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Report 4 for the 08 Nov 01 meeting of the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee and contains an update on issues related to the corporate strategy and policing and performance plan 2002/03.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Policing and performance plan 2002/03

Report: 4
Date: 8 November 2001
By: Clerk


This paper provides an update on issues related to the corporate strategy and policing and performance plan 2002/03.

A. Recommendations

That members note the current position.

B. Supporting information

Policing and performance plan 2002/03

1. The MPS presented a paper to the MPA on 25 October 2001 (report 8) which proposed priorities and objectives for 2002/03. Members made a number of comments and, subject to changes arising from the feedback, supported the priorities and objectives proposed.

2. An early draft of the revised priorities and objectives was discussed at a meeting of the planning panel chaired by Graham Tope on 31 October 2001. MPS officers are now working to prepare a detailed paper for consideration by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee on 6 December and by the MPA on 10 December. (This timetable may mean that a supplemental paper will need to be tabled at the full Authority meeting summarising the views of the FPBV Committee.)

3. The planning panel agreed that the paper to FPBV Committee and the MPA should make recommendations on priorities, objectives, measures and lead senior managers for overseeing the delivery of objectives. The planning panel also suggested that the MPS should circulate proposals to CPCGs for feedback as soon as possible.

4. MPS officers are also working to identify key actions and performance targets (some of which will be bespoke) for each objective. Finally, decisions on priorities and objectives will need to be reviewed once Ministerial priorities for 2002/03 are published (expected in November).

Content and format of the plan plus type and extent of publication

5. Work is ongoing within central government departments on amendments to statutory guidelines related to the content and format of the plan as well as to the type and extent of publication/circulation. The new guidelines may also affect the requirement to publish and circulate a summary of the plan. However, the publication date for the revised guidelines has not been released and so the MPA and MPS will continue to work to the guidelines currently in force.

6. It is understood that the Mayor is keen to publish a joint summary of the plans for the GLA and each functional body and for the summary to be distributed as part of a Mayoral / GLA-family magazine (as circulated earlier this year). A report outlining the implications for the MPA will be presented to FPBV Committee at the meeting on 26 November 2001.

Corporate strategy

7. Members will be aware that MPS senior managers discussed the MPA/MPS corporate strategy at the planning seminar on 4/5 October. MPS management board has proposed that the strategy should include:

  • operational goals for Londoners;
  • improvement goals for the MPS;
  • goals for building leadership capability;
  • goals for the MPA.

8. There is a need to review the MPS proposal in the light of views provided previously by members and for MPA/MPS officers to discuss points of detail. It was agreed at the planning panel meeting on 31 October that there should be a workshop for MPA members and MPS management board to finalise the draft strategy prior to formal presentation to the full MPA.

C. Financial implications

There are no direct financial implications.

D. Background papers

MPA policing and performance plan 2001/02
Policing priorities 2002/03 (see Internal links)

E. Contact details

Report author: Derrick Norton, MPA Best Value Manager.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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