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Report 15 of the 06 Sep 01 meeting of the Human Resources Committee and sets out the forecast outturn position against budget for the MPA for the financial year 2001-02.

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MPA budget monitoring 2001-02

Report: 15
Date: 6 September 2001
By: Treasurer


This report sets out the forecast out-turn position against budget for the MPA for the financial year 2001-02.

A. Recommendations

That Members note the report.

B. Supporting information

1. This report sets out budget monitoring information in respect of the MPA, encompassing the support organisation, audit, consultative groups, efficiency and effectiveness consultancy and contingency.

2. The report format has changed to include a forecast of the year-end position.

3. The overall end of year position is forecast as an underspend against the total MPA budget.

Annual Budget
Mth 4 Actual + Commitment to date
Full Yr Forecast
Full Yr Variance
£’000 %
Support Organisation
Staffing Costs 1,510 506 1,499 -11 -1
Members Allowances 194 48 173 -21 -11
Recruitment 45 75 125 80 178
Training & Conferences 26 20 44 18 69
Membership Subscriptions 75 115 129 54 72
Consultants 50 29 50 0 0
Meetings 75 23 65 -10 -13
Public Relations 50 35 66 16 32
Office Supplies 148 43 132 -16 -11
IS/IT 100 48 70 -30 -30
Telephony 18 9 21 3 17
Accommodation Charge 204 59 196 -8 -4
Total MPA Support 2,495 1,010 2,570 75 3
Consultative Groups 1,215 113 1,215 0 0
Efficiency & Effectiveness Review 1,000 49 1,000 0 0
Contingency 5,076 0 5,076 0 0
Internal Audit 1,395 364 1,265 -130 -9
External Audit Fees 500 0 500 0 0
Total MPA Budget 11,681 1,536 11,626 -55 -0.5

Notes - In addition to the expenditure above:

  1. Provision has been made for additional costs connected with the Virdi Inquiry (£14,000) to be charged to the first year set up costs reserve (Chairs Co-ordination and Urgency Committee 05/07/01),
  2. The Consultation, Diversity and Outreach Committee (CDO) agreed (CDO/01/38) to charge £57,000 to the first year set up costs reserve in respect of the ‘Stop and Search’ Campaign publicity and launch in 2001-02,
  3. The CDO Committee agreed (CDO/01/39) to charge £8,000 consultation costs associated with Recommendation 61 to the first year set up costs reserve in 2001-02,
  4. The CDO Committee agreed (CDO/01/46) to charge between £9,000 and £15,000 for the Race Hate Crimes Conference to the first year set up costs reserve in 2001-02.

4. The recruitment budget is showing an overspend due to the high level of recruitment in 2001-02 incurred in the continued setting up of the MPA support organisation and the need to fill internal audit positions. If necessary, consideration will be given to a possible allocation from the first year set up costs reserve at the year-end when the total outturn position is known. The MPA support organisation is also responsible for recruitment for internal audit and ACPO Rank Officers within the MPS.

5. The subscriptions budget is predicting an overspend of £54,000. This overspend is presently being contained within the forecast total MPA underspend. The omission of budget provision for all the appropriate organisations when the budget was first prepared in November 2000 has left a continuing need to either seek a budget variation from Committee or to contain the sum within existing estimates for 2002-03 budget preparation.

6. The IS/IT underspend is forecast to continue in 2002-03 and reflects the more settled position regarding IT now that recruitment for the support organisation is almost complete.

7. The internal audit budget shows a forecast underspend due in the most part to the current high level of vacancies within this function, offset by additional provision for consultancy services.

8. An allocation from the MPA contingency has been made to fund the Finance Department restructuring. The sums agreed by the Finance, Planning and Best Value Committee (FPBV/01/48) were £900,000 in 2001-02 and £1,562,000 in a full year. Recruitment is well advanced and a formal transfer of budget from the MPA to MPS budget heads will be made in due course.

C. Financial implications

This report has no direct financial implications. The monitoring process will be used to inform decisions about the allocation of budget in future years.

D. Background papers

Existing Committee reports referred to above.

E. Contact details

The author of this report is Ken Hunt, Deputy Treasurer.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

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