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Report 9 of the 2 February 2006 meeting of the Human Resources Committee and outlines the position on work now underway to incorporate into the 2006/07 business plan.

Warning: This is archived material and may be out of date. The Metropolitan Police Authority has been replaced by the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPC).

See the MOPC website for further information.

HR business plan 2006/07

Report: 9
Date: 2 February 2006
By: Commissioner


During 2006/7, HR will continue to work towards achieving success in the following strategic objectives agreed by this committee in 2005/06; all of which were detailed in the HR ‘Enabling People Strategy’.

  • Becoming an Employer of Choice
  • Releasing Potential
  • Developing Leaders and Managers
  • Using People Effectively

The purpose of this report is to outline the position on work now underway to incorporate into the 2006/07 business plan and to

  • provide a broad outline of the areas of the strategy where work is continuing;
  • detail some of the key emerging themes affecting the HR function as we enter into Year 2 of the strategy and
  • seek feedback from HRC members on the proposed plan

A. Recommendation

That members note the contents of this report and provide comment.

B. Supporting information

1. Work is currently underway to develop the HR Business Plan for 2006/07 as we enter the second year of the HR Enabling People Strategy. In addition to objectives set last year, some of the key emerging themes identified for 2006/07 include

  • legislative compliance in relation to diversity issues namely the Disability Discrimination Act and Age Discrimination Act,
  • the overall Met Workforce Modernisation programme,
  • implementation of Together and the Leadership Academy and career development,
  • enhancement of the IT infrastructure,
  • support to the organisation in respect of change and
  • further investment in absence management.

These issues are addressed under the relevant headings in this report.

Becoming an Employer of Choice

2. The broad objectives for the new financial year continue to be increasing the diversity profile of the organisation, focussed recruitment campaigns and the promotion of flexible working arrangements.

3. Diversity – HR Directorate are working closely with Diversity Directorate colleagues to ensure a common performance-monitoring framework is in place to capture the outcomes of the new Race & Diversity Strategy. This will ensure accountability at all levels across the organisation and enhance the sharing of best practice. Supporting this is the continuation of key employee relations work to ensure legislative compliance, particularly in respect of the Disability Discrimination Act and Age Discrimination Act.

4. Focused recruitment campaigns – An online recruitment process will become effective in the new financial year and will assist the efficiency of dealing with applications. Targeted recruitment campaigns have been successful, with an increase in applications from diverse groups. For example, police officer applications from black and minority ethnic candidates have increased from 21% in 2003/04 to 46% 2005/06, with female applications increasing by 10% during this period, from 28% to 38%.

5. Promotion of flexible-working arrangements – a number of initiatives continue to be progressed to support our staff with work-life balance issues such as the child-care strategy, part and term-time working and use of compressed hours. Early indications have shown a reduction in applications for career breaks and an increase in part-time working requests.

6. The Age Discrimination Act has further clarified the issues surrounding age equality. The Age Strand from the Diversity and Citizen Focus Directorate, together with Human Resources (HR) Services continue to lead work in preparation for the legislation, with the aim that the organisation be recognised as an ‘Age Positive Champion’.

Releasing Potential

7. The broad objectives continue to be improvement in the quality of PDRs, staff progression and the implementation of career pathways. Emerging themes include the linkage of these activities to the work of Leadership Academy and the development of the MetHR infrastructure.

8. Leadership Academy – HR Directorate and the Together team continue to work in tandem to develop and simplify the promotion process for both police officers and staff. The Leadership Academy will underpin organisational strategy and enhance capability and ensure that staff are equipped with the skills and experience to meet emerging needs. There will also be explicit links between progression of staff and meaningful Performance Development Reviews. The development of career pathways, for both detectives and PCSOs will enhance success in this area, complimented by the Together approach.

9. IT Infrastructure - Met HR will continue to be developed in the forthcoming year to ensure that information systems and business processes fit well together and that the IT infrastructure supports and underpins the monitoring of organisational success, including the Information Quality strand of the Modernisation agenda. In addition, Met HR will play a more integral role in defining and measuring trends analysis for grievance, discipline and general disproportionality issues.

Developing Leaders and Managers

10. The broad objectives continue to be the implementation of the Leadership Academy and increasing the capability of our managers through the Core Leadership Development Programme. Particular focus for the forthcoming year will be given to embedding the values and behaviours of the MPS into our leadership training.

Using People Effectively

11. The broad objectives continue to be the investment in better attendance with fewer accidents and the progression of the HR Modernisation agenda.

12. Attendance management - Recent exceptional performance in relation to sickness will continue to be supported by the provision of physiotherapy, MRI scans, eye care and virology services. Further work in these areas will assess the impact of whether the increased capability this represents is being utilized effectively.

13. HR Modernisation - A key piece of work is the development of the strategic intention to review the current configuration of HR service delivery across the Met and to plan the implementation of transactional service centre(s) whilst providing appropriate professional support to Business Groups.

14. The workforce modernisation strand is designed to review roles and skill profiles to ensure that both underpin front line service delivery in an efficient and effective way. This will work in tandem with the HR Services three-year Pay Strategy and we will continue to develop a reward system that enables the MPS to remain an employer of choice, to reward and encourage contribution, to reflect the market and to enable cost effective organisational change.

C. Race and equality impact

There are significant equality and diversity implications arising from this report particularly in respect of the need to ensure that the MPS is legislative compliant. It is therefore vital that ethical and secure data monitoring systems are in place and work is on-going to deliver this. The implementation of the diversity performance framework is also key and HR is working very closely with Diversity Directorate to ensure a common approach. Continued focused recruitment campaigns will also build upon this year’s success of increasing BME and female numbers.

D. Financial implications

A full costings exercise will be undertaken during February to support the HR Business Plan as part of the corporate budget setting process. A comprehensive performance framework will then underpin the plan and monitor outcomes.

E. Background papers


F. Contact details

Report author: Claire Hunt – Head of Strategic HR

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