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Report 6 of the 19 Feb 04 meeting of the Finance Committee and sets out the policing costs associated with major public order events that occurred during 2003.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

The cost implications of public order events

Report: 06
Date: 19 February 2004
By: Commissioner


This report sets out the policing costs associated with major public order events that occurred during 2003.

A. Recommendation

  1. That the report be noted.

B. Supporting information


2. At the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee meeting of the 19 June 2001, a report (Number 15) was presented relating to the cost implications of public order events that required the deployment of more than 500 officers during the Spring of 2001. The report also commented that the MPS would report periodically on costs associated with events requiring more than 500 officers. The purpose of this report is to provide an update on the events during 2003. The largest events during 2003 included:

  • State visit of President Bush
  • Defence Systems & Equipment International Exhibition
  • May Day 2003
  • Notting Hill Carnival 2003
  • “Stop the War” demonstrations

3. Events can fall into the following categories:

  • Public order (marches, demonstrations, pickets)
  • Ceremonial and military events
  • Sporting events
  • Religious events
  • Community events

Costing methodology

4. In policing such events resource requirements are assessed and procured by Public Order Branch and deployed through preparation of an Operational Policing Order. Typically, this document will set out the numbers of officers and support personnel to be deployed and will provide detailed operational instructions to govern their deployment. The operational policing order forms the basis of public order costs reported to this committee.

5. The costing information reported to this committee is prepared using a standard costing methodology so that input factors, for example, hours worked by police officers assigned to the event, are costed at an average rate per unit of input. There is the possibility that actual costs incurred may differ marginally from the standard costs but the overall effect is not believed to be significant.

6. In the table (see Appendix 1), the column entitled “Opportunity costs” refers to those resources diverted from other policing activities to be deployed on Public Order duties. Additional staff costs relate to overtime and allowances and Additional other costs refer to all other support costs and unplanned expenditure.

Costing of events

7. Please refer to Appendix 1.

Opportunity costs

8. Members are asked to note that – with the exception of overtime and other additional costs – a large proportion of costs quoted do not represent additional cash costs to the MPS. Rather, the officers and other staff assigned to a given operation would be assigned to other policing duties or operations. A significant element of the costs incurred in policing these events is regarded as ‘opportunity costs’ although this will probably impact upon operational resources available elsewhere and thus the MPS’s achievements of its performance targets.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are no equality and diversity implications arising from this report.

D. Financial implications

9. The MPS resources involved in the 22 public order/ceremonial events, recorded in the appendix to this report (Appendix 1), amount to the deployment of 64,868 police officers and 3,189 police staff (formerly known as civilian staff) at a total estimated cost of £23,317,574.

10. Further costs have been incurred due to MPS resources deployed at the David Blaine endurance feat and the Fathers 4 Justice “Spiderman” crane protest. A cost of £70,844 was incurred as a direct result of policing the David Blaine endurance feat. The cost includes £24,110 in relation to additional police overtime costs. Sky Television paid the MPS a contribution towards the cost of policing this event.

11. A cost of £141,415 was incurred as a direct result of policing the Fathers 4 Justice “Spiderman” crane protest. The cost includes £62,427 in relation to additional police overtime costs.

12. The estimated cost of policing the New Years Eve celebrations 31st December 2003 is £891,893, including £35,708 additional overtime costs. A total of 2,930 police officers and 93 police staff were deployed on this operation. The large increase in officer numbers (and cost) this year occurred because a much larger area was policed due to the events held on and in the location of the London Eye.

13. The “high visibility” policing operation in and around Heathrow Airport during February 2003 was in response to relevant intelligence and in addition to the normal security presence at the airport. The estimated cost of this policing operation is £2,325,781, including £967,509 additional police overtime costs. A total of 5,681 police officers and 40 police staff were deployed on this operation.

14. The “high visibility” policing operation to provide reassurance and reinforce existing security arrangements, across London, in response to events in Iraq is still ongoing. The estimated cost of this operation between 26th March and 31st December 2003 is £10,547,051, including £1,096,057 additional police overtime costs. As at 31 December 2003, a total of 41,985 police officers had been deployed.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Craig Watkins, Head of Business Support, MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Supporting material

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