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Report 16 of the 11 Jul 02 meeting of the Finance Committee and discusses the supply and delivery of civil litigation services.

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Supply and delivery of civil litigation services

Report: 16
Date: 11 July 2002
By: Commissioner


This report informs Members of the formal competitive tendering exercise undertaken for a civil litigation services contract and the recommendation for the award of contract set out in an exempt report.

A. Recommendations


  1. Members approve the recommendation to award a contract for the supply and delivery of civil litigation services, as set out in the exempt paper to the committee.

B. Supporting information


1. At the meeting of the Finance Planning and Best Value Committee on 6 December 2001, members gave approval to enter into tender action for a replacement contract to provide civil litigation services.

2. The scope of the contract covers the provision of contracted out legal services for civil litigation covering police malfeasance, employment tribunals and accident claims.

3. The need for such a contract arises from the requirement to provide the totality of such services for accident claims cases, which historically have always been outsourced, together with a contingency capability for handling malfeasance and employment tribunal cases. Police malfeasance and employment tribunal cases contracted out to external legal providers are relatively few in number, of low value and sensitivity. They are subject to rigorous screening by senior management in Directorate of Legal Services prior to being contracted out and thereafter are regularly monitored.

4. The contract, when let, will run for 5 years from 2 September 2002.

Formal tender process

5. Although exempt from the requirement to be advertised in Europe through the European Journal, the contract was advertised in The Law Society Gazette. This is the official magazine of the Law Society, and allowed for an increased number of potential suppliers to come forward. Twenty-four firms expressed an interest and eventually seven firms submitted tenders. Tenderers were judged against predetermined criteria in terms of their written submissions and those shortlisted were invited to give presentations at their premises in order that the evaluation team could test their proposals and explore issues arising.

6. This enabled a clear view to be formed of the merits of the various tenderers and we are satisfied that in recommending the award of a contract, we have identified firms which have demonstrated the capability of providing an effective and reliable service for the supply of contracted out civil litigation services to the MPS on behalf of the MPA.

C. Financial implications

Financial details of the contract and the recommendation to award are set out in the separate exempt report.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

Report author: Mike Birt, Accident Claims and David Hamilton, Director Legal Services, MPS.

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