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Report 8 of the 3 March 2005 meeting of the Human Resources Committee and outlines the recommendations of the Strategic Assessment Process that will inform the work of the Diversity Directorate’s, Corporate Equality and Diversity Teams’ Diversity Strategy and Policing Plan 2005/06.

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Diversity Directorate strategic assessments

Report: 8
Date: 3 March 2005
By: Commissioner


This report outlines the recommendations of the Strategic Assessment Process that will inform the work of the Diversity Directorate’s, Corporate Equality and Diversity Teams’ Diversity Strategy and Policing Plan 2005/06.

A. Recommendation

That members note the report

B. Supporting information


1. The Diversity Directorate is currently undergoing the refocusing and reorganisation of its structure and resources in its efforts to gain maximum impact at the point of service delivery. Long-standing departments such as the Community Safety Unit and Major Reinvestigation Team have now migrated into Territorial Policing and the Specialist Crime Directorate.

2. Although the underpinning philosophy of the Directorate remains, the same, for the first time the reorganisation has formally brought together both the operational and organisational areas of the business working together to support the Commissioner’s Citizen Focused Agenda.

Diversity Strategy

3. The MPS Diversity Strategy led by the Diversity Directorate remains currently under development and a target date for publication is early in the second quarter of 2005.

4. To support the developing strategy and in line with corporate and National Intelligence Model (NIM) requirements, in late 2004 the Diversity Directorate embarked upon a Strategic Assessment of the areas to be developed to support the MPS’ retention and progression equality and diversity agenda. The recommendations emanating from this process are attached at Appendix 1.

5. At the time of completing the Strategic Assessment the Morris Enquiry report was yet to be published. This assessment therefore whilst cognisant of potentially emerging issues from Morris, does not fully reflect the subsequent report findings, nor proposed recommendations.

6. In support of the recommendations as outlined at Appendix 1, the work of the Corporate Equality and Diversity Teams will be complemented by a Management Information Unit, Diversity Training and Organisation Development Unit and a client-centred, Citizen Focus Unit, dedicated to working with BOCU Senior Management Teams. The Citizen Focus Teams will be configured to impact on service delivery and employment issues from a perspective that understands, acknowledges and recognises the philosophy and implications of the equality and diversity as key business drivers.

C. Equality and diversity implications

All of the work forming part of the Strategic Assessment directly relates to improving and where applicable removing issues of disproportionality with regards to MPS service delivery; retention and progression employment matters or organisational development in the area of diversity and equality.

D. Financial implications

The Diversity Directorates budget build reflects its policing objectives and priorities for 2005/6. This budget build where applicable, takes into account work to emanate from the Strategic Assessment as shown at Appendix 1

E. Background papers

  • None

F. Contact details

Report author: Denise Milani

For more information contact:

MPA general: 020 7202 0202
Media enquiries: 020 7202 0217/18

Appendix 1: Diversity Directorate - Strategic Assessment

December 2004

1. Introduction

Against a backdrop of significant internal change and re-organisation, the Diversity Directorate has completed its first Strategic Assessment. This assessment has both an operational and organisational theme and seeks where applicable, to reflect key elements of the work of the Corporate Equality and Diversity Teams.

The overall assessment focussed on the six constituent areas of the organisation’s equality and diversity strategy, i.e. race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age and faith. The report provides a précis of the findings and these are reflected and to be progressed accordingly: -

Work that will form part of the Directorates own Policing and Performance Plan 2005/6

Work that requires an MPS response beyond the Diversity Directorate.

2. Summary of Recommendations

2.1 Race – “EmbRace” Strategy

  1. Improve monitoring systems particularly at a local level to identify disproportionality data. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  2. Develop membership and expand range of diversity within the Central Advisory Groups. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  3. Support remaining (B)OCUs to establish Advisory Groups, and provide assistance to all (B)OCUs to facilitate the advisory process. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  4. Enhance community engagement programmes particularly with ethnic minority communities. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  5. Support SO/TP Branch initiatives re racial issues/independent advice on diversity matters. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  6. Promote awareness within MPS of the support provided by the race strand of the Diversity Central Team. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  7. Promote MPS commitment to tackling race hate crime. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  8. Development initiatives through Athena Sport to reduce the level of race hate crime at sporting events. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  9. Develop and improve upon existing mentoring programmes that support black and ethnic minority staff. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  10. Work in partnership with recruit Training School and specifically the Student Options and Solutions Team to reduce probationer wastage. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  11. To develop and enhance community contacts with Gypsies and Travellers inside and outside of London. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  12. To scope the level of unreported crime and incidents directed against gypsies and travellers. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  13. To ensure that (B)OCUs respond to unauthorised encampment in accordance with MPS policy. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  14. To scope and report on internal prejudice and perceived barriers observed by MPS staff who have a gypsy or traveller background. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  15. Continue to redress race disproportionality amongst detectives through initiatives including the FEM-DTP. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  16. Improve the organisation and accessibility of data stored on the CRIS system. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  17. Clarify and disseminate terminology to be used in relation to ethnic minority staff e.g. VEM, BME etc. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  18. Continue to support the Black Police Association / MPS Youth and community projects on Trident Boroughs. Black Police Association to lead.
  19. Assess the level of unreported crime against Asylum Seekers and Refugees in London. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  20. To scope and report on barriers to Asylum Seekers and Refugees reporting crime in London. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  21. To improve the confidence of Asylum Seekers and Refugees in the willingness and ability of police to report and respond to allegations of hate crime against them.
  22. To ensure issue of race is recognised as a cross-cutting theme in relation to the five other areas of the equality and diversity portfolio. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  23. To ensure MPS operations/work compliant with legal requirements under relevant race relations/employment legislation. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  24. To identify and progress as appropriate recommendations of Morris, CRE, ACPO, Home Office and MPS reports relating to matters of race. Diversity Directorate.
  25. To commission research into emerging issues for new migrant communities, policing and MPS employment. Diversity Directorate to lead.

3. Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender. “Enlighten” Strategy

  1. Engage in the ongoing legislative debate regarding the pension status of LGBT employees. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  2. To facilitate the work of LGBT advisory groups. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  3. Consider the review and change of MPS forms where ‘marital status’ is requested. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  4. To support, enhance and extend the work of borough LGBT liaison officers. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  5. To scope the level of unreported homophobic and transphobic crime and incidents. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  6. To develop third party reporting for the LGBT community, specifically through the ‘Report it’ self report it packs. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  7. Continue to raise LGBT issues amongst wider staff groups as started as part of the key managers training. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  8. To continue progress the issue of data monitoring capturing LGBT issues. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  9. Resurrect the proposed Enlighten strategy as a means of supporting the LGBT agenda. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  10. Improve communication with affiliated groups e.g. Stonewall and Gallop. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  11. Using ‘census day’ as a means of capturing improved LGBT data. Diversity Directorate in partnership with HR.
  12. Consider policy for gay rape victims. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  13. Review support provided for LGBT recruits at Hendon. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  14. Ensure LGBT matters recognised as a cross cutting theme in relation to the five other areas of the equality and diversity portfolio. Diversity Directorate to lead.

4. Faith – “Faithful” Strategy

  1. To promote forthcoming religious festivals and raise awareness of key faiths and beliefs practiced within the MPS. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  2. Reviewing the issue of paid leave for staff, to celebrate specific festivals e.g. Eid, Diwali and Chinese New Year. Diversity Directorate to Lead.
  3. Establishing a religion/belief intranet site. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  4. Support a ‘census day’ capturing the full range of faiths and beliefs practiced. New recruits are already required to provide this information. However, a corporate census would enable a much wider MPS perspective to be captured. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  5. Support greater provision of prayer/multi faith rooms. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  6. To better, understand the links between faith and ethnicity in the context of Stop & Search. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  7. Review clothing protocols in the context of practicing faith or religion. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  8. MPS to better promote Faith Staff Associations. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  9. To ensure faith related matters recognised as a cross-cutting theme in relation to the other five areas of the equality and diversity portfolio. Diversity Directorate to lead.

5. Age – “EngAge” Strategy

  1. Improve co-ordination within the MPS on issues of Age. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  2. Look at recruitment practices (particularly in relation to younger employees to ensure discrimination is not occurring. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  3. Better, develop partnership working with agencies including the ‘Employers Forum on Age’. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  4. Conduct assessment to identify the implications and deliverables of working towards an organisation that promotes age equality. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  5. Support ongoing work on tackling ‘elder abuse’. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  6. To identify, access and support issues related to improving the MPS’s relationship with young Londoners (10+). Diversity Directorate to scope.

6. Gender – “EnGender” Strategy

  1. To build on the recommendations of the “Dancing on the Glass Ceiling” event. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  2. To develop a programme of activities designed to support the full involvement of male colleagues in progressing the aims and objectives of “Engender.”
  3. To progress and co-ordinate the ACPO Women & Policing Action Plan. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  4. To develop the services provided to women within the criminal justice system, including provision of hygiene packs for female detainees. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  5. Continue to redress gender disproportionality amongst detectives through initiatives including the FEM-DTP. Diversity Directorate to lead;
  6. Improve development opportunities through the extension of existing gender mentoring programmes. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  7. To develop and implement a toolkit that improves service delivery to women as a customer group Diversity Directorate to lead.
  8. To raise officers awareness of gender issues through gender specific training. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  9. To make women’s issues form part of the MPS policing plan. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  10. To provide relevant data on women and their engagement with the police. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  11. To support the development of female managers through development, sponsorship and delivery of specific leadership programmes including the SPRINGBOARD programme. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  12. Ensure that female staff on career breaks are provided with up to date information regarding their re integration into the workplace through initiatives including Career Break Empowerment Days. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  13. Continue to update and promulgate appropriate information regarding flexible and part-time working. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  14. Continue to market and utilise the services of the MPS Childcare co-ordinator Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  15. To improve the confidence of women to ensure that they are treated fairly. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  16. To ensure issues of gender are recognised as a cross-cutting theme in relation to the other five areas of the equality and diversity portfolio. Diversity Directorate to lead.

7. Disability. “EnAble” Strategy

  1. Produce a Disability Equality Scheme. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  2. Developing and support the new Disability Advisory Group. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  3. Support the Disability Staff Association. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  4. Continue to develop awareness of and offer support that assists members of staff with Dyslexia. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  5. Continue to develop awareness of and offer support that assists members of staff who are deaf and hard of hearing. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  6. Respond accordingly to the MPA report entitled ‘ Disabled People and the police – a new relationship’ Diversity Directorate to lead.
  7. Deliver training and support to station office staff around improve service delivery to customers with disabilities. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  8. As part of the Training Management Board deliver two modules of training around disability awareness and mental health. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  9. Capture and identify victims of crime through improvements in the CRIS system. Diversity Directorate to support other business groups.
  10. Continue to respond as an organisation to forthcoming legislative changes. Diversity Directorate to lead.
  11. To ensure issues of disability are recognised as a cross-cutting theme in relation the five other areas of the equality and diversity agenda. Diversity Directorate to lead.

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