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Report 17 of the 14 Sep 01 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and discusses Operation Resolve, which aims to ensure that emergency services and control of major operations can continue to be provided for London following a disaster affecting the MPS estate.

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Operation Resolve 2

Report: 17
Date: 14 September 2001
By: Commissioner


A recent re-assessment of business continuity arrangements has highlighted the need to upgrade present facilities and plans (known as Operation Resolve) to ensure that essential emergency services and control of major operations can continue to be provided for London following a disaster affecting the MPS estate. The proposed new arrangements are known as Operation Resolve 2.

A. Recommendations

  1. that the Committee note the report; and
  2. consider the related exempt paper

B. Supporting information

Established practice

1. The potential for critical functions to be disrupted and the need for contingency arrangements have been recognised for some considerable time. Comprehensive business continuity arrangements have been established with designated fallback sites and standby systems ready to be deployed in the event of a catastrophic failure occurring at New Scotland Yard.

2. Over the years a number of exercises have regularly been carried out to ensure that these fallback arrangements will function effectively.

3. A recent assessment indicates that the facilities now need to be upgraded.

Future planning

4. The Operation Resolve Project Board under the chairmanship of Commander Hagon has carefully considered a number of options for upgrading the current facilities. Paramount has been the need to maintain operational continuity

5. The Resolve Project Board ultimately considered three options, which were put before the Management Board of the MPS:

6. The Management Board endorsed the option of replicating the essential facilities, making maximum use of resources which already exist within the MPS estate. The Board was firmly of the opinion that the risk presented must be addressed and considered this option the most cost-effective way of providing reliable fallback facilities.

C. Financial implications

Financial implications are set out in the related exempt paper.

MPA approval is required as the amount involved exceeds the revised MPS’s authority limit for projects not in the original capital programme.

D. Background papers

A full business case for this proposal is available for Members in the Members’ Room.

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Commander Phillip Hagon 020 7230 0925.

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MPA general: 020 7202 0202
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