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Report 5 of the 11 Oct 04 meeting of the Finance Committee and the report states and addresses that the GLA Group budget Process for 2005/06 requires, for the first time, the inclusion of a submission on the Budget and Environment to support the budget application.

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Draft Budget & Environment Submission 2005/06

Report: 5
Date: 11 October 2004
By: Commissioner


The GLA Group budget Process for 2005/06 requires, for the first time, the inclusion of a submission on the Budget and Environment to support the budget application. The Committee’s approval of this draft document is sought. The draft submission is to be approved by the full authority on 28 October and the final submission at the Authority’s meeting on 7 December. A completed Environmental Strategy document will be submitted to Members early in 2005 in the usual manner.

A. Recommendation

Members are asked to review the draft budget and environment submission and suggest any amendments at this stage before forwarding on to the full Authority.

B. Supporting information

1. For the first time the GLA require the submission of an indicative Environmental Strategy to support the MPA group budget application. The GLA describe this as a “light touch process” and have not yet developed a standard reporting format. The proposed submission to the GLA has been developed in conjunction with GLA and MPA Policy Officers.

2. The linkage between the GLA Budget process and the Environment is in the very first stages of development and it is accepted by the GLA that this will be an evolving process.

3. The submission attached at Appendix1 is based on the developing 2005 Environmental Strategy, which has yet to be submitted to the MPS/MPA committee procedures. Once the Environmental Strategy has been finalised in consultation with internal stakeholders the document will be submitted to the MPA for approval. Publication of the strategy is expected in January 2005.

4. The GLA/MPA have in recent meetings, accepted that the timing of the budget submission and the development of the 2005 Environment Strategy will inevitably result in the detailed targets associated with our environmental objectives not being included at this stage.

5. The GLA/MPA have also accepted that costings are not included as many are either mainstreamed and impractical to identify separately or not known at this stage.

6. The ownership of many of the Environmental objectives has yet to be confirmed although stakeholders have been involved at all stages of the strategies development and have accepted them.

7. The Environmental Strategy will be further developed and submitted to Members for endorsement in the first quarter of 2005.

C. Equality and diversity implications

There are not considered to be any Race or Equality issues associated with this report.

D. Financial implications

The future unbudgeted objectives associated with the developing 2005 Environmental Strategy would require additional GLA funding to proceed.

E. Legal Implications

There are not considered to be any legal implications associated with this report.

E. Background papers

2004 Environment Report

F. Contact details

Report author: Alan Croney

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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