan by considering what else needs to be done to address the issues raised. This will include working with consultants from the Audit Commission who are assisting the MPS in developing a performance management framework.

B. Recommendations

  1. That Members consider and discuss the key messages above and note the initial action plan attached at Appendix 1.

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications.

D. Review arrangements

Progress of the action plan will be monitored formally by the Best Value Programme Board and informally by the Best Value Sub-group.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed below or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

  • MPS Policing and Performance Plan 2000/01
  • District Audit report for the MPA/MPS: ‘Taking Best Value Forward’
  • Audit Commission report: ‘A step in the right direction’

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Derrick Norton.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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