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Policing and performance plan 2001/02

Report: 6
Date: 19 December 2000
By: Commissioner


Further work has taken place to develop the MPA's 2001/02 Policing and Performance plan since the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee discussed the emerging priorities at its meeting in November. Members are asked to note the progress made and future development plans, as detailed in this paper.

A. Supporting information


1. At its meeting in November, members considered the MPA's priorities for 2001/02 and proposed some modifications to the emerging list. This modified list was subsequently circulated by Lord Harris to the Home Secretary and key London opinion formers (e.g. London MPs, chairs of PCCGs, Chief Executives of London Boroughs and selected voluntary groups) for information. The list is being debated at the Full Authority meeting on 14 December, and issues raised are contained in the supplementary paper being presented at the same meeting.

2. This paper updates members on the further development of the Policing and Performance Plan 2001/02. In producing the plan itself, preliminary guidance from the Home Office is currently being used to structure its expected contents. The guidance should be confirmed by the end of December.

Plan production timescale

3. Notwithstanding any changes that may be made by the Full Authority, the provisional priorities are currently being developed into a set of SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-based) objectives. Decisions on appropriate accompanying Performance Indicators and targets can be taken once the objectives themselves have been confirmed. The outline decision timetable for producing the plan is shown in Appendix 1.

4. Appendix 1 illustrates that the plan production timescale has to work around a number of MPS/MPA/GLA meeting dates. The role of the Oversight panel - set up by the FPBV Committee to progress preparation of the Policing and Performance plan - will become crucial in providing guidance to the plan writers outside of the formal Committee timetable.

Plan content and format

5. The plan itself will comprise three elements: the Best Value Performance Plan, the Policing Plan and the Efficiency Plan. Preliminary guidance has been received from the Home Office on its statutory contents. Appendix 2 shows the current guidance and the plan contents through which it is intended to adhere to the guidance. Appendix 2 also shows the dates by which each plan section will be available.

6. Two types of document will be produced:

  • a formal plan, which will meet all of the statutory requirements outlined in Appendix 2. This plan will not be published as a hard copy glossy, but will be available as a reference document on the Internet. A limited number of (paper) hard copies will be available in police stations and libraries;
  • a summary document, which engages the public and is a fair and accurate reflection of the full document above. (The GLA family would like to publish a joint summary document, comprising the plan summaries of all authorities. Discussions are underway with the GLA on the feasibility of a joint approach and whether it will meet the needs of the MPA).

B. Recommendations

  1. That the Committee notes the progress being made in development of the MPA's Policing and Performance plan 2001/02.
  2. That the Committee notes the timetable for production of the plan.

C. Financial implications

The decision on priorities affects the distribution of resources within the MPS. However, the precise numbers involved cannot be quantified until the priorities have been developed further into a set of SMART objectives. In particular, the targets agreed for the objectives will influence the amount of resources needing to be devoted to their achievement.

D. Review arrangements

The FPBV Committee will receive a draft plan at its meeting on 16 January. After implementing any necessary amendments, the full authority will be asked to agree the draft at its meeting on 8 February. In between formal meeting dates, the Oversight panel will provide guidance to the joint MPA/MPS team working on plan production.

E. Background papers

The following is a statutory list of background papers (under the Local Government Act 1972 S.100 D) which disclose facts or matters on which the report is based and which have been relied on to a material extent in preparing this report. They are available on request to either the contact officer listed above or to the Clerk to the Police Authority at the address indicated on the agenda.

F. Contact details

The author of this report is Sarah Hedgcock from the MPS Corporate Development Group.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Decision points in development of the 2001/02 Policing and Performance plan

Decision points Input needed from Date

Confirmed priorities

Full authority meeting

14 December

Final budget for presentation to the GLA

Full authority meeting

14 December

Agreed Best Value Review Programme

Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee

19 December

Outline plan, including BV programme & efficiency plan

Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee

19 December

Review of progress on plan production

Management Board meeting

20 December

Borough targets for 'anti-social behaviour'


8 January

Discussion on targets

Professional Standards and Performance Monitoring Committee

9 January

Ratification of BV programme

Full authority meeting

11 January

Update on plan progress (including proposed targets)

Full authority meeting

11 January

Draft plan

Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee

16 January

Confirmed budget

GLA Budget Committee

18 January (provisional)

Agreed proposed Performance Indicators/ targets

Performance review Committee

24 January

Oversight panel

25 January

Statement of requirement to each Borough Commander of the performance expected of them to meet corporate targets

Territorial Commanders

Mid January

Review of progress on plan production

Management Board meeting

31 January

Agreed annual plan for MPS (including confirmed targets)

Full authority meeting

8 February

Appendix 2: Plan elements and intended contents

Final guidance from the Home Office on statutory plan contents is awaited. The table below is correct as at 8/12/2000.

Statutory elements of plan Delivered through Dates when available

Summary of police authority objectives and Ministerial Priorities:

- set out how priorities are being tackled

Statement of Mission, Vision and Values

Already confirmed

Statement of Ministerial Priorities

Confirmed on 27 November

Statement of internal and external MPA priorities

Awaits confirmation by Full Authority meeting on 14/12/2000

MPA's objective(s) for each priority


MPA's measure (for each objective)

Agreed proposals: PRC (24/1/2001)

MPA's target (for each objective)

Agreed proposals: PRC (24/1/2001) Confirmed at Full Authority meeting on 8/2/2001

Statement of internal and external sustained activities

Awaits confirmation by Full Authority meeting on 14/12/2000

Text explaining how objectives will be realised

Text of action plan - January (is related to target decision but can be drafted beforehand)

Summary of current (2000/01) performance:

- assessment against BVPIs for 2000/01

Updated monthly - already available

- against other MPA/MPS local indicators

Updated monthly - already available

- commentary text to place in context

By 20 December

Comparison with past performance (i.e. 1999/2000) and other police authorities:

Report of performance against:

- Audit Commission PIs for 1999/2000

Already available

- BVPIs for 2000/01

Updated monthly - already available (as above)

- Performance & BVPI targets for 2000/05 (projected)

By 20 December

- commentary text to place in context

By 20 December

- national and/or benchmark comparisons with other police authorities

By 20 December

Best Value Review Programme:

- review programme for 5 years commencing April 2000

- explanation and justification

Review programme to be confirmed at FPBV meeting on 16 January. [First draft prepared 11 December]

- start/finish dates for BVRs in 2001/02

Review dates for 2001/02 to be confirmed at FPBV meeting on 16 January

- reasons for any variation (to previous)

First draft prepared 11 December

- Home Secretary's directions

[Included in preparation of review programme]

Key results of completed reviews:

Summarise outcomes of reviews:

Summaries of: complaints, anti-corruption, discipline review

Being drafted - update for 8/2.

1. completed

Fuller summary of consultation review

Being drafted - update for 8/2

2. ongoing (progress information)

Crime review - current position

Being drafted - update for 8/2

Managing information review - current position

Being drafted - update for 8/2

Update on C3i

Being drafted - update for 8/2

BVPI performance targets:

- for domestic burglary (BVPI 126), vehicle crime (BVPI 128), robbery (BVPI 127)

Annual target setting in progress - to be finalised at Full Authority meeting on 8/2/2001

- original 5 year targets (2000-2005)

Can include now

- any new targets

Target setting in progress - to be finalised at Full Authority meeting on 8/2/2001

- action plan (if targets changed, set after BVR or set after audit/inspection)

Audit and inspection:

- recommendations from preceding year's audit report

First draft prepared 11 December

- steps taken (or intended) to address issues raised

First draft prepared 11 December


- forms/type conducted

Drafted by 8 December

- range of interest groups consulted

Drafted by 8 December

- changes arising from consultation

Set out how we have responded to outcome of consultation in deciding our priorities

Draft once priorities have been finalised by Authority on 14/12/2000, having taken into account feedback received from Lord Harris' letter

- contact details (to provide feedback/get involved)

Discussion with DPA in progress

Financial information:

- financial performance 2000/01

Included in monitoring information - update nearer publication

- summary of projected income and expenditure for 2001/02

By 18/12/2000 (budget to be confirmed at GLA meeting on 18/1/2001)

- major projects and investments

By 18/12/2000

Approach to efficiency improvements:

- how to achieve 2% savings

By end December

- how to recycle back into front-line policing

By end December

Staffing plans:

- planned levels of uniformed, operational support + support staff (police and civilian)

Setting out staffing figures in the various categories

Guidance from HO on use of HMIC data for police staff awaited.
Availability of data for civil staff to conform to this requirement being investigated

Use of ABACUS to cost priorities

Information available mid Feb

Rural crime:



Closure of police stations:

- those closed in previous year

Text explaining rationale for closures

Contribution commissioned from Trevor Lawrence

- planned closures for forthcoming year

- new stations opened or planned

Text explaining rationale for any new openings

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