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Report 13 of the 01 Nov 01 meeting of the Human Resources Committee and recommends some changes to the Remuneration Sub-Committee's terms of reference.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

Terms of reference of the Remuneration Sub Committee

Report: 13
Date: 1 November 2001
By: Clerk


This report recommends some changes to the Sub-Committee's terms of reference, which are detailed below.

A. Recommendations

That the following changes to the Sub-Committee's terms of reference:

  1. the terms of reference 1 - 4 of the Remuneration Sub-Committee be amended as follows:

ACPO Ranks

  1. To consider, for recommendation to the Human Resources Committee, any new pay ranges for all ACPO ranks. These will be subject to agreement at the Police Negotiating Board and ratification by the Home Secretary.
  2. To consider and agree the pay and terms and conditions to be offered on appointment to ACPO ranks up to and including Assistant Commissioner. This will include the length of any fixed term appointment. To develop, in discussion with the Commissioner, the performance assessment regime and additional benefits over and above those to which these posts are entitled by Police Regulations. This will also include early retirement arrangements for all ACPO ranks.
  3. To make recommendations to the Home Secretary in relation to the terms and conditions to be offered to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner.
  1. the terms of reference 5 – 8 be amended as follows:

Senior MPS Civil Staff

  1. To consider recommendations from the Commissioner about the pay, terms and conditions, including early retirement or redundancy, for senior civil staff in pay bands 1 to 4.
  2. To agree with the Commissioner those senior civil staff posts for whom the MPA will be involved with the process of selection. For the senior civil staff in band 1 to agree with the Commissioner and to implement a process which reflects the Authority's intention to be involved in objective setting.

Senior MPA Staff

  1. the current term of reference in relation to the level of salaries and salary increases for the MPA Clerk and Treasurer remain unchanged.

B. Supporting information

1. A report on proposed changes to the terms of reference was considered by the Remuneration Sub-Committee at its meeting on 11 October. This report is based on the outcome of the sub-committee's discussions and decisions.

2. The pay of the Commissioner is currently outside the remit of the Remuneration Sub-Committee. It is therefore suggested the terms of reference be amended to incorporate the pay of the Commissioner.

3. The revised terms of reference also include reference to the performance assessment regime for ACPO officers up to and including Assistant Commissioner.

4. At the Remuneration Sub-Committee meeting on 17 May, a number of changes were agreed to the pay and performance management arrangements of senior civil staff in the MPS. As a result, amendments to the terms of reference relating to these staff are proposed since the old style civil service grading structure to which the terms of reference referred are no longer used.

5. The proposal in recommendation 2.5 reflects the Authority's wish to be involved in the process of objective setting for the top senior civil staff posts. It was clear at the meeting of the Remuneration Sub-Committee on 11 October that further discussions are needed with the MPS to clarify how this will work in practice. The proposed terms of reference would enable the Sub-Committee to continue this dialogue and to implement an agreed process.

6. The current terms of reference are at Appendix 1.

C. Financial implications

There are no financial implications.

D. Background papers


E. Contact details

The author of this report is Alan Johnson, MPA.

For information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Sub-Committee

These terms of reference set out the decisions that are delegated to the Sub-Committee. Decisions taken by the Sub-Committee will be reported to the Human Resources Committee for information.

The Sub-Committee will meet on an ad hoc basis, as required.

ACPO Ranks

1. To consider, for recommendation to the Human Resources Committee, any new pay ranges for ACPO ranks up to and including Deputy Commissioner. These will be subject to agreement at the Police Negotiating Board and ratification by the Home Secretary.

2. To consider and agree the pay and terms and conditions to be offered on appointment to ACPO ranks up to and including Assistant Commissioner. This will include the length of any fixed term appointment and any additional benefits over and above those to which they are entitled by Police Regulations. 

3. To make recommendations to the Home Secretary in relation to the Commissioner’s remuneration and the terms and conditions to be offered to the Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner on appointment.

4. To agree terms for early retirement of ACPO ranks.

Senior MPS Civil Staff

5. To consider recommendations from the Commissioner on the pay and terms and conditions of civil staff of grade 3 equivalent and above, and to agree these in consultation with the Commissioner.

6. To be consulted, on behalf of the MPA, on MPS proposals to fill Grade 4 equivalent vacancies, including proposed pay and terms and conditions and the selection process to be adopted.

7. To be notified, on behalf of the MPA, of the arrangements for filling Grade 5 equivalent vacancies.

8. To agree terms for early retirement or redundancy in individual cases for Grade 5 equivalent posts and above.

Senior MPA Staff

9. In consultation with the Chair of the Authority, to agree the level of salaries and salary increases for the Clerk and Treasurer.

Powers delegated to the Clerk

Authority is delegated to the Clerk, in consultation with members of the sub-committee, to agree, in cases of urgency, pay and terms and conditions in respect of individual appointments to ACPO ranks and Senior MPS Civil Staff. 

Terms of reference agreed by the Human Resources Committee on 15 March 2001

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