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Report 12 of the 11 Jul 02 meeting of the Finance Committee and discusses the efficiency and effectiveness review.

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Efficiency and effectiveness review programme

Report: 12
Date: 11 July 2002
By: Treasurer


This report updates progress made in the efficiency and effectiveness reviews. It includes implementation matrices on FMEs, Interpreters, Forensics/DNA and Supplies and Services.

A. Recommendations

  1. That Members note the progress on the Efficiency and Effectiveness reviews.

B. Supporting information


1. The Efficiency and Effectiveness Project Board met on 25 June with Accenture in attendance. Accenture produced their draft final reports on I.T. and Shift Patterns. Implementation matrices for Income Generation, FMEs, Interpreters, Forensics/DNA, and Supplies and Services were presented by the MPS.

2. The Board referred the two draft final reports back for further work together with the Income Generation matrix. The remaining implementation matrices are attached as appendices 1 to 4 for members.


3. Progress on these and other Tranche 1and 2 reviews is outlined below:

Specification to Project Board Interim Presentation to Project Board Final report to Project Board Comment
Tranche 1
Income Generation 10/9 Achieved  24/1 Achieved  12/2 presented draft final report to Board
Final report to FPBV 18 April 2002.
Transport 10/9 Achieved 8/10 Achieved 22/10 Achieved Reported to FPBV 8 November.
Overtime 8/9 Achieved 22/10 Achieved 19/11 Achieved Reported to FPBV 17 January 2002.
Financial Devolution 8/10 Achieved 19/11 Achieved 18/3 Accenture have completed their allotted days.
Interpreters and FMEs 19/11 Achieved 19/12 Achieved 24/1 Achieved Final report to FPBV 18 April 2002
Forensics and DNA 19/12 Achieved 24/1 Achieved 14/3 Final exempt summary report taken to 29 May FPBV.
Operational Policing Model 12/2 Achieved 14/3 Achieved 19/4 Feedback to Accenture by MPS on their draft report now made.
Supplies and Services 12/2 Achieved 14/3 Achieved 19/4 Achieved Final report to FPBV 18 April 02
Property 12/2 Achieved Between 15/3 and 29/3 Achieved 19/4 Achieved Final Executive Summary report to 22 May Special Meeting of Estates Sub Committee.
Tranche 2
Shifts 19/4 Achieved None made 21/5 Achieved Draft Final report referred back for further work at 25 June meeting of the E&E Board.
IT 19/4 Achieved 21/5 Achieved 25/6 Achieved Draft Final report referred back for further work at 25 June meeting of the E&E Board.
Civilianisation 25/6 Achieved August 19/9 On track
Compensation 25/6 Achieved None planned 18/7 No further work to be undertaken.


4. The Board considered Accenture’s scoping report on compensation which identified that the MPS is taking to improve management in this area. With the pending appointment of a risk manager and long term insurance and risk advisers the Board considered that it was not appropriate at this stage to proceed with this particular review. Instead it would be helpful to release the remaining 40 days consultant resource to assist in other more demanding areas.

Property Tranche 2

5. The Board received an update of the decision of the Estates Sub Committee on 22 May when it received the executive summary of the Knight Frank report to the MPA on property aspects of the Tranche 1 Review. The Sub Committee decided the most appropriate way to take Tranche 2 forward would be to focus on small scale projects which would give added value. It would also present the opportunity to look at the estate from a strategic viewpoint, particularly regarding the strategic fit to the overall corporate strategy. It was also felt appropriate that the wealth of information and data held by PSD could assist in initial scoping work to be undertaken by PSD and this could inform a series of externally let tenders in late 2002/03. A report is to be taken to the 15 July meeting of the Estates Sub Committee, where terms of Reference for Tranche 2 Property Review will be considered. 

Medium term financial forecast.

6. It was hoped that identified and agreed savings flowing from the review process would be brought to this meeting of the Committee. The MPS is presently still undertaking work to enable agreed savings from the reviews to be provided and the information will now be brought to the next meeting of the Board.

C. Financial implications

1. Budget provision of £1 million has been made in the 2002-03 budget to fund Tranche 2 of the efficiency and effectiveness programme. A similar sum is to be provided in the following year to finance Tranche 3 of the review.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Ken Hunt, Deputy Treasurer, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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