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Report 17 of the 10 Jul 03 meeting of the Finance Committee and considers the building refurbishment works at Wembley Police Station, including the formation of a new custody suite and the conversion of Wembley Section House to form a new headquarters and centralised charging centre for the Borough of Brent.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

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Wembley Police Station refurbishment

Report: 17
Date: 10 July 2003
By: Commissioner


This report considers the building refurbishment works at Wembley Police Station, including the formation of a new custody suite and the conversion of Wembley Section House to form a new headquarters and centralised charging centre for the Borough of Brent.

The Finance, Planning and Best Value (FPBV) Committee meeting on 19 June 2001 approved the request to enter into a contract. The Finance Committees on 13 February 2003 and 10 April 2003 approved a revised strategy and way forward for the capital programme (Land & Buildings) detailing the proposed increase in costs incurred on this project

Formal recognition and approval of the increased costs is now required in accordance with Contract Regulations and Delegated Powers.

A. Recommendations

That approval be given to the increase in outturn cost reported in the above programme in accordance with the new Contract Regulations / Delegated Powers. If the revised cost is further exceeded a further report will be submitted. The increased cost estimates are contained in the exempt paper.

B. Supporting information

1. This report refers to the request to enter into contracts for the alteration and refurbishment of Wembley Police Station including the formation of a new custody suite and the conversion of Wembley Section House to form a new headquarters and centralised charging centre for the Borough of Brent. This received FP&BV approval on 19 June 2001.

2. Works at Wembley Police Station and Section House have commenced and are continuing. During the progress, there has been an increase in the out turn costs for a number of reasons including, changes in legislation, changes in standards to reflect latest priorities, changes resulting from unforeseen circumstances because of previous Property Services policies limiting destructive testing of existing buildings and customer changes.

3. The extent of remaining works required for the borough have now been finalised, designs have been developed and the estimated out turn cost is detailed in the exempt report for approval.

4. Final account negotiations with the contractor are well underway and it is currently anticipated that the works will be completed in July 2003 to meet the borough OCU accommodation needs. Should the outcome of these negotiations result in the stated costs being exceeded, further approval would be sought.

5. Funding for the proposed increase in costs is detailed in the Realignment of the Capital Allocation Programme (Land & Buildings) which received Finance Committee approval on 10 April 2003.

C. Equality and diversity implications

1. The proposed building works at Wembley Police Station takes account of equality and diversity implications.

2. Facilities for people with disabilities are incorporated and modern accommodation that will address the needs of all groups and communities who may need to use the building has been provided.

D. Financial implications

Increased costs

1. It is intended that the capital programme for 2003/4 and future years will be reprofiled to reflect the revised funding requirements of this project through the re-prioritisation of the existing programme. Increases in expenditure to date have been accommodated by making adjustments within the Land and Buildings capital allocation.

2. The total estimated cost of the works at Wembley Police Station, including fees, is detailed in the exempt report.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Director of Property Services

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