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Report 9 of the 3 May 2007 meeting of the Finance Committee and proposes the provision of a combined custody centre and patrol base for the Borough of Barking & Dagenham through the leasehold acquisition of a new development.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Acquisition of a combined patrol base and custody centre for Barking and Dagenham BOCU

Report: 9
Date: 3 May 2007
By: Acting Director of Resources and Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing on behalf of the Commissioner


This report proposes the provision of a combined custody centre and patrol base for the Borough of Barking & Dagenham through the leasehold acquisition of a new development detailed in Exempt Appendix 1.

The acquisition supports the strategic context of the MPA approved Estate Strategic Plan and meets the operational priorities of the MPS Management Board around custody and patrol. It is aligned to the Territorial Policing model for the centralisation of borough custody and patrolling and forms a key strategic driver of the estate modernisation programme for Barking & Dagenham Asset Management Plan.

A financial analysis is detailed within the Exempt Appendix 1. All costs have been included in the current revenue budget and capital programme.

A. Recommendations

Members are asked to:

  1. Approve the leased acquisition of a new warehouse development on the financial terms and at the location detailed in the Exempt Appendix 1. The land and buildings to provide a combined custody centre and patrol base to the East of London for use by Barking & Dagenham Borough Operational Command Unit (BOCU).
  2. Approve the release of funding from the approved capital programme for estimated contract works and professional fees in connection with the required fit out works and acquisition costs as provided in Exempt Appendix 1.
  3. Note that the acquisition does not determine the future of other police buildings in this BOCU but that it forms a step change to overall modernisation. The existing level of front counter service will remain unaffected with any future estate changes for the BOCU subject to further approval and stakeholder consultation.
  4. Note and approve that the base build specification, to be provided by the developer, is subject to final negotiation. Changes to the agreed specification will alter the final fit out cost by an anticipated +/- 5%. It is intended that this adjustment be made under existing delegated authority and be subsequently advised to the MPA through the Estates Oversight Group.
  5. To note the proposed consultation process and the continuing communication strategy.

B. Supporting information

1. The overarching strategy supporting the acquisition of a central borough custody centre and/or a patrol base conforms to the MPA/MPS Estate Strategic Plan approved by MPA Full Authority in December 2006.

2. The acquisition supports the MPS Management Board priorities around custody and patrol and meets the stated Territorial Policing priorities for the modernisation of the Borough police estate. This places Barking & Dagenham BOCU requirements for a custody centre and patrol base at priority 1 and 3 respectively.

3. These priority objectives have been accelerated to secure a suitable site in this Borough where significant property availability / cost pressures are anticipated as a result of 2012 and the wider Thames Gateway regeneration.

4. Meeting present and projected accommodation need through the use of commercially available premises forms one of the core drivers of the estates strategy and is designed to deliver improving value for money. Territorial Policing fully support the concept of a patrol base and custody centre template to meet operational policing and estate imperatives.

5. An extensive search of available property within the defined search area identified a suitable brown field site with excellent communication links to main arterial routes and Barking Town centre. TPHQ along with the Borough Command team fully support the site location and use.

6. The site forms part of a wider regeneration scheme for mixed employment and residential use. The first two phases of commercial development are complete and let with part of the remainder to form the MPA site. Neighbouring land is to be redeveloped for housing to comprise approximately 1,150 homes. The owners have held the entire site in family trust since the 1700s and are seeking to retain the long-term reversion.

7. Timing is critical as the opportunity to develop the remainder of the site represents a one-off opportunity. Once developed the land will almost certainly be lost to the market for the next generation. Furthermore, the owner has recently submitted a planning application for the neighbouring residential scheme and once this is developed the proposal for MPA use on the adjacent land will be much harder to secure.

8. At this juncture Property Services have negotiated Heads of Terms subject to formal MPA approval, to lease a new warehouse development. At practical completion the building will be handed to the MPA for fitting out as a custody centre and patrol base facility. The agreement is subject to detailed planning consent and construction of the base build by the developer thus limiting MPA development exposure (risk) to professional and associated fees.

9. The agreement is further conditional upon the developer undertaking ground decontamination works and flood prevention measures that have been agreed with the Environment Agency and form part of the planning process. A final condition is imposed for the developer to extend the main access road to facilitate a new bus route that has been approved by Transport for London to aid the regeneration area.

10. A change of planning consent is required for both the construction and use of the building for police purposes. Extensive consultation has been held with both the London Borough of Barking & Dagenham (LBBD) and the London Thames Gateway Urban Development Corporation (LTGUDC). This was held in conjunction with the owners to provide a facility that meets required design standards, planning policy and the operational needs of the MPS. In commercial terms this has placed restrictions on the density of the remaining land use a position that has been successfully negotiated out with the owners.

11. In environmental terms the Local Planning Authority (LPA) have a high sustainability target of 32%. This in part (22%) is achieved by linking the development to the proposed Local Authority Community Heating Scheme that utilises spent energy from Barking Power Station. The remaining 10% will be achieved through the use of solar energy and sustainable construction. Any shortfall will be subject to a Section 106 contribution. The costs associated have been factored in to the MPA development budget although it should be noted that the costs of connecting to the Local Authority Community Heating Scheme are unknown at this stage and can only be estimated.

12. The London Borough of Barking & Dagenham (LBBD), the LPA and the London Thames Gateway Urban Development Corporation (LTGUDC) are generally supportive of the scheme design and use as a custody centre and patrol base. The owners have now prepared a detailed planning application ready for submission.

13. The principal terms to lease the completed development are detailed in the Exempt Appendix 1. The building will provide a built area of 44,000 square feet gross internal.

14. The completed development will provide a 30-cell custody centre with a patrol base to house 450 officers and staff providing briefing, changing and full support facilities including an Integrated Borough Operations unit. In addition to 30 internal spaces there is external parking for 46 vehicles with separate visitor/disabled parking and facilities to encourage people to cycle to work.

15. The acquisition will enable Barking & Dagenham BOCU to develop the principle strands of policing namely Detection (CID), Custody, Response, Leadership, and Safer Neighbourhoods from an effective operational estate across the Borough. The BOCU will retain existing facilities at Dagenham Police Station but will close the custody at Barking (6 cells) and centralise patrolling operations. It is anticipated that the BOCU accommodation at Maritime House, Barking will be downsized by 25% reducing revenue spend by £100,000 per annum. This can be facilitated through negotiation of an existing tenant (MPA) break option in December 2009.

16. This acquisition does not determine the future of other police buildings in this BOCU nor does it impact upon existing front counter services that will remain unaffected. The Borough Asset Management Plan recognises that in the medium term Barking Police Station will be replaced with a more suitable public facility and a front counter that is Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant. This is likely to accommodate the town centre Safer Neighbourhood teams in either the Barking Town Centre regeneration scheme or another centrally accessible location. These future estate changes will be subject to separate MPA approval and detailed stakeholder consultation and communication.

17. Estimated programme delivery for the new custody and patrol centre indicates that the development will be handed over to the MPA in mid 2008 for fitting out. Assuming a tie-in with prevailing procurement strategy the property is likely to be operational by late 2009.

18. It is in addition proposed to progress negotiations with the developer to provide a partial “turn-key” solution that provides for modifications to the developers base build that will represent value for money opportunities to the MPA and minimises delay. It is anticipated that this adjustment will create a +/- 5% variance to the MPA construction budget. It is intended that this adjustment be made under existing delegated authority and be subsequently advised to the MPA through the Estates Oversight Group.

Consultation and communication

19. Consultation to date has been held with key public stakeholders including the LBBD, the Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships (CDRP) and LTGUDC. A consultation and communication plan has been developed by TPHQ in conjunction with Barking and Dagenham BOCU which has been placed in the Members Room. This in part provides for staged briefings with key stakeholders throughout the two year development programme and will encompass the impact of the new custody/patrol base at a local level as well as incorporating the wider estates strategy for the Borough.

20. The BOCU have further introduced a Communications & Press Officer to provide key briefings and act as a single point of contact. Full use is to be made of Safer Neighbourhood Ward panels and Key Individual Networks. The community engagement strategy will specifically address views from diverse groups including close liaison with staff associations.

21. The Borough Commander has recently held conference with the local Independent Advisory Group and other community groups followed by positive press articles in local newspapers.

22. Indications from the LBBD and local communities are that the new facility will be very well received.


Borough Operational Command Unit
Criminal Investigation Department
Crime & Disorder Reduction Partnerships
Disability Discrimination Act
London Borough of Barking & Dagenham
London Thames Gateway Urban Development Corporation
Metropolitan Police Authority
Metropolitan Police Service

C. Legal implications

1. A commercial agreement for lease and lease contract is to be entered into between the MPA and the Owner that will contain standard terms and conditions prevailing in the commercial property market. The MPA receives independent legal advice on the negotiation and content of such agreements.

D. Race and equality impact

1. There are considered to be no equality or diversity implications arising from the issues in this report. The building will be constructed to meet current regulations including DDA legislation and will provide operational facilities that are fit for purpose.

2. Members are further advised that the design will seek to maximise affordable environmental innovations and be in line with the published MPA / MPS Environmental Strategy.

E. Financial implications


1.Capital - These are associated with the acquisition and fit out of the property and are estimated and detailed in Exempt Appendix 1.

Revenue - Annual revenue costs to include all property related costs are detailed in Exempt Appendix 1.

Capital financing charges form part of the revenue profile and are detailed as a cost line in the Exempt Appendix 1.


Timing Assumptions: Construction cost for the fit out (Capital) spread over 2008/9 and 2009/10 financial years. Initial acquisition costs fall within year 2007/8.

Revenue costs will have full year impact from 2008/9.


2. Capital - The net acquisition costs and principle fit out costs for the custody centre and patrol base as detailed in the Exempt Appendix 1 have been included in the approved Capital Programme for 2007/8 and are fully funded.

Revenue - Funding for the capital financing costs and property revenue costs are included in the 2007/08 revenue budget.


  1. Build cost inflation has been added to the estimated capital fit-out costs with the base line at June 2008.
  2. The base build specification is subject to final negotiation. Changes to the agreed specification will alter the final fit out cost by an anticipated +/- 5%. It is intended that this adjustment be made under existing delegated authority.

F. Background papers

  • Estates Strategic Plan

G. Contact details

Report author: Assistant Commissioner Territorial Policing (Tim Godwin) and Director of Property Services (Alan Croney), MPS.

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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